Rule question - exchanging leads

By kungfull, in The Witcher Adventure Game

I don't get one rule from game: it is said that if you gather ammount of leads to exchange it into proof it is obligatory to do so immediately. Second rule say that it is forbidden to exchnge back the proof into leads - once changed they have to stay this way. Does it means that if i will have to spend leads tokens to do something (side quest, support action, obligatory loss of leads due to some effect) i can't do this unless i have them "loose" (not changed into the proof)?
What happens: I'm Geralt and i just required 3rd red lead. Do I have to exchange it automaticaly into a red proof? If yes what will happen if some effect from card will tell me to spend 2 red lead tokens? I exchange the proof back, spend 2 red tokend and leave 1 for myself? Or i dont spend anything since i dont have red leads (only red proof) and also i cant do any support or side quest missions which requires spending leads?

Rules stress out the fact that the change from lead to proof is unidirectional: you can change lead to gain proof tokens (which are needed to pass quests and so on), but once you completed the exchange, you cannot change your mind and switch it back to lead.

And nope, changing leads into proof is an option, not a compulsory action you have to take as soon as you gain the last lead to complete the exchange.

Hope this helps :)

Interesting as the digital game has the exchange as mandatory (as soon as you get the # token to get a proof, the game makes the exchange). But you are still free to spend leads as if you had that same #.

I would be interested to see how the digital version would behave with Yarpen then. Since he has the ability to transmute a single lead for another color, why couldn't you just stockpile a bunch of one type and just convert them slowly? Maybe it is just a way of simplifying the rules for tablets and streamlining game play. The problem I also have with what you say about the game, is that you can't save any of your leads to complete support quests.

Thank you, that helped. My problem was that I was playing digital version and recently recieved board version and the rules from these 2 mixed up in my mind. If there is no obligatory change leads into proof then there is no problem :)

But on the other hand i was watching on you tube a video of some demo play (

Still I looked again through the manual and there is no word on obligatory immediate exchange so no problem then.

Edited by Kungfull

They probably changed the leads into proofs immediately to show that portion of the game play.

Yup, I'm also prone to imagine that while demoing a game you don't have the time to explain all the nuances of the rules, but the guy demoing the game tends to accelerate some parts of it, to keep the game flowing and allowing more people to give it a shot.

Rules give a greater emphasys to the fact that you are not allowed to change it back to leads; this sounds to me like a warning not to rush to change leads for proof. So, I guess you're safe with this.

The video in the Support tab on The Witcher's main page would help understanding a lot as well. I watched it about 3 times before playing just so I could get a better feel for everything. The one part I dislike about it was that it was vague on if when you defeat a monster it says you gain 1VP and then resolve the monster effects. It has always been my understanding that when you defeat a monster there is only a VP reward if it says so on the monster.