
By Ken_Masters, in UFS General Discussion

Halbard100 said:

I view banning of LotM similar to how they erratted Adon1, it was an inablizer. With Adon they stopped a whole lot of combos instead of having to manage half a dozen other cards.

Somebody has no idea what they're talking about.

*Adon* wasn't errata'd because his ability was an enabler;

He was errata'd because Chain Throw existed.

When Chain Throw came out, they did the retarded thing and banned the combo pieces, not the enabler itself (and as we know, Chain Throw went on to break our game in an unbridled fashion).

*Adon* was a top tier character before hand due to his built-in To The Bone, and spammability of Overhand Throw - Strike Heads - Strike Heads - Bo Rush ftw. He was an Air aggro posterboy (or close to it) upon release, and saw play, and as soon as Chain Throw came out, he got errata'd to the point of uselessness (the reason he became useless was because Ibis Minuet and Challenge the Master made his existence unimportant).

Makingsenseofus said:

Antigoth said:

<Calming the Mind, which also is now protected that Owlface is gone, once it hits the table, Ispin's E isn't being played for the rest of the game.>

Why is this? Does calming the mind stop Ispin's E: from working? even at the end of the turn?

They try to play the E:. Attempt to pay the cost. Card doesn't get added to momentum. Cost has failed. Ability does not get played, so no effects will resolve.

If they're dumb enough to try it, though, they still lose their card at the end of the turn! But that doesn't mean the effect will resolve at the end of the turn instead - you're long, long past the point of no return for attempting the effect.