Silly question...sorry

By TheDeeler, in 2. AGoT Rules Discussion

Hi guys,

I've picked up the game and demo'd with my bro earlier. Really liking it but I had a situation I was unsure about. I played with the Danerys deck and shuffled terribly, I had nothing but location cards and everything except characters. This lead to me eventually having just over 11 cards in my hand at one point. Which leads me to my quesiton, is there a limit to the number of cards any player can have in their hand?

Thanks in advance

There is no limit to the number of cards a player may have in his hand. There is also no limit to the number of cards a player may have in play.

It's worth noting that the tournament rules for the game allow a player to mulligan once if they do not like what they draw for their setup hand by shuffling their hand back into their deck and drawing 7 new cards. Many people extend this to casual play as well for just such a situation as the one you describe.

Yeah thanks, I will mulligan next time