Just Doin' Work's Trade List -- Probably ripped by Shady and Sol Badguy; will edit if I ever get their stuff.

By Just Doin' Work, in UFS Trading

Current Refs: +14/0

Currenting Trades Pending = 2 WITH SOL BADGUY AND SHADY they are taking most of my list, so I will let you know what I have left afterwards.

My trade with Shady and Sol badguy has gone array and I will meet with them in person since they are only a 3-4 hour drive from me to settle this. Anyone else trading with them, be warned. I will update this and clear it up if I somehow eventually get my cards... a month late.



1x Astraroth 1*
2x Demitri 3*
2x Huitzil 2*
2x J. Talbain 3*
2x Anakaris 2*
2x Donovan 3*
1x Ken 5*
1x Guy 2*
1x Balrog 6*
1x Cammy 4*
1x Ryu 9*
1x Juli 2*
1x Cammy 8*
1x Chun-Li 9*
1x Blanka 5*
2x Blanka 4*
1x Yang 2*
1x Hugo 1*
1x Makoto 1*
1x Dan 2*
1x Rose 4*
1x Sagat 4*
1x Adon 4*
1x Mignon 1*
1x Maxima 1*
1x Soiree 1*
1x Kula 2*
1x Ninon 2*
1x Mai 7*
1x Terry 4*
1x Terry 3*
1x Rock Howard 3*
1x Fio 1*
1x Seth 2*
1x Zhao Daiyu 2*
1x Chae 1*
1x Mai 5*
1x Hanzo 3*
1x Yuri 1*
1x Jivatma 1*
1x Uyko 4*
1x Morrigan 3*
1x Hsien-Ho 2*
1x Jedah 2*
1x Felicia 2*
1x Bishamon 3*
1x Victor 3*
1x Felicia 4*
1x Zhao Daiyu 1*
1x Zi Mei 1*
1x Padma 1*
2x Rashotep 1*
1x Yoshitora 3*
1x Taki 7*
1x Revenant 2*
1x Mitsurugi 7*
1x Algol 1*
1x cassandra 1*
1x Sophitia 4*
1x Ivy 1*
2x Hilde 1*
1x Nightmare 1*
1x Siegfried 1*
1x Rera 2*
1x Nakoruru 3*
1x Astrid
1x Talim 4*
1x Yun 2*
1x Kyo 38
1x Siegfriend 4*
1x Vega 5*
1x E. Honda 4*
1x Ibuki 4*
2x Tira 1*
1x Temujin 1*
1x Rashotep 2*
1x Lizardman 4*
2x Promo Victor , Diaryu, Jubei


4x Mark of the Beast (Foil)
1x Double Grounder Beta
1x Shredding Vibrato
1x Howling Spirits
3x Raging Gnomes
3x Reverse Flayer
2x Curse of the Ancient Mariner
2x Seichunsen-Godanzuki
1x Yoroi-Doshi
1x One-Handed Crocodile Grasp
2x Close Throw (Foil)
1x Cammand the Sandstorm
1x Akuma's Hadoken
1x Sakura's Shoryuken
1x Change Immortal
1x Tsurane Kiri
2x Cammy's Flying Frankensteiner
1x Dragon Lifter
3x Lunar Slash
1x Hammer Uppercut
2x Dynamite Drop
1x Swallow Slam
1x Special Mission: Swing Tomahawk
1x Diving Wind Kick Throw
5x Heel Snipe
5x Demon Cradle
2x Circuit Scrapper
1x Mega Spike
1x Great Gerdenheim
1x Somersault Skull Diver
1x Senkyutai
1x Shoryu Cannon
1x Legacy Splash Fount
1x Legacy Shunpu Kyaku


