My House Rules

By player33475, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

So I have been wrestling with Anima for a while. As many people know here I find the rules to be shoddily designed but I find that deep down there is a game that interests me. I was originally intending to overhaul the rules quite a bit but found myself mired everytime I tried. I have pages of revisions but I admit that they are past the point of being easily playable.

So I have pulled back and focussed on what is the absolute minimum to make the game work for me:

1.Multiple all Primary Characteristics, Ki, Ki Accumulation, Total PPs and Free PPs by 10.

2. The core mechanic is d100 roll high for all rolls . On a score of 91+, you roll again and add the results, except for Resistance checks. A score of a 1, 2 or 3, produces a standard, miserable or tragic fumble (equivalent to a -25, -50 and -75 roll result if needed.

3. Action Penalty applies to all d100 rolls with the following exceptions:
- Apply only half the penalty for Initiative, Primary Characteristic (inc. movement), MA and Ki Accumulation; and
- Apply no penalty to Resistances.

4. Damage equals Final Damage x (MoS - (10 x AT)) (rounded down to the nearest 10).

5. Critical hits are scored when the Damage is equal to or greater than Physical Resistance. The MoS over Phy Res is an Action Penalty and Critical Level for other effects.

6. Additional defences after the first are at a consecutive -25.

7. Remove Appearance as a stat. A PC may be exceptionally attractive or unattractive for -1CP or +1CP respectively.

Skywalker said:

So I have been wrestling with Anima for a while. As many people know here I find the rules to be shoddily designed but I find that deep down there is a game that interests me. I was originally intending to overhaul the rules quite a bit but found myself mired everytime I tried. I have pages of revisions but I admit that they are past the point of being easily playable.

So I have pulled back and focussed on what is the absolute minimum to make the game work for me:

1.Multiple all Primary Characteristics, Ki, Ki Accumulation, Total PPs and Free PPs by 10.

2. The core mechanic is d100 roll high for all rolls . On a score of 91+, you roll again and add the results, except for Resistance checks. A score of a 1, 2 or 3, produces a standard, miserable or tragic fumble (equivalent to a -25, -50 and -75 roll result if needed.

3. Action Penalty applies to all d100 rolls with the following exceptions:
- Apply only half the penalty for Initiative, Primary Characteristic (inc. movement), MA and Ki Accumulation; and
- Apply no penalty to Resistances.

4. Damage equals Final Damage x (MoS - (10 x AT)) (rounded down to the nearest 10).

5. Critical hits are scored when the Damage is equal to or greater than Physical Resistance. The MoS over Phy Res is an Action Penalty and Critical Level for other effects.

6. Additional defences after the first are at a consecutive -25.

7. Remove Appearance as a stat. A PC may be exceptionally attractive or unattractive for -1CP or +1CP respectively.

You sir are an idiot. Now that I've dispensed with the pleasantries. I'm sure 4.0 (then in a year 4.5, 5, 5.75, 6 in .6 years subsequent years) is just what you are looking for in a game. Many people seem quite happy with Anima, the way it is. Talislanta is simple, Warhammer fantasy sounds up your alley, even Palladium or Exalted might fit. But stay away from games that require role playing and design, GM involvment like: Shards of the Stone, or complicated combat systems like Riddle of Steel. In other words:


Mantis Sine said:

Many people seem quite happy with Anima, the way it is.

And many are not. I am not sure what your comment is supposed to achieve.

On both forums complaints occur for errata, spelling, grammar, translation, etc. Not over the system. Not sure that a rules over-haul is needed. I have encountered many systems...MANY systems. There are definitely other ones that you could import Anima's story into rather than redo the rules (rather terribly I may add). I know my bluntness is often not appreciated, but I also believe your "house rules" are not just such, and don't help with the intent that these forums are in place for.

Also, so I am a helper. GURPS probably has a supp that would support Anima.

Mantis Sine said:

On both forums complaints occur for errata, spelling, grammar, translation, etc. Not over the system.

My experiences differ. I have seen lots of complaints over the system.

Mantis Sine said:

I have encountered many systems...MANY systems.

Without turning this into a "who has the greater experience with RPG systems" contest, so have I. This doesn't qualify you (or me) to attempt to act as some sort of authority on these matters for everyone else.

Mantis Sine said:

I know my bluntness is often not appreciated, but I also believe your "house rules" are not just such, and don't help with the intent that these forums are in place for.

Your concern is noted. I do think these suggested house rules may help some fans of the Anima RPG and fall under the intent that these forums are in place for i.e. to exchange ideas and opinions about this RPG.

FWIW "bluntness" doesn't cover the uncalled for personal attacks you made. That is called being rude and offensive and is definitely beyond the intent that these forums are in place for.

I apologize, humbly.

Although, if your experience is expansive I hope you put it towards your own content, not just "borrowing" a storyline, as this world is truly short of awesome RPG games.

Mantis Sine said:

Although, if your experience is expansive I hope you put it towards your own content, not just "borrowing" a storyline, as this world is truly short of awesome RPG games.

