Multiple copies?

By, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

So, I know campaign mode won't need it, but anyone think multiple copies of the Core Game would be useful for skirmish play?

This has been discussed before somewhere, but I don't remember where. (I've been reading a lot of posts recently!)

The main thing about multiple core sets is that there is a limit to the number of deployment cards you can do for each type of unit.

  • Maximum of 1 of each Unique Deployment card (ie, Vader, Luke, etc). This was probably a given.
  • Maximum of 2 of each elite (red) Deployment card.
  • Maximum of 4 of each regular (gray) Deployment card.

The game comes with 9 Stormtroopers. Elite Stormies cost 9 per group of 3, and Regular Stormies cost 6 per group of 3. So in a 40pt squad you could fit a maximum of 12 Regular Stormtroopers (24pts) and then 3 more Elite Stormtroopers (9pts), for a total of 15 Stormtrooper minis on the board, with 7pts left in your squad (24+9=33/40).

So if you want to field a skirmish squad of 15 Stormtroopers, then I guess there would be value in buying a 2nd or even a 3rd core set. But the game already comes with all the cards you'd need, so there's really no good reason to buy another core set, other than just for the minis.

I guess it would be handy to have more Probe Droids and Officers and Royal Guards, etc, so maybe it might be worthwhile at some point to buy a second core set. I don't know if I would, though. There will be lots more minis coming in future expansions, so I think that you'll quickly outgrow the need for a second core set. But that's just my opinion, so take it for what you will. :)

A friend wants to split a copy of the core set with me, as long as the tiles work with Descent Second Edition tiles. If they do, and if he does, I might take him up on it to get extra minis and a second set of dice. Of course, there are a lot of minis that you don't need more of, like Vader, Luke, and the Rebel heroes. But maybe I could do alternate paint jobs on those. Of course, you don't really need the extra rulebooks, tokens, or condition, equipment, agenda, and rewards cards. What about command cards? Can you run multiples of the same command card in skirmish mode? Upon looking at the skirmish guide, it seems most command cards will be limited to a single copy.

I received advice from one of the guys who had an advance copy from FFG and he recommended 2 Cores if I was planning on being competitive in the skirmish mode. He informed me that the extra troopers/cards/etc will make my life easier. Having followed his advice, I agree. There's a lot of stuff in the core box that you don't really need 2 of, but it is nice to have backups of it all and I definitely like that I can field more than 2 squads of grey stormies/etc.. I think that this is not necessary though, since you will rarely need/want to field that many, so I think it is entirely possible to only own 1 core and be fine.

Obviously for the Campaign, you only need 1.

If I bought a 2nd core set I'd be saving £40 on buying all the usable models and dice seperately, I'd also have extra tokens and tiles that I could put aside for skirmish play. If you plan on playing skirmish then it's a bargain, especially if multiple players are making skirmish squads from the same game as they can use the spare command cards and unique units.

The only reason I've not bought a second copy is that they may release the core models separately, with extra cards and missions. With the already announced stuff due out in a few weeks I'll wait to see what is announced next.

I'm actually trading off my small warmachine army to a friend for a 2nd core set. I figure the extra dice and figures will be useful

I can't imagine that I would buy a second core set... Unless they take a while with a new Storm Trooper squad release. In which case I might break down and get the set for the miniatures. Hopefully I won't have to do that, because if I do FFG will undoubtedly release new Storm Troopers with new poses and I will have to buy them too!

I purchased a second set so when I teach people the skirmish game you can have Empire vs. Empire or Rebels vs Rebels, the extra dice are always handy, having two rule books for debating rules is AWESOME (though you could print one for free) and you can never go wrong with extra tokens. When setting up a two part scenario you can set both boards at once. Granted it doesn't take that long to set up a new one but when you have a newborn or teaching your nephews to play and they'd rather be buried in their Xbox One, every second counts : )

I'm actually trading off my small warmachine army to a friend for a 2nd core set. I figure the extra dice and figures will be useful

This is what I did!

Plus at $70 it's a steal when compared to other Table Top war games were two squads of miniatures cost that and you don't even get books or cards.