Alt. Endings for Base Game/Reaper/Dungeon

By sanityismyvanity, in Talisman Home Brews

Since most of the expansions have had 3 Alt. Endings included in each of them, I've felt it would help to mix it up further to add some new Endings for those sets that didn't. So, I've thrown together 3 each for the Base Game and Dungeon, and 2 more for Reaper (since it does have Danse Macabre). For the most part I've tried to keep them in line with existing Endings created by FFG, without getting too crazy. The main purpose was to try and emphasize added flavor from those sets, as the current Endings generally try to do.

4th Ed. Base Game:


The Black Knight Ending is rather straight forward and the yang to the Demon Lord's yin. I wanted to pay tribute to the one guy on the board who could always beat you up if you didn't give him any lunch money, no matter how strong you were. Now the Warlocks and Wizards of the world can know how the Troll feels when the Demon Lord is revealed.


As Talisman is a fantasy game, and there is a Temple to pray at, I figured it has the typical capricious and meddlesome gods common to the genre. This ending has the gods stepping in and playing a role in who they feel should command the power of the crown. The little used and underappreciated prayer bonus abilities that a handful of characters have gets a nice boost when this ending pops up.


I wanted to add one ending that felt somewhat more RPGish, and since there is a Castle, I figure there is probably a King in there somewhere. This ending requires more setup time than most, but I think it's interesting to think of a King whose lands are being ravaged by some sinister creatures forcing heroes to help him rid his lands of the blight before allowing them further progress towards their own goal.

The Reaper:


The Seven Trials Ending is an ode of sorts to the twelve labours of Hercules, and it doubles as the "combat" ending for the Reaper set. The random nature of what enemies are drawn made the scaling bonus to their attack scores necessary, because drawing a Lemure for the 7th and final encounter needs to at least be slightly dangerous.


Since Fate often plays a role in quite a few of the existing Endings, I figured the Reaper would get a crack at that theme as well. It also doubles as a way to play the game a little more old-school, as using fate will become much rarer and riskier than usual with GR saying hi every time it gets used.

The Dungeon:


Another very simple and straight forward concept, basically the Eagle King ending, except when you stand-off or lose the punishment is a little harsher as a Follower gets grabbed up by the Cell. Not innovative in the least, but fits with the existing Endings.


This one is basically the funnel style Ending, where you have to go through the LoD to get to the good bits. Get ready for lots of fights, because they will be happening with this one in play.


The Wizard's Curse is based on the bit of fluff about how the Wizard in his dying days set aside great challenges for aspiring heroes to deal with to prove their worth before being crowned. I can see this Wizard setting up one last challenge for all involved to prove themselves or die trying. Favors the spellcasters a little, at least in the beginning, but the anti-magic barrier surrounding them makes gaining new spells impossible for this final ordeal.

Let me know if you have any questions/comments/concerns/insults!

Dungeon does actually come with an Ending of sorts. The Winner Takes All variant is effectively an Ending.

Dungeon does actually come with an Ending of sorts. The Winner Takes All variant is effectively an Ending.

True, but I was looking for something more in line with existing Alt. Endings from other sets. I took it as the inspiration for 2 of them, Lord of Darkness and Crucible of Shadows and split it into two. What I didn't like about Winner Takes All was that no Talisman is required, which differs strongly from the games intent. Both of these endings removed that issue, especially the Crucible of Shadows.

Honestly, I really like these. I like how much these fit with the endings we have already gotten, and the amount of thought that has gone into each is obvious. Really, my only gripe is not using the original artwork for the Lord of Darkness - it's been an established pattern, using existing pieces of artwork for the alternate endings. But overall, these are really good.

Thanks Cookierobber! They certainly aren't groundbreaking ideas, but I think they "fit" well and are easy to implement and play.

As for the art, I wasn't sure what the policy of using FFG art is, so I avoided it.

Ah, fair enough.

Hi, I really like these, excellent work!

I just have a few comments:

- While I really like the basic idea behind the King's Quest, I am a little concerned about fundamental spaces such as the City, the Chapel, and the Graveyard being basically blocked off at the beginning of the game.

- In the Seven Trials, the 6th Enemy oddly gets no bonus. Is that intentional?

