Two Rebel Players, four heroes?

By Space Monkey, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Hi all

As per the rules, the game assumes the standard layout is 4 layers, each with one hero. Now, although there are rules for 3 or 2 players I was wondering if it would make that much difference if 2 players each takes 2 heroes, for the normal total of 4 heroes?

My reason for asking is that I have 2 mates who play this kind of stuff with me so, for me, this is a very valid question :)

There's no reason why you couldn't do this. For a "roleplaying" experience, people often like to only control one character, but ther'es no reason you couldn't have each player control 2 characters.

The game works best for 4 heros, so It´s a good solution, that they have 2 heros each. :)

Yeap you could have each person control two characters they just wouldn't get any Heroic or Legendary rewards.

So if we have 2 players playing 2 characters each, at the additional rewards, would each character receive 1 xp or just 1 xp per player.

I would give XP per character. Make sure they understand that each character gets one rather than each player getting two. Otherwise they'll have earlier access to higher-level class cards.

I'm not certain if there are other effects that affect players, but I would treat each character as a different player through the whole campaign.

We played our first game and the 2 players/4 heroes thing worked out great. Of course, I won (I was the imperial player :P ), but it was a lot of fun.

For their second mission, they've chosen to go for the Jedi's Lightsaber, but I have a feeling they're running into that one a little to early as it looks pretty darn hard!

Not my problem, more win for me! :D