Movement & Range

By cestuspax, in Android



Does moving to a location automatically include entering the location? The question arises when a players movement range is insuficienct to reach his desired destination and he has to stop at a in-between location. Some locations are bad for some characters - so are they forced to enter the location when they stop there?

Or do you only enter when you want to use the special ability of the location?


How exactly must/can range be determined? Is it from one colored boarder to the next?

Yes, entering is the same as moving to/through. So if you're concerned about something bad happening to you somewhere, then you have to find another route around.

Movement is measured from one "quality" icon (i.e, the diamond, circle or triangle) to another. You can't just place the vehicle ruler anywhere on the location.

Bleached Lizard is correct. Can I also advise that you read the FAQ as it has lots of other questions you might have answered