Imperial Assault Out In The UK

By paganeagle2001, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Have to agree, yep boards games have a lot of male players, but come on we need female players as well. And PLEASE don't bring out the Leia golden bikini figure!!! Lol.

All the best.


In their defense the Star Wars original trilogy is overtly a male affair. You'd be hard pressed to name a dozen female characters with speaking lines while you could probably get 2-3 dozen males. Once they get a bit more into the expanded universe I'm sure we'll see a lot of great female additions. Maybe Bria and Winter?

We need Jabba as well.

Perhaps an Attack Jabba's Palace option? OOEEERRR, that sounded a bit rude! LOl.

All the best.


In their defense the Star Wars original trilogy is overtly a male affair. You'd be hard pressed to name a dozen female characters with speaking lines while you could probably get 2-3 dozen males. Once they get a bit more into the expanded universe I'm sure we'll see a lot of great female additions. Maybe Bria and Winter?

I can only think of maybe four from the original trilogy. Leia Organa, Beru Lars, Mon Mothma, and Oola (and Oola hardly counts). The prequel trilogy isn't much better.

In their defense the Star Wars original trilogy is overtly a male affair. You'd be hard pressed to name a dozen female characters with speaking lines while you could probably get 2-3 dozen males. Once they get a bit more into the expanded universe I'm sure we'll see a lot of great female additions. Maybe Bria and Winter?

I can only think of maybe four from the original trilogy. Leia Organa, Beru Lars, Mon Mothma, and Oola (and Oola hardly counts). The prequel trilogy isn't much better.

Those were the four I had!

It's true there aren't many females, but with the original 6 heroes, they could have easily had half be female, as they are not even from any existing material from the franchise.

I feel like they purposefully made it so if 4 guys were playing the rebels, they could still pick all male characters (an option that a group of female players would not have.)

Anyways, I don't mean to make an issue out of this - it is easy to make reasons/excuses for it to be the way it is, and in general, whether you're talking movies, books, or any kind of storytelling, having male heroes is still the norm, so it's a cultural thing too.

The thing is that they can now come out with characters that have nothing to do with the films or books.

I know most of us would like to play the game with the charcters we know, but hey, this universe has been busted wide open.

All the best.


well Amazon UK still listing as January 7th. But am prepared to wait as had a good preorder deal!

Well, I'm in the UK. I pre-ordered back in October from a UK company (Gameslore), and my copy hasn't been dispatched yet :(

So maybe you're just lucky... or I'm unlucky... or something.

Where's my **** game!!? *shakes fist at the sky!*

You have to wait until the Death Star clears the planet. Lol.

All the best.


The thing is that they can now come out with characters that have nothing to do with the films or books.

I know most of us would like to play the game with the charcters we know, but hey, this universe has been busted wide open.

All the best.


Edited by mallamp

The thing is that they can now come out with characters that have nothing to do with the films or books.

I know most of us would like to play the game with the charcters we know, but hey, this universe has been busted wide open.

All the best.


i like this, it gives me generic miniatures for use in the RPG. Sucks having to use named miniatures for your playing piece! west end games had a great run of both named and unnamed miniatures for sale. I appreciate this game not for the rpg, but with miniatures this good (compare WOTC) be a waste not to!

Got my copy yesterday... game shop sold out of the 3 copies they had within an hour of them arriving.

FFG's product have a weird way of being released. I think it just depends where the stock gets dropped first. Sometimes the UK (and Europe) get stuff before the US (even weeks before in some cases), and other times they get it weeks after it is released in the States.

I notice that this game has switched to miniatures game again...

Well, I'm in the UK. I pre-ordered back in October from a UK company (Gameslore), and my copy hasn't been dispatched yet :(

I'd expect it to be widely released in mid-january in Europe. Talked to my retailer (here in Vienna) and he said that over the holidays, you can expect 1-2 weeks delay.

Shouldn't make much difference in the long run :)

What I don't get is.......

It is out in the UK, now it had to be shipped etc. and go quite some distance.

Now, why isn't it out in the USA???

No sense in leaving it in wharehous as when people want to buy it.

Come on FFG, make a lot of people happy for Christmas!

All the best.


Must admit that I am astounded that we have our copies in the UK before the US.

Hopefully you guys across the pond will get your copies soon.

Perhaps the merger brought a better distribution for the UK.

Normally I expect a game that appears in the USA, appears in the UK a few weeks later.

This time it appears the UK got a better deal.

All the best.


Could be right there.

Come on FFG get those copies to your countrymen and women.

Well it's been out for a day now and lots of people are slightly upset to say the least. And the word from FFG is.............

Now to myself that is very bad customer relations.

Happy to put out the teasers, look at the add on packs etc.

FFG you really do need to take the finger out of your butt and start giving explanations to those that have paid quite a large sum for your game, but have got nothing except silence.

Now, if I was in USA and found out it was out in th UK before I got mine, I would go nuts.

As I said, very bad customer relations.

All the best.


Yup I emailed them and asked about the consistency of the Upcoming page since you know it's been released in the UK and Denmark. They forwarded it to some autonomotom person who said, "If you are excited about upcoming products like me check the upcoming page." It feels good to know they don't even read your emails.

Sounds like an auto response email.

Fingers crossed that it is out for everyone as soon as possible.

All the best.


I don't know how many of you are into the FFG Star Wars RPG, but it's a pretty regular occurrence for the books to be 2-6 weeks behind the U.S. Very frustrating listening to podcasts etc when you can't get the book but we know it's coming, so we have learnt patience, padawans.

Now in an ideal world products would be available everywhere. But in this rare occasion where we in the UK were lucky enough to get it before the U.S., I hope we don't see anyone "going nuts" on these boards. It's likely a one off.

Agree, this is the first time I have know something like this happen. We are usually a few weeks behind. I have the Pathfinder Adventure card game series on order and one of those was that far behind that a new one had come out in the USA before I had it. In the end it took me 4 months to get that add on pack.

Now, that's an example of another company, but it does show how this must be a one off thing.

Now....... I have seen Amazon dates for Eldritch Horror Mountains of Madness for the 15th of December in the UK?????

So, lets see what happens.

So in the meantime, grab those torches and storm the FFG towers looking for hte monster!!! Lol.

All the best.


Yup picked me up a copy from the Orcs Nest off Shaftesbury Avenue today in central London on the back off this post. They didn't have many left so hurry if you want a copy.

Cheers for the heads up Richard.

Edited by Chimaera

Why must I live in Birmingham, Al and not Birmingham, England....