Questions about rules for the first game

By Giulio, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

I'll have first game in the next days, I'll be the imperial player being the only one who have already read the rules. I have many doubts and I admit I haven't understood everything very well. I don't know if they are clarified in the booklet but I haven't found it.

In campaign mode imperial player must place all his initial group troops included those troops that are behind a closed door and not visible to the heroes?

Always in campaign mode: Which hero starts for first?
in the booklet is reported that the imperial player build his agenda deck taking the 6 sets but with the villan expansion the set are 7, so I discard on set of my choice, aren't you?
Edited by Giulio

Yes, place all the troops. Also, in campaign mode: the rebels choose amongst themselves what the turn order is. It is not fixed.

Your agenda deck is 18 cards. Just pick a set to remove if you add in Vader's Command agendas.

Your agenda deck is 18 cards. Just pick a set to remove if you add in Vader's Command agendas.