House ruling and writing scenarios for an existing RPG setting is the essence of this hobby. Its not just "borrowing" a storyline.

If you are interested, I have one profession RPG credit to my name but RPGs don't pay as well as my day job. Instead, I prefer to write what I enjoy to promote the RPGs that I enjoy. As such, I tend to write demo scenarios (I prefer to create stories than settings) that provide people an instant taste of those RPGs and by doing so get them interested in (and buying) the RPG.

To give examples, I wrote the demo scenario for Blue Rose that was adopted by Green Ronin and can be found here: .

I also wrote three such demo scenarios for CthulhuTech which can be found here: . As you will see, these include a simplified "house ruled" version of the system for use with that scenario. WildFire has shown interest in using these in their upcoming ezine given how well many fans of their RPG have received them.

As for Anima, I like it alot. As such, rather than just wait for FFG to release material in English for me, I am being proactive about it. I am writing such a demo scenario to help promote it at this moment.

And yes, these house rules are part of that writing process, if for no other reason than to help me get to grips with the system :)

You have entered into a career (albeit, part time) that I would love to become more part of. I hope you post your demo or even an intro scenario for Anima. I can see how "house rules" would be handy for simplifying the system to intro gaming to the masses (where HAVE all the gamers gone?).

Although, an OSGL (like the d20 system) doesn't really constitute much. Creating a system definitely would rank positively, in my humble oppinion.

Mantis Sine said:

You have entered into a career (albeit, part time) that I would love to become more part of. I hope you post your demo or even an intro scenario for Anima. I can see how "house rules" would be handy for simplifying the system to intro gaming to the masses (where HAVE all the gamers gone?).

Cool. To give an example, the difference is between posting the entire one page combat chart or just: Final Damage = Base Damage x (MoS-AT)% is quite significant. I note this equation is even contained in Anima's main rule book.

My house rules are not about changing the system in any significant way, but suggesting ways to distill them down to their essence for ease of play. If you want to stick with the full rules, all power to you.

I have some questions about the way combat and magic work. From what I have read, it seems that they both take place with just one inititive round, if you can accumulate enough Zeon in the round, Just that magic projection replaces attack rating. Which is why I dont know if I like the system or not, some of the lower level abilities seem to take a few rounds to charge unless your level 3 or level 5, as by then your accumulation skills are high enough to use low level spells faster, same as Ki. Which begs the question, if you wish to make it go a little bit faster, as in lower level characters able to use their ki, magic, etc. powers faster, how would you do it without unbalancing the game?

Ranek7212 said:

I have some questions about the way combat and magic work. From what I have read, it seems that they both take place with just one inititive round, if you can accumulate enough Zeon in the round, Just that magic projection replaces attack rating. Which is why I dont know if I like the system or not, some of the lower level abilities seem to take a few rounds to charge unless your level 3 or level 5, as by then your accumulation skills are high enough to use low level spells faster, same as Ki. Which begs the question, if you wish to make it go a little bit faster, as in lower level characters able to use their ki, magic, etc. powers faster, how would you do it without unbalancing the game?

You may need to unpack that question a little. I am not sure what you are asking.

FWIW I have found that Accumulations rise in power by level in a way that in balanced against physical combat options.

Looking specifically at magic:

If you want to specialise then take the Advantage "Natural in Path" effectively doubles your MA making it possible to cast decent spells in one round at 1st level. However, a Wizard should be able to acheive a decent MA at 1st level without this.

You also need to factor in other things, especially how Spells can be harder to defend against. Direct Attack Spells are considered fast projectiles and cannot be blocked by mundane means. Many Spells are also invisible to most opponents. Spells also don't get as many penalties as physical combat.

As a result a lower Magic Projection than Attack/Defence is often its equal.

Does that answer the question?

Yes.....Thank you. Still need to do some more reading, it seems, but between college and work I hardly find the time.

The answer you actually need is this one:

Spend fatigue points. The increase temporarily Magic and Ki Accumulation as well as physical actions such as attacking, blocking, dodging, jumping...

There are other ways of having better Ki and Magic Acc.'s just remember that any supernatural power is pretty strong so in an standard situation, a level 1 mage should not launch his fireball spell at his very first turn.

If you read carefully the rules of supernatural in combat (te page just before ki abilities) it states that, if a regular individual tries to block a cold, electric or fire attack, has a -120 to his/her defense and, after that, it points out that there's another -120 if he/she tries to block an area attack of fire (the radius of the area must be greater than the passive movement type of the victim, because if not it would mean that the victim could escape from the area as a part of the defense being just fast enough to escape). It's also a projectile, so there's another negative modifier to defense. All those modifiers are additive, so you could have that a level 6 or 7 Weaponsmaster without any experience against fireballs has nothing to do against your fireball spell.

Also you have to count that instead of blocking he could have dodged to negate the second -120, but in this particular case it would mean a -60 to his blocking ability and also he has to be fast enough to escape from the area. If not, there's another -80 to that -60. But even being fast enough, if the area is a locked room and there's no way out, he could not escape either.