4x Aquakinesis ( Only Uncommons I know off the top of my head that are worth something lol, ask for others)
1x Legacy False Preteneses
1x Legacy Beginners Luck
1x Grappling for Glory
1x Mysterious Stance
1x Cursed Blood ( Foil)
2x Martial Arts Championship (Foil)
4x Final Confrontation
2x Aura of Strength
1x Shadow Strike
1x Pillage
1x Cathedral Overlook
1x Cage Arena
2x Glanzende Nova and Frischer Himmel
1x Flowing Strikes
1x Unnatural Grace
1x Arm's Length
1x Punish the Weak
1x The Dragon of Mt. Lao
1x Death Cross Dancing
1x Blinding Speed
1x Rush Down
1x No I in Team
1x Tae Kwon Do Strike
1x Punish The Weak
1x Ancient Battle Ground
1x Ice Coffin of the Sleeping Ancient
1x Unnatural Grace
1x Siberian Training (promo holo)
1x Temporary Being
1x No Forgiveness
2x Tower of Souls
1x Ankou
1x Unstoppable Warrior
8x The Red Lotus of the Sun (Foil)
1x Intolerant of Failure
1x Valued but not Trusted
1x Covenant Elder
1x Challenge to battle
4x Artificial Soul
1x Flames of Fame
1x World Champion
3x Mesmerizing Dance
1x Anger Towards a God
1x Cute and Innocent
1x Kagekiri
2x Armor of the Forsaken One
1x Stormhammer
1x Wolfkrone Monument
2x Pseudo-Soul Calibur
1x Queen's Guard
1x Ostrheinsburg Castle - Twilight
1x Flexible Body
1x Preparedness
2x Eiserne Drossel
1x Treasured Gift
3x Chinese Boxing (Foil)
1x Ancient Training Ground
1x Light on One's Feet
4x Dancing Sword Arts
8x Light Hearted
2x Bloodied but Unbowed
1x Standoff
1x Atoning for His Wicked Deeds
1x Memories that Stain its Armor
1x The Double Crown of Egypt (Pending)
1x Superhuman Strength
2x Researching Anywhere
2x Hualin's Shop
1x Valeria's Shop
1x Soul Edge
1x Kulutues
1x Tower of Rememberance -Encounter
1x Ancient Training Ground
2x Mei-Lin's Ward
2x The Nine Commandments
1x Kunpaetku Shrine - Dream Remnants
1x A Cat's Reflexes
2x Combat Programming
1x Super Natural Heritage
1x Through the Defenses
4x Igyo Tenshin no Jutsu
2x Genocide
2x Caught Up in the Moment
1x Hunger for Souls
1x Ken's Training
1x The Price of Foolishness
1x Commitment to Excellence

Also, if you have some more random wants, I also have bigger things for trade, such as, Knight Breaker, Shredding, Blood Runs True, and others, but you woul dhave to include more things that I'd need off of your want list.

Have 4 Amy's Assistance, interested in US Air Base and Twilight Embrace

email me at [email protected]

Still looking for someone with all of them for trade.

I need all you have mentioned I have everything in multiple quanities of everything but forethought let me know.

Currently trading ATM.

Let me know if any of them are left after.

All I saw off your list that I needed was Bloodied, but not unbowed

do you have anything else I need?

Do you still have Twilight Embrace and US Air Base for trade?

Yes, I do. Just no longer need the other stuff before since I am trading a for them already. Do you have any of my new wants?

I have 1 Odin's Wrath, 2 ShadoWar, 2 Resourceful, 2 Astrid's Wolf Strike

What do you want for them? My Twilight and US Base?

email me at [email protected] to discuss further

Still waiting for you to contact me...

3x Reaver's Axe

4x Relentless

2x Valkynsverd

1x Pommel Smash

2x Astrid's Wolf Strike

2x ShadoWar

1x Zi Mei's Wheel Kick

Got these from your list let me know.

I have paying respects to ancestors, odin's wrath and, valkynsverd. my email is [email protected] my main want is howevere many i-spins you have.

Dakkon, sorry bro, just looking for a heavier trade if I trade overseas, if oyu have a lot of my want list then maybe we can work something out.


What can I get for 2x Two deadly rings and 2x Midnight Launchers off of your list? If need be I can add a little more.


I am interested in your Paying atm unless I cant work something out with scuba.

3x Reaver's Axe

4x Relentless


2x Resourceful

1x Bloodied but Unbowed

1x Pommel Smash

2x Astrid's Wolf Strike

2x ShadoWar

4x Fierce Twin Slash

1x Zi Mei's Wheel Kick

1x Execution Third Rite

Would you do this for 2 neo ragin storm and one controller let me know .

I'd be willing to part with maybe the one neo.

Shame that you don't have any paying respects, odin's, or fury's.

Most of my wants are just common/uncommons and starter deck stuff. Obviously the most expensive is Fury's/ Paying/Odin, so if you can get any of those let me know and maybe we can make this trade larger, but at the moment, I don't see myself parting with 2 neo's and a controller for that, sorry. Maybe we can work something else out? Let me know.

Go ahead and make me a counter offer and let me know what you want to do .

For your 3x Reaver's Axe

4x Relentless


2x Resourceful

1x Bloodied but Unbowed

1x Pommel Smash

2x Astrid's Wolf Strike

2x ShadoWar

4x Fierce Twin Slash

1x Zi Mei's Wheel Kick

1x Execution Third Rite

I'll offer One Neo Raging Storm and 2 Two Deadly Ring Tech's

They equal out fairly close, let me know if we can work something out. I can mail out the stuff tomorrow and hopefully we can semi send in times for nationals, if not I can wait. Let me know.

If your going to Nats we can just trade there let me know .

Sadly, I'm going to regionals that day! I wish I could make it to nationals, but I was assuming you would need them for nationals! :P But if you want to work something out I can still mail out tomorrow. Let me know or leave your email and I can email you.

i got your reply but the only things i have are the common/uncommon wants and the bloodied but unbowed is there anything else at all your looking for?