Rules Clarification: Force Throw

By Bfett, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

So I played through the first 2 missions today and my Rebel player picked up the upgrade card FORCE THROW . Nowhere on the card does it say that it needs to be line of sight, only that it has to target a small figure 3 spaces away. I couldn't find anything in the rules supplement that clarified the card, so we made a quick ruling stating that it could not be used outside of line of sight, but I'm not sure that's the intent of the card. Although the ability to use it through walls seems a little too crazy, technically for LOS purposes there is no difference between a wall and another unit, so I'm not sure the best way to rule on this. Any thoughts?

Looking at the card, I think you played it right. I will save my judgement on if its too crazy, but it does seem very good, despite the 2 strain cost to use it.

For reference a similar card "Telekinetic Throw" is usable in skirmish (Command Card) and it requires LOS and an action to use. So If they had intended for it to need LOS, I think it unlikely that would have been left off.

Well, my thinking is that Line of Sight is not required. It does say within 3 spaces, and we know from the Rules Reference that you count spaces in this game as though a figure were moving. This would let her push someone who is around the corner from her, but not somebody on the other side of a wall. For example, look at the LoS figure numbered 12-15. If the door is closed, my interpretation does not allow her to move the two troopers on the bottom. If thr door is open, she still cannot hit the lower right one, but she can hit the lower left one by counting one space diagonally up and to the left, and diagonally down two spaces to the left.