A regular mage with an 8 in Power, would have at least 10 of Base Magic Acc. The usual mage buys at least 2 multiples of Magic Acc. which means a 30 of final Magic Acc. The maximum fatigue points that you can spend in a single turn is usually 2, and each gives you a +15 to Magic Acc. That would make a 60 zeon accumulated in a single turn in which the mage, being unarmed, should be faster than many opponents. With 60 zeon you can throw a fireball with +5 to base damage and +5 metres of radius of the area, or a real shield with +300 lifepoints (and being a passive spell you don't need to have greater initiative, it works just like an usual defense), or a light discharge with a +5 to base damage, a blinding flash with +5 metres of radius (my favourite)...

You have your fatigue points, USE THEM!!! Many players just forget to use them in situations like these and then they lose golden chances of defending from a surprise attack or something like that.
Also play your character, if you need time for your spells, hide, run, talk and lie, whatever, while you are accumulating zeon. That's what your magic appraisal is for, to hide that zeon you are charging while you are tricking your opponent and most of the time you opponent doesn't even see magic so he/she wouldn't even realize that you are accumulating zeon until it's too late.
Also remember that your MAcc. halves if you cannot speak or cannot move your hands freely (but there are advantages that take out this penalization).

PS: I know you just apologized, but please, we should just enjoy and exchange ideas.

PPS: We should post these doubts in different threads so if any other has the same doubt will just need to look upon the forum and find it instead of answering over and over again.

Skywalker said:

Damage equals Final Damage x (MoS - (10 x AT)) (rounded down to the nearest 10).

I just wanted to point out that a simpler way of putting this equation (and in line with the other alterations you have made), might be:

Damage = Final Damage x (MoS - AT) (rounded down to nearest 10)

But simply multiply all ATs by 10 during chargen or when purchasing equipment, as you have suggested doing with characteristics. Anima tends to frontload the system (character generation seems to be the most difficult part), so I tend to agree with your attempts to streamline the actual play a bit. I see no harm.

Skywalker said:

So I have been wrestling with Anima for a while. As many people know here I find the rules to be shoddily designed but I find that deep down there is a game that interests me. I was originally intending to overhaul the rules quite a bit but found myself mired everytime I tried. I have pages of revisions but I admit that they are past the point of being easily playable

1.Multiple all Primary Characteristics, Ki, Ki Accumulation, Total PPs and Free PPs by 10

Why on earth are you multiplying those by 10?! power game much?

I mean if a charecter wants to use KI or magic or Psy powers they need to spend the proper creation points, IE Martial Knowledge, or the Gift, or the two psy powers.

also its not hard to get your Accumilation for ki and MA up to decent levels....and the whole multipy pp by 10 as well?! that could give a first level charecter acess to just about every psycic dicipine, or get extremly far into a single path.

Please explain your reasoning behind this insaine power up.

commanderq said:

Skywalker said:

So I have been wrestling with Anima for a while. As many people know here I find the rules to be shoddily designed but I find that deep down there is a game that interests me. I was originally intending to overhaul the rules quite a bit but found myself mired everytime I tried. I have pages of revisions but I admit that they are past the point of being easily playable

1.Multiple all Primary Characteristics, Ki, Ki Accumulation, Total PPs and Free PPs by 10

Why on earth are you multiplying those by 10?! power game much?

I mean if a charecter wants to use KI or magic or Psy powers they need to spend the proper creation points, IE Martial Knowledge, or the Gift, or the two psy powers.

also its not hard to get your Accumilation for ki and MA up to decent levels....and the whole multipy pp by 10 as well?! that could give a first level charecter acess to just about every psycic dicipine, or get extremly far into a single path.

Please explain your reasoning behind this insaine power up.


You totally missed the point of that.

He's multiplying all the math by 10 so that everything falls under a unified mechanic. I pretty much completely disagree with what Skywalker is doing, but if you're going to attack the guy, be sure you UNDERSTAND WHAT HE IS ACTUALLY TALKING ABOUT. Otherwise you pretty much look the fool.

commanderq said:

Why on earth are you multiplying those by 10?! power game much?

There is no actual effect or power up.

You multiply both the stat and the costs by 10, so they balance out. The only impact is that by doing so you are putting everything on the same scale, which makes making things like Action Penalities and damage calculations easier to apply.

Swordwraith said:

He's multiplying all the math by 10 so that everything falls under a unified mechanic. I pretty much completely disagree with what Skywalker is doing, but if you're going to attack the guy, be sure you UNDERSTAND WHAT HE IS ACTUALLY TALKING ABOUT. Otherwise you pretty much look the fool.

At least, I have toned back my house rules ;)

I am pretty much just focussed on unifying the way the mechanics are expressed where doing so has no impact to the underlying system.

Replying to a super old post, but jesus how rude Mantis was. I would agree this system has its flaws and I would love to simplify it a bit, as well. Heck, if I could, I would convert it into a slightly more complicated form of D&D 5e.

Edited by SSB_Shadow