Would ypu recommend for two players?

By BoneSaw2, in Fury Of Dracula

For me and my Girlfriend. She loves Talisman but is luke-warm to Runebound. She likes games that aren't too rule heavy.

What do you think?

That it is not a good idea - "imho" as they say. That game is definitely a group game, in two entities obviously, the hunters and dracula, but still a group. A bit like cosmic encounter, adding the two-groups way of playing. All theses games are for groups. I talked about Fury on an Arkham post where someone like you was looking for a new game for his wife and himself. Talisman is alright, indeed, but if you're definitely gonna stay the two of you, your wife and you, I would recommend Arkham. Not that I'm a huge fan of that game - it is just the best game Ive ever played in my life, actually, that's all... - but first of all it is a cooperative game, and I might be called a big macho but I personnaly think women prefer games that way. Plus, you can easily play with four "players" only with the two of you ! Two players for each of you, and it works great. That's my recommandation. Oh, and forget about Descent, too : works better with a group, as said before. But obviously, some other people might come here and tell you the opposite, with very good and right reasons. Don't forget to feel it before buying it ! Hope you'll find your stuff.

I've played Fury with two players and it works okay. I'd say it's better with a larger group but still very playable for 2. It can actually go quick this way since all strategy decisions are in one persons head.

As to whether your girl friend will like it ... who's to say? happy.gif

I would disagree with the previous post that Arkham is a good choice. If she doesn't like heavy rules I would think that rules out Arkham. Any game that takes 20 minutes to setup would be in the "heavy" category to me.

Fury of Dracula is one of the few board games my wife will actually suggest we play!!

We have a blast with this everytime just the 2 of us play. Yes, it is better with more than 2 players if only for the fact that the Dracula player gets to hear openly the (tactical) conversations of the hunter players which gives things a nice additional dimension - You can sit there smirking in true "Prince of Darkness" style as they desperately try to work out where you are! demonio.gif

But it is a more than satisfactory 2 player game and importantly still fun. Personally, I would highly recommend it (and so would my wife I'm sure! gui%C3%B1o.gif )

There are one or two little quirks to the rules but these are soon picked up and you should rarely need to look at the rule book after several plays. Last time I checked the rules were available to download on the FFG site if you want to check them out.


could you play 2 players, 1 dracula and 1 multiple hunters?

8911 said:

could you play 2 players, 1 dracula and 1 multiple hunters?

yes, you can play one person as dracula and one person as the three hunters. Its just not quite the same as pitting 3 people against one dracula, and in my opinion makes Dracula's job a little bit harder.

Diriel said:

yes, you can play one person as dracula and one person as the three hunters. Its just not quite the same as pitting 3 people against one dracula, and in my opinion makes Dracula's job a little bit harder.

Four hunters. The original game, The Fury of Dracula, has three hunters. The current edition from FFG has four.

And yes, while the tone of the game changes somewhat with varying numbers of players, I have found it to work well for two, three or five players. I'm not fond of playing four-player, though, because that leaves three players dividing four hunters between them.

I played it once with my wife. It went well but I can’t say I would recommend FoD as a two-players’ game. It’s better with all the five players: there’s a feeling that every character is a unique person, you know. But since my wife loves the game (and so do I) I think we can play it with only two of us someday again.