- In the High Price of Fate, I'm not sure I like that you can spend fate to get +1 bonuses on the Grim Reaper chart. Between that and the Grim Reaper not moving when someone rolls 1, it seems to me that the game becomes less deadly.

- The image in the Wizard's Curse doesn't really look very Talisman-like to me! Is that an industrial city? :-D

Edited by Loudo

Hi, I really like these, excellent work!

I just have a few comments:

- While I really like the basic idea behind the King's Quest, I am a little concerned about fundamental spaces such as the City, the Chapel, and the Graveyard being basically blocked off at the beginning of the game.

- In the Seven Trials, the 6th Enemy oddly gets no bonus. Is that intentional?

- In the High Price of Fate, I'm not sure I like that you can spend fate to get +1 bonuses on the Grim Reaper chart. Between that and the Grim Reaper not moving when someone rolls 1, it seems to me that the game becomes less deadly.

- The image in the Wizard's Curse doesn't really look very Talisman-like to me! Is that an industrial city? :-D

Thanks Loudo!

1) This was a conscious decision to increase the difficulty and give a sense of urgency for the players. Healing is still available, and the Chapel & Graveyard have the easiest enemies to defeat. If playing with the City expansion, you can still move there easily enough.

2) Whoops! I need to fix that, good catch!

3) I included that so that characters with high fate would potentially be forced to burn more of it in one spending. You are right though, it doesn't really fit with the concept terribly well. I'll have a think and look at a way to update it later.

4) Shhhh! You aren't supposed to notice that :) I was hoping that people's eyes would be drawn to the blue lightning stuff and gloss over the rest.

I'll take a look at getting updated versions out in the next day or two.

I noticed the industrial look as well.

What I would like on some Alternate Endings is a Final Boss that is always equal with either or both your Strength and Craft including any bonuses for followers and items. This way it is always a battle to see if you can beat them. If you put a static number for either or both their Strength / Craft (ie 12 Strength / 12 Craft) you can keep playing until you get close to 18 Strength / Craft so you know you will win against the Final Boss.

Just my 2 cents worth.



Loved your ednings! All of them can add some real fun to my game! My question is: HOW did you make them?!

I used the Strange Eons 2 software that Jon hosts at Talismanisland. He is currently working on updated templates for version 3 of the program as seen in the other thread in this forum. It's a nice, easy to use program for creating custom content.

Just an update on my previous post.

My Alternative Ending:

Name: Opposite Self

* You can battle in either Strength / Craft

* Always has Strength / Craft equal to what you have, including and bonus from Objects / Followers / Spells

* You cannot use fate to reroll in either Battle / Combat

* Opposite Self has 6 lives or as many as you have (whichever is higher)

* The first person to take the last life from Opposite Self wins the game!!



Edited by WombatMan

Tried installing strange eons-could not make it work. are there Photoshop verisons avaialble for the endings?

Nice;y made endings by the way. My two cents worth.

Although a just Strength Ending looks like a good balancing idea the game does not need it. Interesting idea though.

Chosen by the gods pray ending is also interesting but is by far to nasty for characters that get bonuses when praying plus it just seems like a roll off when there is a few players at same space.

I am personally not a fan of any card that allow players to take cards out of decks plus it should say if these are enemy-types or enemy name types I gather its the latter because there is no enemy-wraiths. Plus who does the picking? plus the second rule on card should just say "can only be killed in" only no need to say by spell or special ability.

Seven Trails sorry but yuk. to complicated.

The High Price of Fate is good but what happens when someone users dark fate? Should not have the +1 fate spend bonus on rolls in my opinion.

Lord of Darkness no... There are already to many foe strength craft endings, best leaving the option rules in the dungeon as just optional rules. Plus the follower difference is really not needed.

Crucible of Shadows too restrictive you only need this ending if you had Lord of Darkness.

Wizards Curse I like, I like a lot this one is good.

I would seriously think about adding The Wizards Curse to the Ending pool. All in all food for thought indeed.

Tried installing strange eons-could not make it work. are there Photoshop verisons avaialble for the endings?

The plugin currently available on Talisman Island only works with Strange Eons 2, which is available on the Strange Eons site.

Both versions can sit on your computer and work independently, so you will be good for when I release the new plugin which is being updated as we speak. It shouldn't be too long before I can get a test version out there.

Holy double-post Batman!

Edited by talismanisland