So today I was thinking about the heroes that have been released thus far for our beloved game, and because I like to categorize things, I came up with some basic archetypes of heroes that I see as existing in Diskwars. You will find the heroes sorted according to my classifications below. I warn you, it will be long (and quite possibly boring), but I was having fun theory-crafting, so if nobody reads it, I don’t care. It was still fun to write.
Before I move into the categories themselves, a few disclaimers:
* I assigned heroes to categories based on what I felt was their core attribute, or their central purpose. To put it another way, what do you think of first when the hero pops into your head?
If I say “Teclis”—everyone would say, “Magic.” “Azhag”—everyone thinks, “I don’t want that guy pinning me.” “Volkmar”—“That guy sucks!” (Kidding—sort of—I put him in as support, read on to see more on that below).
* When I first started this endeavor, I established a set of hero “benchmarks” in order to aid me in making comparisons. A hero that meets my “baseline statistics” has at least 5 attack, 4 counter, 5 toughness, and one stamina. Anything above baseline is obviously better, while stats below baseline fail to measure up. Magic three would be the hero baseline for magic attacks, and as far as movement goes, I set the baseline at five flips for a small disk, four for a medium, and three for a large. If you disagree with this analysis, too bad, since I wrote it and you didn't
. Seriously, though, what do other people think of this as a hero baseline?
* Some heroes clearly overlap categories a bit, and I note that in my discussion at times, but not always. To echo my initial point, I placed them in categories based on what I feel is their seminal trait. Think they should go somewhere else? Let me know!
So without further ado, I present the first of my categories:
1. “Impact” Heroes.
The heroes I have termed as “impact” heroes do not necessarily have the impact keyword, rather, they are the heroes who give you an utter thrill of satisfaction any time you flip onto an enemy (and, preferably, as many enemies as possible!) These heroes rely on the charge to gain an edge; without it, they are noticeably weaker, so their “impact” on the game swings wildly depending on whether or not they can secure a critical pin. Their attack stats tend to be above the baseline, but their counter values or toughness tend to be at or below it. Consequently, they really want to pin you rather than the other way around, which lends a feeling of “weight” to their pinning flip. When they catch you, there is a sense of finality, and the reverse can also be said; if these guys are the centerpiece of your army and they get pinned early, your heart sinks at the impact on your game plan.
Azhag the Slaughterer:
I will start with Azhag, as he epitomizes the concept of the “impact” hero. His attributes are well known: Frenzy. Large Disk. Seven attack. Flying. SCARY. If he pins your army (or even just a chunk of it), you weep, and most likely lose the game as well. If you pin him, you feel a sense of relief, and may want to laugh in your opponent’s face (unless he has intimidate handy, which with Azhag, he probably should). At any rate, Azhag is a highly effective “impact” unit, capable of smearing an entire force across the board. The flip side (no pun intended)? His counter and toughness are both baseline, which means that if you can pin him, he isn’t really that scary after all. Even then, Azhag seems to me to be one of the strongest impact heroes in the game: his extra wound capacity makes him tough to remove quickly, so he has the potential to hang around and fight his way clear of a scrum with some support…and you better not be standing too close to him if he does!
Lokhir Fellheart:
Lokhir is another good example of an impact hero. Fear coupled with frenzy is simply an incredible pairing (imagine this on Azhag for a moment……
!!!!!!!!!!!.....okay, come back to reality and be sad or relieved as appropriate). Lokhir’s healthy attack rating also makes him a beast if he manages to pin an enemy or two. His biggest limitation in this regard is obviously his small size, as he is generally unable to pull of the holy grail of pins, but he still forces your opponent to split up a bit or risk losing multiple units in one nasty skirmish. As with the rest of the impact heroes, his baseline counter is nothing to write home about, and his low toughness limits him even more. If he is pinned early by a unit with decent statistics, there is a good chance he may never fight his way clear, allowing you to contemplate in complete safety whether or not Lokhir is actually from Game of Thrones or from Warhammer…seriously, I can picture this disk screaming, “Did you pay the IRON price for that?!” as Theon cowers away from him.
Grimgor Ironhide:
Grimgor’s powerful, swift attack and weaker counter make him feel like a “need-to-pin” kind of guy, and his extra stamina plus swift means you are in trouble if he pins you. He has less impact than the rest of our heavy hitters in many ways, but you still don’t want him on top of your disks! His low toughness definitely comprises his greatest weakness, though this is compensated by his stamina value of two. He is probably the weakest member of this group thematically speaking, as his role in game fits the “impact” hero style the least. Like the others discussed here, though, the key point is that his baseline counter value means you can pin him with something tough and ride out the storm. I see that as the essential dichotomy he faces in every game: pin him early, and he stinks, but if he runs around and pins you, it is very irritating!
Grom the Paunch:
In some ways, Grom feels like the ultimate impact disk due to his high value on the charge and utter worthlessness when he gets pinned. Though he lacks the sheer army-slaughtering capabilities of Azhag, he packs a good impact of three, and also sports relentless for even more fun. Pair that with high movement value and decent attack, and you have the recipe for a disk that is pretty fun to throw around on the charge…Simply put, he is countless pounds of obese, chariot-mounted goblin plowing into you. That said, he looks like the worst hero in the game if he gets pinned early on, as his counter strength is actually below baseline. He’s not even hacking his way free of Marienburg Swordsmen without some help.
Archaon the Everchosen:
Archaon is actually a well-rounded combat disk, and can hold his own when pinned more successfully than the fellows mentioned above due to his arcane damage. That said, when I think Archaon, I think, “please no multiple-pin charges from this guy.” If I can isolate him and pin him, I feel much better, but if he bears down on my front line and throws both impact and arcane damage everywhere…well, it just feels like someone peed on my carpet, and there’s nothing I can do about it. Like most of the “impact” heroes, he is at his best when he smashes into multiple enemies, and at his worst when pinned by a tough disk that can hold him down for a bit. Overall, he is a solid choice if you want to run over some enemies, and a disk that always feels much less valuable when he is pinned.
Final thoughts on “impact” heroes in general:
First I wanted to mention a general fact: I realize that most heroes don’t want to get pinned, so the fact that these guys are less effective when pinned is no surprise. These heroes, however, combine their great value while pinning with the fact that they really don’t want to get pinned. These heroes generally benefit from pinning many enemies, and shudder at the though of being pinned early, as it effectively removes them from the game. I find Grimgor to be the weakest fit thematically with the category, but his devaluation while pinned is so rapid that I put him in anyway.
Another observation: I think it is nice to note that the orcs are heavy in the impact hero department. It just feels appropriate to me; it’s only a proper fight when you get “stuck in wiv da boyz” and smash some face! The category is filled out with other destruction heroes as well—again, this feels appropriate, as they have the biggest, scariest, meanest back-stories and appearances.
I will put up two more posts soon, each one containing two more categories of heroes with discussions on each disk and why it fits the theme. Drop me some comments below if you feel so inclined!