Help, quick question on includes bonus

By Ken at Sunrise, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

I'm at the FLGS and the box days "includes bonus luke skywalker and Darth Vader figure packs"

Will this be standard or temporary just for the release?

please excuse my typing I'm on my cell phone and the store. And if this is Ari and answered sorry it's hard to search on my phone. I would appreciate any help or do I wait which is what I originally planned

We don't know for sure. I'm assuming limited.

I found this on the product description: "As a bonus, the Imperial Assault Core Set includes both the Luke Skywalker Ally Pack and the Darth Vader Villain Pack."

so it looks like they come standard with the game, also I didn't see Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader as expansions. I'm trying to find good unbiased reviews.

Plenty of people are assuming limited because the box set already comes with Luke and Vader tokens, which are pretty much pointless because the miniatures are included.

I think it is a permanent thing and I suspect it is either (or both):

- Because they initially did not plan to have Luke and Darth Vader in the base game (hence the cardboard version), but later changed their mind on the issue.

- Because having the Luke and Darth Vader in the box as seemingly separate products is a good way to make the customers used to the thought of buying more unit packs for the game, rather than seeing it as a stand-alone product only.

I sure hope it is limited ('cuz I got one early ^^)! ...and they get sold seperately in the future, maybe in a year or so, after 4 waves or so (but cheaper, aka, even more accessible). I just like owning first editions.