Night Fall Expansion - ADVENTURE CARDS

By dogfacedboyuk1, in Talisman Home Brews

Just a couple of ideas to date, concentrating more on monsters and followers at the moment. Here they are...

"Moonless Night" During your travels through the night you stray off course,go back to your previous position and continue to move in the other direction.

"Card Sharps" Place this card on the Tavern Space. A group of card cheats spend countless nights taking money from all comers. You may not win any gold whilst these cheats are at the tavern! If the gambler is your follower you may not collect 1 G and must lose 3g.

"The Howling" (Event) The night is spent in terror of surrounding packs of wild beasts. One of your followers flee in terror.

"The Hunt" (Event) The ghostly hunt is upon you and must flee four spaces anti clockwise in order to escape its deathly clutches.

"Lepers" (Event) A procession of the unclean pass you by. Roll a die for each follower, on a roll of 1 discard that follower after your next turn as they fall ill.

"Dusk" (Event) Night has not quite fallen. You may draw a card either from the adventure deck or the night fall deck (card idea by dth)

"Bat Swarm".(Event) You disturb a colony of sleeping bats, roll 1 die for each follower on a 1 they flee in terror to the discard pile. The princess will always flee

"Foul Plague" (Event) A foul plague sweeps the land. All strangers,enemy monsters and creatures on the board including characters and their followers must roll a die. On a roll of 1 or 6 they are removed to the discard pile, characters affected must lose 1 life.

One thing I wanted to do is do some cards for the corner spaces and other set spaces which adjust the conditions outlined on the board, as you can see with the card sharps card up there for the tavern.

dogfacedboyuk1 said:

Just a couple of ideas to date, concentrating more on monsters and followers at the moment. Here they are...

"Moonless Night" During your travels through the night you stray off course,go back to your previous position and continue to move in the other direction.

"Card Sharps" Place this card on the Tavern Space. A group of card cheats spend countless nights taking money from all comers. You may not win any gold whilst these cheats are at the tavern! If the gambler is your follower you may not collect 1 G and must lose 3g.

"The Howling" (Event) The night is spent in terror of surrounding packs of wild beasts. One of your followers flee in terror.

"The Hunt" (Event) The ghostly hunt is upon you and must flee four spaces anti clockwise in order to escape its deathly clutches.

"Lepers" (Event) A procession of the unclean pass you by. Roll a die for each follower, on a roll of 1 discard that follower after your next turn as they fall ill.

"Dusk" (Event) Night has not quite fallen. You may draw a card either from the adventure deck or the night fall deck (card idea by dth)

"Bat Swarm".(Event) You disturb a colony of sleeping bats, roll 1 die for each follower on a 1 they flee in terror to the discard pile. The princess will always flee

"Foul Plague" (Event) A foul plague sweeps the land. All strangers,enemy monsters and creatures on the board including characters and their followers must roll a die. On a roll of 1 or 6 they are removed to the discard pile, characters affected must lose 1 life.

One thing I wanted to do is do some cards for the corner spaces and other set spaces which adjust the conditions outlined on the board, as you can see with the card sharps card up there for the tavern.

"Card Sharps" This could be a mistype but we call them card sharks here.

I like the howling. It's like the werewolf but you don't get screwed by having to fight it.

Foul plague is a good idea too because it gets rid of the crap cards left on the board.

Nope "card sharps" is correct and how i intended it! This is the title of a painting by the great Caravaggio, my favourite classical artist. Card Sharks I guess kind of came from that in modern times maybe who knows!!! I use the latter term myself obviously, but i thought Card Sharps sounds a lot better title for the card itself.

Glad to hear you like some of the ideas, feedback is very welcome and needed. I want to introduce alot more opportunity to lose followers basically and also increase the selection at the same time, as I do like this card type alot!! Makes it feel like a more traditional adventure having a party of people in tow.


One more adventure card idea. This one is kind of like a safety deposit box mechanic. Useful in situations like a trip to the dungeon to avoid losing followers in the cells or if you have too many items and no way to carry them yet. I may implement a rule which forces you to leave at least one follower to guard any items that are left, but that may add too much text to the card for the sake of additional realism, we'll see

"Fortified Camp" - Keep this card. You may set up a well defended camp and safely leave any followers and items here until you decide to return and break camp. No other player may take your cards. Card is then discarded.

I did a few of the "Power of Fate" cards today as well which I will post up tomorrow as I m off to bed now.
