Skirmish, multiple attacks or not?

By blkdymnd, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

The rules say:

"Figures can only use one of their actions to attack per activation. This includes using special actions that involve performing one or more attacks (such as Nexu's "Pounce" or Darth Vader's "Brutality")."

But in the case of the wookie, his specific Skirmish deployment card allows him to special ability multiple attacks. Why would they have included a multiple attack special ability on a card specific to Skirmish if he couldn't do it? Thanks.

Cards trump rulebooks.

Golden Rule #2 on page 2 of the RRG

Edited by Aahzmandius_Karrde

Just like IG-88 and the E-webs. They have an ability on thier card that says multiple attacks. So they should get to attack twice in skirmish mode

Actually the special ability on Gaarkhan doesn't permit a second attack, it simply allows you to combine a move and attack into one action (with certain limitations).

Of course if I read everything on the card it does. Gotta pay better attention :)

Edited by Aahzmandius_Karrde

OK, looking at things more I think I understand what's happening. Here's the deal.

The examples are for actions that have names (pounce, brutality) while Attack is also a named action. By default it's saying that Vader can't take the "Attack" action followed by the "Brutality" action since both actions result in attacking. But since Gaarkhan specifically says that he can perform multiple attacks he will be allowed to do so since his card text will trump the rules text.

Right. Charge doesn't allow extra attacks (so future pieces with Charge won't necessarily be able to make extra attacks), but Enraged does allow him to make extra attacks when he's wounded.

I've only played a couple of skirmish matches so far, but I am impressed with the depth of this game already, with just the core set.

What about, say, Vader's Brutality? Is it saying that I can use Brutality to attack two targets as an action, but couldn't use Brutality as both of Vader's actions in an activation? They worded the whole paragraph strangely, the way I'm reading it.

Brutality is an attack. Cannot use it and a normal Attack.

By default, a character can only make 1 attack per activation. Certain abilities (Assault, Enraged, perhaps others) specifically state that a character can make more than 1 attack during its activation, but unless they specifically say so, you can never make more than 1 attack.

Certain special abilities (Charge, Pounce, Brutality, etc) contain attacks within them. They're like attacks on steroids, but they still count as attacks. In essence, they replace the character's attack option for his activation. So they can only be used once during an activation, and they cannot be used in conjunction with a normal attack.


Edited by Jonnyb815

Cool, thanks

What about, say, Vader's Brutality? Is it saying that I can use Brutality to attack two targets as an action, but couldn't use Brutality as both of Vader's actions in an activation? They worded the whole paragraph strangely, the way I'm reading it.

Rules Reference page 3, 1st column:

A figure can perform each special action only once per activation

Characters can perform two actions; are we dead certain abilities like Pounce and Brutality are pure attack actions?

I mean, I can totally see a Nexu attacking, then juming and clawing at an enemy mid-air, before landing and ending its turn. It's a cat, and ferocious. Vader ditto, he's Vader!

If so, we've been playing wrong. Makes the list of units that can attack twice for the empire reaaaaaally short.

Nevermind, just found the other post about this. Aghr! Crap!