I'm a long-time player of CE. Got my original copy of Eon when I was ~8 years old, bought myself Mayfair & expansions when I was in high school, played probably 200 games of Mayfair, including winning the world CE championships at DexCon 6 in 1998(?).
After the horrid 3rd edition, I'm very pleased to be supporting the FF printings. Components are great, rules are streamlined, and expansions are sensible & come out frequently.
But where are my moons?
About half of all my games played include 1 or more "new" players to CE, and without exception the moons are a favorite part of the game. Yes, some of the moons were dumb, and yes they slowed the game down, but almost all of my best memories from CE over the past 20 years involve moons. (Or the Pavlov super flare...)
I'm happy to keep buying the new FF products - I love the community-inspired aliens, etc. But until FF puts out a moons expansion... I'll never be 100% satisfied. I totally understand why moons weren't a part of the first 2-3 expansions, but now it's been a few years - and it is very much time to make the moon expansion happen.
I haven't perused the topics here - I don't know how many times the moon discussion has happened, or whether everyone online hates moons, or what. But as a 30 year veteran of CE, and as someone who has introduced hundreds of people to the game, I absolutely want to see moons make a return.