Genie and Spell Ring

By player634503, in Talisman Rules Questions

Hi !

Could someone tell me the official rulings about the Genie and Spell Ring. How do you count the number of spells you can cast? How do you count how many spells you can have?

If I ditch the Genie/Spell Ring, what to do with the spells/spell that is "attached" to him/it?

What happens if the Genie is taken by another Character or lost? What happens if the Spell Ring is stolen from You? What happens with the spells/spell?

Thanks in advance.

Mickli said:

Hi !

Could someone tell me the official rulings about the Genie and Spell Ring. How do you count the number of spells you can cast? How do you count how many spells you can have?

If I ditch the Genie/Spell Ring, what to do with the spells/spell that is "attached" to him/it?

What happens if the Genie is taken by another Character or lost? What happens if the Spell Ring is stolen from You? What happens with the spells/spell?

Thanks in advance.

I think i have seen them somewhere on the forums, but i did not like it.

We have played third edition, and that edition has also a genie and a spell ring.

The Genie text is actually against the rules of the rulebook. ( can vs cannot rule)

The genie cast the spells, not the character. So in my eyes, a troll with a craft of 2 may use the genie to cast his spells, if the spells allow you to do that at that moment.

The Spell ring is a little different. The character cast the spell by using the spell ring. So in my eyes, this aplies to the maximum spell casting rules, but with a exception, that you may cast the spell even if you don't have enough craft. The spell ring is a special card ( can vs cannot rule)

If you ditch the genie or spell ring. The best thing what you can do is make a exception for it by placing the spell cards under the genie and the spell ring.

It would be very weird to discard those spells, and another player pick the genie or spell ring up and get new spells. That may not be possible.

In my eyes, this is the way how it actually must be played, but i am sure that more rules will come...

Thanks for your answer. Anybody else with some ideas of how to play these cards?

How do you play?

So, if one character (with 3 spells) has the Genie (with 3 spells) and the Spel Ring (with one spell) many spells can that character cast during his turn?

Character with Ring: cast 3 spells Genie: cast 3 spells. 6 spells in one turn or 7? Is this realy OK.......

Mickli said:

Thanks for your answer. Anybody else with some ideas of how to play these cards?

How do you play?

So, if one character (with 3 spells) has the Genie (with 3 spells) and the Spel Ring (with one spell) many spells can that character cast during his turn?

Character with Ring: cast 3 spells Genie: cast 3 spells. 6 spells in one turn or 7? Is this realy OK.......

Don't forget that each spell has his own text, how and when you can cast the spell.

I have not seen yet that someone is casting 6 or 7 spells in one turn..

But if you don't like this, then you can simply say that no one may cast more than 3 spells in his own turn. gui%C3%B1o.gif

Thanks for posting this becouse I too have run into a problem here, but not the same as you.

What happens if magical wortex comes into play. It says all spells characters are carrying is discarded, but in my eyes the

spells carried by the genie or in the spell ring is actually not carried by the character.

Will all spells in game be discarded when Magical wortex is appering, or is it only the spells carried by the characters themselves ? sorpresa.gif

Mr. Brogger said:

Thanks for posting this becouse I too have run into a problem here, but not the same as you.

What happens if magical wortex comes into play. It says all spells characters are carrying is discarded, but in my eyes the

spells carried by the genie or in the spell ring is actually not carried by the character.

Will all spells in game be discarded when Magical wortex is appering, or is it only the spells carried by the characters themselves ? sorpresa.gif

That's a good question ! aplauso.gif

I have take a more closely look to the spell ring. The ring text says that the ring will cast the spell for the character.

So we get the same discussion as the Genie. This means that the ring and the genie does count to your spell casting limit.


Magical vortex says that it absorbs only spells from the character. The ring is a object that cast his own spells and the genie is also not the character.

This means that only spells from the character himself are lost. and discarded..

Velhart said:

Mr. Brogger said:

Thanks for posting this becouse I too have run into a problem here, but not the same as you.

