Call the Brayherd

By joecana, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

Call the Brayherd

[Play during your turn. Action: Reveal the top five cards of your deck. Put all revealed units with a printed cost of 3 or lower into your battlefield. Then, shuffle your deck.]

1. What if I reveal Units which are Kingdom zone / Quest zone limited?

Or reveal 2 or more heros?

2. For Units put into play by this card, could I trigger their "when enters to play....." ability?

I assume "Yes"


Edited by joecana

1) A card with the "[zone] only" keyword can only enter play in the specified zone. If you reveal a unit with Kingdom or Quest only from Call the Brayherd's effect, you cannot put it into play in your battlefield. You treat it like any other revealed card that cannot be put into play and shuffle it back into the deck.

Likewise, Call the Brayherd cannot put a Hero into play if there already is one in zone, or put a copy of a unique card into play if you already control a copy of that card.

If you don't have a Hero already in the zone and Call the Brayherd would put two or more Heroes into play in the same zone, or if it would put two or more copies of a unique unit into play of which you don't already control a copy, they all enter play, but then you have to immediately sacrifice all but one of them since this is an illegal game state. Only the copy that stays triggers "enters play" effects.

2) Yes.