My little Sith girl -- a session report ... of sorts

By Budgernaut, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Tonight I asked my 5-year-old if she wanted to see the new game daddy bought. She was very keen on seeing it, even though I had never talked about it to her before. I started pulling pieces out for her to see and explaining certain components, like the ID tokens and stickers (she was very concerned that my sticker sheet was missing stickers, not realizing I had put them on my figures the night before).

When she saw the tiles, she delightedly exclaimed, "Puzzle pieces!" So I showed her how to build the map and helped her make the tutorial map as though we were building a LEGO set. When we finished, she said, "Let's play!" I tried to convince her the game was too complex, but she wouldn't have it. And so it turned out that my first Imperial Assault game was against my 5-year-old daughter.

I went ahead and selected Jyn Odan and Diala Passil for her heroes. She said she wanted one girl and one boy, but I wanted her to have a melee and ranged character and she wasn't fond of the wookiee. I guess I forced these two in her because I was pleased thst there actually were girl characters to play. We ended up ditching the rule about my Imperials interacting with the terminals and she was able to fend off my assault. (I did have to help her with tactics, and while she can sound out the words on the cards, she isn't familiar with terms like "melee" -- yet!)

I aked her if it was fun and she said it was. I asked her if it was more fun than the Disney Princess Cupcake game and she nodded enthusiastically, much to my surprise (though I'm still unsure how genuine she was). But the real surprise came with her next question:

"Daddy, do you have Darth Vader?"


"Why didn't we play with him?"

"He wasn't in this mission."

"Can we play with Darth Vader next time?"

I thought about this and realized skirmish mode would be fun to try out. "Yeah, let's play with Darth Vader tomorrow ... Do you want to be Darth Vader?" She nodded very enthusiastically.

I gotta say, I really had no idea my daughter had taken to Vader so. I guess my Darth Vader t-shirts, socks, blanket, and pajamas have really left an impression on her. She'll make a great Sith yet.

Edited by Budgernaut


I received my copy 2 days ago and my 3,5 year old son Lucas ( coincidence ;) ) helped me unpack.

It's fantastic to have kids like something you fell in love with as a kid and still love. Here's hoping my babygirl (6 months) will like Star Wars as well.....(I'll start with Leia and some Ewoks before moving on to the Rancor and stuff) :lol:

I gotta say, I really had no idea my daughter had taken to Vader so. I guess my Darth Vader t-shirts, socks, blanket, and pajamas have really left an impression on her. She'll make a great Sith yet.

The dark side is strong with her. :)

I read about Sith starting out young but that one took the cake, er, should I say cupcake.

Heh, thanks for sharing mate.


That's great. I 100 percent support families playing games -- whether tabletop, video, or outdoor -- together. Having fun with your kids is one of the best things you can do.

Update. This morning she woke up and immediately asked if we could play the level with Darth Vader, so we played the skirmish mode without the command cards. Unfortunately, setup took a long time and tried her patience. We only got through the first round before she was ready to do something else. I think skirmish mode isn't the right choice because she has too many figures to keep track of. It seems I'll have to create some missions where she controls Darth Vader and has to hunt Luke Skywalker or something without worrying about support units.

My seven year old is interested too. She wants to play Jyn Odan so I am gonna try and get my wife to play Diala and run them through the tutorial tonight.

My seven year old is interested too. She wants to play Jyn Odan so I am gonna try and get my wife to play Diala and run them through the tutorial tonight.

Awesome! I hope you enjoy it. Let us know how it goes.

Forces of the Empire have been defeated by a seven year old. :(

She ended up running both characters on her own. With some coaching from me. We only did the L2P tutorial and I had the Stormtrooers and Officer. Diala was a beast. She rolled a dodge on her first defense roll ever and avoided four damage. Jyn ended the game with 9 damage so it was close to being an Imperial win but Diala used her reach to whack my Officer in the face.

I've been playing the tutorial scenario with my 7 year old, and he loves it. I got home on Friday, and I was asked 'Daddy, do you think we'll have time for a game of Imperial Assault?'

Yes son, I think we will!

We're trying the skirmish game this afternoon. Can't wait!

I'll be starting a campaign this afternoon with my kids. And probably trying skirmish with my son tonight, after his younger siblings go to bed.