Why all 3 bannings are consistent with the mechanics of UFS and the direction of the game in general

By dutpotd, in UFS General Discussion

First of all,

I've read all of the sound off in the official STOG thread, there are a lot of individuals who know enough to understand the bannings will have a positive impact on the game. i.e. I trust you will not consider this post ill-informed or one that ignores whate everyone else has said before. And of course, what I am elaborating on has been said by many before, but here it is plain and simple.

All 3 cards had two things in common:

a) they were all promos - relatively hard to obtain

b) they all had 6 checks!

I'm not going to address a) any more than this in this thread, becuase it has been addressed elsewhere extensively. Namely, it is good that certain cards that can no longer be obtained easily are gone, at least w/ respect to attracting new players. Yes, this spits on older players who worked hard to get their copies (I have 8 copies or more of all of the cards banned - so I cannot be said to not understand this sentiment), but this is a necessary evil and existing players need to make sacrifices for newer ones. Whether it be lending cards to newbies, countless hours teaching the game and sharing knowledge, or bending over for bans that impact cards that we have more or less exclusively, the leaders (old players of UFS) need to make this sacrifice.

So, on to b) . The #1 reason in my mind as to why no one can complain, or say - why was this banned? All 3 of these cards flew in the face of the prime mechanic of UFS and fighters in genearl, namely - for great reward comes great risk . How this is managed in UFS is the difficulty and check system.

An assumption before I go any further. I think we can all agree that the 3 cards banned had - game-winning effects? Otherwise, why would we care if they are gone, or rather, why would we use them in the first place as often as we do. I can say that a lot of my decks (especially an ALL or AIR deck) lose 8-12 cards out of their standard decklist with these bannings, so yes, they are heavily used.

Now, game-winning effect cards should probably have a difficulty to get onto the field. I would argue that only Chester's had a dificulty that stopped it from being spammed or at least played on the first turn.

More importantly, game-winning effect cards should add an element of risk to your game in order to use. All three of the cards have 6 checks. Why are good effects on 6 check cards? They shouldn't be... At least, if you consider the mechanic that makes UFS work, risk-reward, they shouldn't. That makes all of these cards auto-includes , and damages deck building. One of the best ways to build a deck is to go through noting the 'cost' and 'benefit' of each card in your deck with relation to your win condition and what you are trying to accomplish. In all three of these cards cases there is little or NO cost to running them in a deck, except for a) opportunity cost = other better card in deck, and b) one is an asset and therefore doesn't help pass other cards as a second use (keep in mind this asset has a ZERO difficulty and infinity symbol and isn't really played in place of a foundation).

Let's look at other cards with 6 checks on them shall we (I am only looking at ones that see play on a regular basis, I can assume the others, if they had great abilities, would see more play, that assumption is possibly flawed, but probably not that flawed)... And see if they have great abilities. Left in the meta are:

Valerias - ok, this is still pretty good, but has a 3 difficulty and is an asset, good, not game-winning in as many cases as the 3 that were banned

Lynettes - hit or miss, but usually hit. Same as above, has a cost to pass/play (can't be played first turn) and is not 100% consistent in helping win a game.

Bringing the Master to His Knees/End it All - pretty great card. The former has a 4 difficulty and is an action, the latter has a severe cost (discard 2 cards and destroy) both are also first form. The effect, however, can back fire as it likely impacts your staging area and your opponents and for your opponent's turn as well. It requires careful deck building and then careful timing to make it work as a game-winning card.

Blinding Rage/Makai High Noble - great effect when triggered, but otherwise useless. Does not win games, as it is not an offensive card, doesn't negate or push anything through. Is generally a good card, but has a situational effect.

Committment to Excellence - decent effect. But the effect is not game-winning and has a restriction, namely the 3+ damage pump on an attack that already has 5 or less damage. This is a good card, but isn't staple becuase it relies the deck builder to utilize little attacks so that the pump can work. As it defines the type of deck that needs to be played, small attacks with damage pump, it is not in the same class as the three that were banned.

Soul of Shoe - very decent effect harboring on staple, but does not win games any more than a vast number of cards or strategies that lend themselves to one more foundation being out at a given time.

In conclusion:

What the bannings have done is taken away all of the 6 check cards with 'staple-like' abilities that have little to no cost to play. This reinstates the risk-reward version of UFS, and in my mind is a very good thing. I hope anyone that is struggling to understand the bannings at least considers this method of thought.

