A quick question about the starting kit for one of the pre-set regiments, like the Death Korps of the Iron Guard. Do I still get the 30 points to use on additional equipment, or has that already been factored in?
Starting Kit questions
That has been factored in. The pre-generated regiments are generally completely done, no more effort needed, except to create a few NPCs.
Even the ones that said that they had a point leftover from regiment creation?
That has been factored in. The pre-generated regiments are generally completely done, no more effort needed, except to create a few NPCs.
Yeah. You can try and recalculate all the costs, but in all likelihood you'll find that they used too many points, rather than too few. They bent the rules to fit the fluff better, which they could've emphasized a bit more, because it's a bit of encouragement for you and your GM to do it too.
I suspect there's a question hidden beneath the one we're talking about right now. Is there a specific item you want, which the pre-gen regiment doesn't have? Talk it through with your GM, maybe you can just add it, or you swap something else for whatever you want, calling the regiment the x+1th Death Korps of Krieg or whatever