Cersei's Attendant

By HastAttack, in 2. AGoT Rules Discussion

Response: After Cersei Lannister or Cersei's Attendant is killed, choose and kneel a character.

If I have 3 copies of CA in play and one of them is killed, can I trigger the response on each of the three cards

Whilst on the subject:

What if my opponent also had a CA and his one was killed - can I use my responses

Edited by HastAttack

No. Because Cersei's Attendant uses its own name in its ability, it is considered "self-referential." That means it can only trigger for itself. So CA #1 will only activate itself and will not activate CA #2 (no matter who controls the cards).

Cersei Lannister, on the other hand, is a different story. Since that is NOT the name of the card the effect is on, any Cersei Lannister will activate any CA. So in that Lanni mirror match, if you have 3 copies of CA in play and your opponent's Cersei Lannister is killed, you can trigger all three of your CAs.

sweet :)