Do I need to Sleeve the cards?

By R2-EQ, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

I'm about to go grab a copy down town.

Do I need to buy card sleeves? If so, which ones and how many packs?

All those sleeves would have added an extra $20 (Canadian) so I'll just get them next time! Gonna go open the box soon. Thanks for the reply DarkPilot.

Alas, to sleeve or not to sleeve...that is the question.

Personally, whenever I buy a premium game like this, which will see a lot of play and is very expensive to replace, I just tend to go the extra mile and pay for the sleeves/protectors/whatever is necessary to really store and transport it well. I find that a lot of gamers are like this...that's probably because a lot of gamers are OCD, like me. Or I'm like them. Whatever.

Anyway, I think it comes down to WHO will be playing the game and using the components. I have 4 kids (aged 6-11) who can't wait to play, so it's obvious that the sleeves will pay for themselves. Who will you be playing with? Are your gaming buddies careful and respectful with your stuff? If so, you might not need the extra protection. Or are they the kind of guys who are kinda careless--eating chips and cheesies and touching your game pieces/cards with greasy hands? I think these are important considerations to make when getting into a game as big as Imperial Assault.

Whatever you choose, I hope your copy of the game brings hundreds of hours of awesomeness to you and yours!

Are your gaming buddies careful and respectful with your stuff? If so, you might not need the extra protection. Or are they the kind of guys who are kinda careless--eating chips and cheesies and touching your game pieces/cards with greasy hands?

That made me cringe because that's not far from real life.

Half my game group are fine, the other half, not so much.

I've sleeved the larger cards, just waiting for my local store to get the FFG yellow sleeves in.

I would sooner sleeve on expensive games as it would cost a lot more to replace the game.

All the best.


I'm gonna sleeve my cards because I am that guy who cant stop eating chips and nuts while playing.

In my descent, i have all slaves. I have slave the heroes cards too ^^ ( laminator)

Already picked up the sleeves for IA (even though the game is still not in my hands), if it get's as much play as I hope it will I felt it was necessary to protect the cards.

The only thing I haven't found sleeves for are the character cards (same with my copy of Talisman).. None of the FLGS in my area have sleeves that big, and I really don't want to laminate them.. still, those are not meant to be held so they should stand up fine regardless (unless someone spills their drinks all over the table)...

Use spray Matt varnish.

All the best.


Any suggestions for the Hero cards besides lamination?

I found some Japanese card protectors that may be a fit for the Hero Cards, do you guys think these dimensions would work?

Postcards size 3 11/16" x 5 3/4" [94.6 mm x 146 mm]

Any suggestions for the Hero cards besides lamination?

Why are some people against lamination?

lamination is not good for the cards, long term. If your hope is that in 20 years or more, you can still be playing the game, you might find the lamination has broken down your card, and it might start falling apart, or getting brown splotches, etc.

lamination is not good for the cards, long term. If your hope is that in 20 years or more, you can still be playing the game, you might find the lamination has broken down your card, and it might start falling apart, or getting brown splotches, etc.

Huh. Interesting. I've never heard of this issue before. And I couldn't find any results after a quick google search.

Besides, in 20 years we will all be busy playing virtual reality Imperial Assault/Battlefront 14 :lol:

This is what I've been told, and I've seen others talk about it on the BGG forums before. I don't think I've seen too much evidence of it, though. And yeah, I wouldn't worry too much about it, and I wouldn't be surprised if current lamination materials are much better than ones 20 years ago anyway.

Besides, in 20 years we will all be busy playing virtual reality Imperial Assault/Battlefront 14 enjoying the fruits of crushing this insignificant Rebellion.
In 20 years time of Victory on All Fronts, The Empire will have brought about a Military Induced peace and have a New Order throughout the Galaxy.

I fixed that for you.

And we all lived Happily Ever After.

Under The Empire

Already picked up the sleeves for IA (even though the game is still not in my hands), if it get's as much play as I hope it will I felt it was necessary to protect the cards.

The only thing I haven't found sleeves for are the character cards (same with my copy of Talisman).. None of the FLGS in my area have sleeves that big, and I really don't want to laminate them.. still, those are not meant to be held so they should stand up fine regardless (unless someone spills their drinks all over the table)...

Yes, I sleeve all the cards from my premium games too. And I have one rule for gaming: no drinks on the table! :-)

Edited by admat

I sleeved them all except the hero cards I need to locate some sleeves for those.

I usually get art back sleeves but with so many card types to sort I got see-through ones (official FFG ones) for this game. I really like how snug the cards are in the slightly thinner sleeves but I'm pretty OCD.

I'm with you there; I want the cards to fit perfectly. And experience has shown me that FFG card sleeves are second to none.

Just a thought on the hero sheets: what about resealable plastic bags?

The base game for Elder Sign comes with a huge card for the museum entrance. It's a pretty tight fit around the card, so I was worried about damaging the card every time I removed it to play. Then I realized I could just leave it in there and would act as a card sleeve. I don't know where to start looking for those, nor do I know the right dimensions, but it might be something to look out for.

I misread these are actually pretty inexpensive 25 holders for $5. This'll be really easy to split between a few gamers.

Anyone who can verify the size is correct 3x5?

Edited by KennedyHawk
Who will you be playing with? Are your gaming buddies careful and respectful with your stuff? If so, you might not need the extra protection. Or are they the kind of guys who are kinda careless--eating chips and cheesies and touching your game pieces/cards with greasy hands?

After reading this I laughed. You are right, and I regret not buying the sleeves now. I sleeve all my X-wing cards but don't really need to as I am the only guy touching them. However, in this game there will be FOUR other guys playing. I wish I had considered that sooner.

Time to sleeve up!


end of the debate ^_^

Just bought me 5xyellow and 2xgreen ffg card sleeves!