Star Wars Holiday Special

By cyberknightsteve, in General Discussion

Happy Life Day Everyone

Here's a review of the infamous Star Wars Holiday Special that aired when I was a kid back in the late 70's. I would not torture you with posting the original, trust me, this is the best way to watch it.

Warning- profanity.

My eyes and ears are bleeding... but thanks! XD

Merry Christmas mate ;)

There's a reason that this is the only thing that George Lucas would have tried to excise from canon... though, I believe that the Lucasfilm Story Group reboot did that?

9001% sure the holiday special violates the Geneva and Hague conventions and forcing someone to view this against their will is a crime against humanity

I loved this as a kid. We didn't have very much Star Wars to watch back then so anything was appreciated.

And it does have the claim to fame as having the first appearance of Boba Fett.


i have never been able to watch the whole thing

Actually, I've never been able to hate this.

It's very silly and very dated, but it does actually hint at what 'normal' people do in the SW galaxy when they're not shooting stormtroopers.

I don't find it (or ewoks, or Jar-Jar) anywhere near as damaging to my enjoyment of SW than the total obscenity of the final two prequels.

Happy Life Day Everyone

Here's a review of the infamous Star Wars Holiday Special that aired when I was a kid back in the late 70's. I would not torture you with posting the original, trust me, this is the best way to watch it.

Warning- profanity.

I disagree...THIS is the best way to watch it:

Actually, I've never been able to hate this.

It's very silly and very dated, but it does actually hint at what 'normal' people do in the SW galaxy when they're not shooting stormtroopers.

I can't hate on it either. Oh, I'll admit that it's terrible - no denying that. It is, however, entertaining as hell - and that's all I require from my media.

Plus its no more goofy than anything else in the Seventies:

See what I mean?

Edited by Desslok

Yeah, we have to take it in context. It was the disco era, Lucas didn't and couldn't have known how big his franchise was about to get.

And Diahann Carroll was pretty, at least.

It feels like an easy target to be honest, when there's much worse to get worked up about in the films, let alone the EU.

I'm seriously considering doing a homage to this in our game, disco dancers, Jefferson Starship and all.

Edited by Maelora

Plus, the idea of wookiees watching 'human porn' is just so awesome I wish I'd thought of it :(