- dut

ps. direction of the game. How many 6 checks do you see in block 4 atm? set 12 had... character cards?

Wait, so you are saying a card with 0 difficulty and a 6 check, a +0 block, and an insane ability is not balanced?

/sarcasm off

Although it sucks that i just recently got my 5th chesters, and haven't had 4 LotM THAT long....i agree this is great for the game.

New players get discouraged when first turn is something like Chesters, LotM, LotM, spam foundation, spam foundation/owlface, owlface

The only "negative" side to owlface was it was green and not grey (or is that a bonus since it gets around chesters...hmmm) oh, and the fact that i think i have 9 of them

Well, i am now closer to building my fully banned deck, 12 new cards can fit in!

I think chesters was a bit pushing it, but with the 6-check coupled with life gain and negation i can see it going. The odd thing is so many cards now are answers to it, prominent noblewoman, etc

Smazzurco said:

I think chesters was a bit pushing it, but with the 6-check coupled with life gain and negation i can see it going. The odd thing is so many cards now are answers to it, prominent noblewoman, etc

I'd lie if I wasn't surprised re:Chester's. But then I think of it re: 6 checks and actual 'costs' to playing said card in a deck (and stapleness) and it needs to go.

There really aren't alot of answers to Chester's... Commiting it usually involves a foundation and then it just cancels it and still gains life... Noblewoman = yes, good card, but just becuase 3 symbols have an answer (btw, said answer doesn't check a 6 or have a =1 block... so you are 1 for 1 still at a disadvantage) to a specific card doesn't mean there are enough answers to warrant it no longer being staple.

Good thing is, we are looking at fewer staple cards after this banning. A lot of Olcy answers are NO LONGER STAPLE, plus the 3 cards banned. We are really only looking at BR and BRT as very heavily staple, the latter I am considering selling becuase I keep getting willfulled/hope for a challenged... the former at least has a 3/4 and a cost to adding it to your deck (yes the free enhance is still broken, but at least the 'prime mechanic' of the game is not violated by BR).

- dut

dutpotd said:

BRT that I am considering selling because I keep getting willfulled/hope for a challenged...

- dut

I'll take those then, and I will give you a playset of Hozanto inreturn...

kiit said:

dutpotd said:

BRT that I am considering selling because I keep getting willfulled/hope for a challenged...

- dut

I'll take those then, and I will give you a playset of Hozanto inreturn...

hehe, note how I say 'sell', I have enough Hozanto now... Although, in an environment w/o LotM Hozanto is officially a stronger card ^^

- dut

dutpotd said:

kiit said:

dutpotd said:

BRT that I am considering selling because I keep getting willfulled/hope for a challenged...

- dut

I'll take those then, and I will give you a playset of Hozanto inreturn...

hehe, note how I say 'sell', I have enough Hozanto now... Although, in an environment w/o LotM Hozanto is officially a stronger card ^^

- dut

and please note rule number 2 of the forums.

kiit said:

dutpotd said:

kiit said:

dutpotd said:

BRT that I am considering selling because I keep getting willfulled/hope for a challenged...

- dut

I'll take those then, and I will give you a playset of Hozanto inreturn...

hehe, note how I say 'sell', I have enough Hozanto now... Although, in an environment w/o LotM Hozanto is officially a stronger card ^^

- dut

and please note rule number 2 of the forums.

hehe, noted. Officially though, my original inention was to use a figure of speech (selling cards) to elaborate on my relative pains with a certain card.

- dut

ps. are you going to play Wednesday? I need practice for Nats!!! That includes against you.

Eh, I don't think we need any more threads. I do agree that your post has validity, that they are a bunch of 6-checks that so happen to be staples, but there are bigger reasons for their banning.

I appreciate the points, but you could've just posted this in the already-existing threads.

MarcoPulleaux said:

Eh, I don't think we need any more threads. I do agree that your post has validity, that they are a bunch of 6-checks that so happen to be staples, but there are bigger reasons for their banning.

I appreciate the points, but you could've just posted this in the already-existing threads.

There are far worse solo topics...

Reason I didn't just add to the responses on the STOG thread: STOG covered a LOT of stuff, and the answers are addressing way more than just the bannings. Therefore, by separating it out this way people can discuss the topic I wanted to discuss - namely the cost benefit of cards and how they relate to the banning of the three cards yesterday and effective next month.

You may be right, and, if you are, I apologize for cluttering up the general discussion board.

- dut