
By Crabbok, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

After watching the unboxing video I instantly realized I'm going to need a better storage solution for this game. The first option was to simply remove the minis and place them in some kind of tackle box, while trying to make a custom insert for the rest of the stuff, cards, tiles, etc.

However, the box does look pretty large, and I'm wondering if it would be possible to create an insert that works both for cards/tokens/dice, AND for the minis. Naturally they do all fit as-is, but I want to give them some degree of space because I plan to paint mine.

What are your plans?

The first one has you redirecting someone else to another thread.... lol I'm still going through them but I had to lol at that

This might serve as inspiration (WIP):

I've done some crude dividers for the cards using some cardboard foam and a SW LCG box. I plan to do some more acurate dividers later. Will probably do actual dividers for the original box to hither tiles etc. in one layer and then maybe a layer for cards and figures.

And I'll leave you with e very short short-movie of my magnetized AT-ST blowing up an Ewok:

I've fitted all the core set stuff in the box using foam board to make some sturdy boxes/dividers. I'm not sure if tinypic is suitable for sharing the images (it seems the Danish National Police have blocked acces to due to some pedophile image issues) so tonypic it is for now (since I absolutely hate imgur)

Edited by Forensicus