Imperial Assault Out In The UK

By paganeagle2001, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Picked up my copy here in Sheffield, UK, today at Patriot Games!!!

Ready to have fun.

All the best.


What? And my local shop doesn't even know when they'll be able to get it yet.


I love how paganeagle2001 created an account today just to rub it in our faces that he got the game. :D

Let's face it we would have done the same lol.

I wouldn't have. :) I'm confident with the size of my collection.

Picture or didn't happen

How do you attach a pic here?

All the best.


How do you attach a pic here?

I think it has to be on the internet somewhere else, and you link to it, using the "Image" tool.

Anyway you could post a picture of Chewies stat card, a layout of all the command cards, and missions cards?

Edited by Jonnyb815

Sorry, but I'm not doing spoilers as it may spoil others fun.

I hope you understand.

All the best.


Not really you make a thread called spoilers? Whatever man others will post the stats later anyway.

Not really you make a thread called spoilers? Whatever man others will post the stats later anyway.

And you can put spoiler images behind spoiler tags, so anyone who doesn't want to see it can wait until they get their copy to be surprised.

Just check your local store and see if they have it.

I found out the earlier in the week that it was appearing today at my local store.

All the best.


I'm not used to this forum, so I wouldn't know how to do it.

The thing is, it is out in the UK so it should be out in other countries.

All the best.


I'm not used to this forum, so I wouldn't know how to do it.

The thing is, it is out in the UK so it should be out in other countries.

All the best.


I agree... unfortunately "should be" and "is" so rarely are the same.

I'm not used to this forum, so I wouldn't know how to do it.

The thing is, it is out in the UK so it should be out in other countries.

All the best.


I agree... unfortunately "should be" and "is" so rarely are the same.

Especially when it comes to FFG.

And gentlemen in The Americas now-a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here!

UK wins the internet today for having the game out!!


Where are everyone else's? Need to get us into the game instead of on the sidelines!!

I would have thought they would have had it out on the same day in as many countries as possible.


I noticed in the add on packs, there is one main charcter still missing. Princess Leia???

All the best.


I noticed in the add on packs, there is one main charcter still missing. Princess Leia???

Yeah, it's a bit disappointing. Already only 2 of the 6 heroes are female, and as far as I can tell, none of the other characters are female (maybe the nexu?)

Have to agree, yep boards games have a lot of male players, but come on we need female players as well. And PLEASE don't bring out the Leia golden bikini figure!!! Lol.

All the best.


There's a reason why all the bad guys in Star Wars have a British accent.