2-Player Game XP Question...

By Eladamri, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Hi everybody (- "Hi, doctor Nick!"),

So I play empire in the campaign, and my buddy plays with 2 legendary rebels, and thus far all rules have been clear.


At the end of the mission, sometimes the rules state that "each player" gets 1xp, and sometimes it states that "each hero" gets 1xp.

In the first case, both the rebel player and myself get only 1 xp.

In the latter, the rebel player gets 2xp (one per hero).

Is this assumption correct?

(Also, when moving, can you move diagonally through 2 enemies without penalty?)


He should be getting an xp for each character. When it says "each player," the game means Rebels and Imperials. When it says "the heroes," the game means just the Rebels. Effectively, the Imperial player is one character. He's got a single class deck, and so on. Each Rebel character is its own, and has its own experience pool.

To use your examples, in the first case, the Empire player gets one xp, and each Rebel figure gets one xp. In the second case, each Rebel figure gets one xp.

(Also, when moving, can you move diagonally through 2 enemies without penalty?)


Page 27 of the RRG (Rules Reference Guide), top left image under the "Appendix II - Movement Examples" it shows you.
