So I picked up DH2 lately. Most of it I like, a few bits of it I'm non plussed on.
Today however I raise the issue of Psy Ratings and Psychic powers. Looking through quickly it seems these have had a bit of a rethink. For a start, all in trees which is good as it prevents saving XP and buying a game breaking top tier power.
One thing I am trying to clarify and garner thoughts on is the notion of psychic strength. Looking through the new book they have removed the idea of fettering psychic powers, reducing your strength to reduce the chances of peril as irrespective of any circumstance, the chances of a phenomenon are still 1/10. Irrespective then, (unless there is a talent somewhere, still havent read it all) there is always a chance of some phenomenon as opposed to previous systems which said that by fettering you are safe. I'm not a fan of this.
It also looks like, unless I'm reading it wrong, that the original +5 modifier to the test based on PR has been removed from the WP test and replaced with a modifier that rewards you for using less power than you are capable of and punishes you for using more and making it harder before taking into account the test itself to manifest. Is that also correct?
Also, still don't like that psyniscience is a basic skill dragged over from around the days of BC...
I'm looking to house rule a few of these bits if they are a little patchy. Thoughts from you lot though?