AT-ST on Sale

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

For those wanting a more scaled version for the miniatures, the Attack on Endor booster pack is on sale for 24 hours and contains an AT-ST, Stormtroopers, a Scout Trooper and 4 maps.

What game does that go with?

For Star Wars Miniatures but you can still use the miniatures for Imperial Assault .

It goes with Star Wars Miniatures (SWM), from Wizards of the Coast. The game is out of production, but it's still a lot of fun to play, and there is an active gaming community (

Seriously, this item is considered one of the best values (ie, bang for your credits) in SWM's history. It comes with 2 double-sided maps, 3 different troopers, and an AT-ST. We already know that the WotC figures are to scale with the FFG figures, so it has good crossover potential.

This gives me an idea. <Starts rummaging around house for SWM AT-AT>

Does the AT-ST match the size of the Imperial Assault AT-ST, though? To me it looks like the Imperial Assault AT-ST's base is 2 spaces x 3 spaces, while the WOTC one is 3x3.

That is correct. The AT-ST mini will be useless for IA, unless you want to re-base it or cut off part of the base. Personally, I'm planning to just use the FFG AT-ST, and not worry about it. Same thing for the Probe Droid and E-Web minis...the SWM versions do not have the correct base size, so you really can't use them in IA.

I managed to find some of the map pack expansions for the Star Wars Miniatures game. The maps are quite good and are large (24" x 36"). The figures however are not very good at all.