Misprinted Campaign Book!!!!

By C0ntactHigh, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

I just realized that the campaign book is all screwed up. I didn't know till tonight because I didn't want to spoil any of the story. Pages 7-14 and 31-38 are just missing, 15-22 are printed twice as well as 23-30 being in the book twice. WHAT THE HELL!! Imagine my surprise when me and my gaming group finally go to play the campaign, play through the first mission, and draw a side mission card that requires us to turn to page 7 and BAM! Page 7 is no where to be found. This is horrible!! Has this happened to anyone else??

Edited by C0ntactHigh

Contact FFG customer support and let them know you got a dud.

yeah I did that. I was just curious if it happened to anyone else. the manager at my local game store said his was like that as well.

Yeah. It seems like this is not a common occurrence, or else we'd gea more people saying the same thing. FFG's customer support is top notch though, so I'd just speak to them.

This is not uncommon in the printing. Things like this just happen. FFG will take care of you. When it comes to CS I think they are up there with Apple.

it may just be the batch sent to the store I shop at. unlucky :( ! I sent in a ticket so it shouldn't be too long I hope...

Checked mine, everything fine with it.

All the best.


Immediately checked mine after reading this; all fine.

Hope you get a good one soon!

well still no word from FFG about the campaign book. is there a way anyone could send me pics of the missing pages or is that illegal or something?? not sure but me and my son would really like to get going on our first side mission . tried skirmish today and it was good, but really want to continue our progress in the story. :(