Imperial Assault Out In The UK

By paganeagle2001, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Called them midday today and they had just be delivered. Good times :)

Your welcome Chimaera, glad you got your copy. Now, to those that haven't got it yet, those that do have it are not crowing about it. We are just saying where it is to help fellow gamers get a copy.

I know it can be frustrating when things appear that we cannot get hold of.

Fingers crossed that ALL can get their copy before Christmas..... or where you on Santa's naughty list????

All the best.


This kind of reminds me of the battles for Furbys etc as the most wanted items for Christmas!!!

Hoards of gamers running into stores like Black Friday!

All the best.


The force is strong in the UK LOL.

Okay, here are a few hints for when people get it.

Be careful when attaching the front gun on the Walker. Those little guns can bend and get broken, so you may need to trim the pegs to get it in correctly.

Once you have it made, then no probs as it will fit inside the box fully assembled.

Get some various sized baggies for the tokens etc. It will make it easier for when you bring the game to the table in the future.

If you are sleeving, then you will need additional sized baggies as there is no way you will get them all back into the one they come in.

Get ready for some reading!!!! Lol. Quite a few manuals to look through.

The campaigns are a good read on their own.

I hope that has been of use.

All the best.


Order and Chaos...... Saw this and thought..... Lol. But it's a new expansion set for Netrunner!!! Lol.

All the best.


While I wait I'm reading all the rule books then I can get right to gaming when it shows up :)

I know the US folks are quite annoyed, but try to look at it from our (Europe) point of view...this is how we feel EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Just to put it into perspective ;)

I know the US folks are quite annoyed, but try to look at it from our (Europe) point of view...this is how we feel EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Just to put it into perspective ;)

I think the main issue with most people state side is the "unknown" element to it. A wait is much easy when you know how long the wait is going to be. Is it today? Is it next week? Is it February? Anticipation of this caliber is enough to ratchet up anyone's emotions.

Oh, i totally get it. I hate sitting here reading about all the people getting their new toys weeks/months before me. It sucks.

But....for once i'm glad it's this way round if it has to happen at all, thats all ;)

Hopefully this is a sign of better EU distribution starting to rear it's head at least. Viva la France (or at least viva Asmodee...i am British, thats as close as I can bring myself to get :P )

Oh, i totally get it. I hate sitting here reading about all the people getting their new toys weeks/months before me. It sucks.

But....for once i'm glad it's this way round if it has to happen at all, thats all ;)

Hopefully this is a sign of better EU distribution starting to rear it's head at least. Viva la France (or at least viva Asmodee...i am British, thats as close as I can bring myself to get :P )

I don't know what you are alluding to but at least in SW LCG the first few packs were out in Spain a week before the US. Maybe not all over Europe but we aren't ALWAYS first ;) .

Granted, but lets be fair.....quite a lot more often than not, especially for miniatures products!

Hopefully you'll all get yours before Christmas though, that would blow if not.

The only thing you cannot read is the Campaign book as that isn't officialy online as far as I know.

All the best.


Come on folks, we are all gamers, so we inform others to when things are available.

Now, how about thinking ahead for future campaigns etc.

Plus all those characters, vehicles and creatures in the near future!!!

Plus how about some unofficial Robot Chicken ones? Lol

All the best.


Yeah, I'm mostly just excited rather than frustrated, but still, the issue in North America right now is that we know of many distributors that have had it for a long time but can't release it, so that tells us that there's some problem, and we'd rather have that problem communicated to us than just silence.

And the one thing they have communicated to us - a Q4 2014 release, is starting to seem to not be accurate.

And that's the bad thing they have done. At least give people information. They could easily post a message to say what is going on.

I hate it when companies do that, but..... I would sooner have a quarter reply than have a launch day that is put back. Had that happen a few times.

So, come on FFG, I've been saying it since yesterday, give people the information they need. They just want you to be honest with them.

All the best.


Plus it's really muffing that FFG are sending out Facebook links to games in their store!!!

Hold on...... Just thought...... We need some Ewoks!!s lol

All the best.


Do we know who the final two hero cards are for yet? Are they known characters or FFG originals?

Thanks! :)

Wahoo, mine arrived today! Unfortunately, I have to go out, have only had a quick gander. Looks great though.

Wahoo, mine arrived today! Unfortunately, I have to go out, have only had a quick gander. Looks great though.

Anyway when you get back would you be open to posting pictures of the all command cards(really only the ones that have not be spoiled) and the Map layouts that come with the ally/villain packs?

Wahoo, mine arrived today! Unfortunately, I have to go out, have only had a quick gander. Looks great though.

Anyway when you get back would you be open to posting pictures of the all command cards(really only the ones that have not be spoiled) and the Map layouts that come with the ally/villain packs?

I've started a new thread with all the stuff you requested. Hope you like!

I've got my copy (I'm from the UK).

I don't know why distributors are holding onto copies in the USA.

It was great getting a copy before the upcoming page said it was available, for me it was a great birthday surprise ;)

I wouldn't usually feel bad for the Americans getting this after the UK as 99% of the time it's the other way around, but being uncertain if Santa will bring your presents in time for Xmas must really suck.

Edited by mulletcheese