What happens if magical wortex comes into play. It says all spells characters are carrying is discarded, but in my eyes the

spells carried by the genie or in the spell ring is actually not carried by the character.

Will all spells in game be discarded when Magical wortex is appering, or is it only the spells carried by the characters themselves ? sorpresa.gif

That's a good question ! aplauso.gif

I have take a more closely look to the spell ring. The ring text says that the ring will cast the spell for the character.

So we get the same discussion as the Genie. This means that the ring and the genie does count to your spell casting limit.


Magical vortex says that it absorbs only spells from the character. The ring is a object that cast his own spells and the genie is also not the character.

This means that only spells from the character himself are lost. and discarded..

I would give the same answers as Velhart. If I remember the previously given answer in ths forum, Genie and Spell Ring Spells count towards the casting limit of the Character, because both cards have the wording "treat the Spell as though you had cast it". You can cast more than 3 Spells in a single Turn because you can't have more than 3.

However, they're not held by the Character himself and are not discarded by Magical Vortex, an Event that affects Characters.

But if you go deeper in the topic, Genie/Ring Spells are not held by the Character and do not contribute to increase his casting limit, IMO. If you have 1 Spell and the Genie with 3 Spells you still can cast only 1 Spell (not 2,3 or 4). Otherwise the wording above won't have any effect. The question is: can you cast Genie/Ring Spells if you have 0 Spells of your own? It would be a weird situation if not (cards says "cast whenever you wish").

I think that the wording "treat the Spell as though you had cast it" should not be read as a strict statement that involves casting limits. It is put there to avoid problems with Spells like Reflection (reflect on the Genie? No, you reflect on the Character that has Genie as a Follower) and nothing more. Otherwise it will lead to partial/arbitrary application of the rule.

I'm still very interested in this FAQ's official answer.

The way i play it for now is:

You can use the genie or spell ring anytime you want. ( unless you draw those cards in the middle of the game)

A troll with 1/2 craft can use the ring/genie to cast those spells.

But you can only cast as much spells as you have at the start of the turn. ( so you may not use the spells in the turn that you drew the genie/ring ( to keep that rule in the game( same aplies for that you may not use the genie to cast 2 spells in a opponents turn.

Off course, if you have both the genie and ring and 3 spells cards, you could cast 7 spells in your turn if all those spells allow you to cast it !

If you ditch the genie or ring, place the spell card(s) under those cards so that you know wich spells the genie or ring have when you pick it up.

If events or other cards says that the character must discard his spells, then the ring and genie spells are not discarded



PS: I hope that it will soon be clarified

Velhart said:

The way i play it for now is:

You can use the genie or spell ring anytime you want. ( unless you draw those cards in the middle of your turn)

A troll with 1/2 craft can use the ring/genie to cast those spells.

But you can only cast as much spells as you have at the start of the turn. ( so you may not use the spells in the turn that you drew the genie/ring ( to keep that rule in the game( same aplies for that you may not use the genie to cast 2 spells in a opponents turn.

Off course, if you have both the genie and ring and 3 spells cards, you could cast 7 spells in your turn if all those spells allow you to cast it !

If you ditch the genie or ring, place the spell card(s) under those cards so that you know wich spells the genie or ring have when you pick it up.

If events or other cards says that the character must discard his spells, then the ring and genie spells are not discarded



PS: I hope that it will soon be clarified

Made a mistake in my post ( updated)

That's the way to play it for now my friend!


yeah, but if the genie has the strength spell or craft spell, or other spells that allow you to cast upon yourself, then we have a problem.

So, to resolve the problem, you can simply say that you can cast them on the character instead of the genie. The genie do this for you.

This makes some sense of the whole text of the genie. treat the spells as you have cast them..

But you may cast the spells anytime you want( But only one spell in a opponent's turn)

i think i have no problem anymore with the genie if i stick to this rule.