The Great Movie Alien Compendium

By SavageBob, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Great write-up for the Sarkans (and Tholothians, but I'm more enticed by one of my requests being written), the justifications behind their characteristics makes for a really interesting brawny+stubborn, cultured-yet-antisocial race. Might be fun to play as a Doctor or Entrepreneur.

Only thing I'd debate is using hard numbers for Cold-Blooded (especially in Fahrenheit; these aren't the Imperial measurements you're looking for). I think it should be abstracted into 'freezing' and 'hazardously cold' temperatures and left to the GM to decide when the environmental situation falls into one category or another.

Thanks! Yeah, I debated the hard numbers for cold and almost went with a more abstract way of measuring it. I may very well go back and edit to do that at some point. But just to be clear: Those numbers are "standard degrees," which is Star Wars-speak for celsius. The lore makes it sound like they get sluggish on what you and I might consider a brisk day!

Wow, so basically Floridians. That's rough. I'd suggest 'cool temperatures' as the term for when they effectively gain Ponderous and 'near-freezing' when needing to make Resilience checks, in such case.

Wow, so basically Floridians. That's rough. I'd suggest 'cool temperatures' as the term for when they effectively gain Ponderous and 'near-freezing' when needing to make Resilience checks, in such case.

You've convinced me. Done!

Edited by SavageBob

Ha! There's lots of room for interpretation on them, especially on Brawn, Intellect, Cunning, and Presence. I'd be interested to hear what your GM went with.

I will say this — Stuart showed us a different drawing of the Elom, which I like a lot better. He showed us the bottom half of this one:


I think that’s a better drawing than anything else I’ve seen.

That's the incomparable Chris Trevas, if I'm not mistaken. I didn't use that picture so as not to confuse folks with the Elomin above the fuzzy guy. The one I used is Mike Vilardi, my favorite illustrator from the WEG days, when RPG books didn't have the budgets for full-color artwork most of the time. :)



George Lucas said he wanted Return of the Jedi to be the creature film of the Star Wars trilogy, and with species like the Skrillings, he got his wish. The EU has made the Skrillings even grosser: They eat dead bodies, steal from corpses, and throw up on anyone who has a problem with it. Bon appétit!

Brawn 2 • Agility 1 • Intellect 2 • Cunning 3 • Willpower 3 • Presence 1

• Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 80

Special Abilities: Skrillings begin with a free rank in Charm or Negotiation, both of which Skrillings may treat as if they were Willpower skills. Skrillings still may not train Charm or Negotiation above rank 2 at character creation. Skrillings also begin the game with a free rank in the Utinni! talent.

Scavengers: Skrillings are immune to food-borne illnesses and never have to make Resilience checks to resist spoiled, rotten, or poisoned food and drink. A Skrilling's keen sense of smell can be valuable in many situations; add 1 Boost Die to Perception checks involving the sense of smell. However, their eyesight is poor; when making a ranged combat or Perception check involving sight, Skrillings add one Setback Die. A Skrilling's vice-like grip grants 1 Boost Die on Athletics checks to climb or pull.

Acidic Vomit: Skrillings can excrete a mild acid onto foes from their breathing tubes. This natural weapon has the following profile (Ranged [Light]; Damage 2; Critical 4; Range [Engaged]; Burn 3, Disorient 3, Pierce 2, Slow-Firing 4, Nauseating: spend 2 Advantage to inflict; target must succeed at a Hard Resilience check or suffer the Stunned and Bowled Over Critical Injuries until the end of his next turn).

Designer Notes


We might consider the Skrillings' ability to eat most anything without worry as indicative of some natural constitution, but their inability to eat un spoiled meat suggests this is not the case (GG12 75; AA 98; UAA 143; NEGAS). Besides, Skrillings eschew combat in favor of more indirect ways of getting what they want (GG12 75–76; AA 98; UAA 143; NEGAS). WEG rules make them average in muscle (GG12 77; SWTSBSE 73), but WOTC rules give them a buff (AA 99; UAA 144). As a hardy but peaceful species, we keep them average.


Their avoidance of direct confrontation extends to firearms, as well (GG12 76), with notable exceptions (KOTOR 22). WEG rules reduce the Skrillings' Dexterity and Mechanical aptitude just a bit (GG12 77; SWTSBSE 73), and WOTC rules reduce Dexterity (AA 99; UAA 144). The evidence suggests a reduction is in order.


Skrillings are like Jawas in that they are adept at cobbling together cast-off technology into new contraptions, up to and including entire starships (GG12 75–76; AA 98; UAA 143; NEGAS). The species has no real technology of its own, but they're familiar with industrial-level machines and some higher tech via contact with the M'shinni colonists on their homeworld (GG12 76; AA 98; UAA 143). On the other hand, Skrillings are generally not very bright (UAA 143; NEGAS). To that end, WEG stats reduce their Intelligence a tad and their Technical aptitude slightly more (GG12 77; SWTSBSE 73), while WOTC rules reduce it as well (AA 99; UAA 144). All things considered, we'll need a 2 here if Skrillings are to be believable mechanics, as lore suggests.


There's little to suggest Skrillings are experts in this department, although they do seem to be good at reading social cues, and many wind up employed in the underworld (GG12 76–77; SWTSBSE 73; AA 98; UAA 143; NEGAS). WOTC rules give them a very good buff to Wisdom (AA 99; UAA 144), which has parallels here. Ultimately, an elevated score here helps represent the species' abilities to scavenge and to pester and prod to get their way, so we go with a 3.


Say what you will about the Skrillings, they're persistent little buggers (GG12 75; CCG; AA 98; UAA 143; NEGAS). That high Wisdom in WOTC rules (AA 99; UAA 144) adds support to the idea that Skrillings are at least decent here. There are even Skrilling Jedi (R 28; AMA 51; HH). Accordingly, we give them a raise to Willpower.


Skrillings are wanting in this attribute, since they annoy and horrify most other species with their constant pestering, questionable culinary habits (GG12 75; CCG; CSWE III 160; AA 98; UAA 143; NEGAS), and unattractive appearance (AMA 51). Indeed, most beings distrust the species completely (GG12 75–76). Skrillings have little desire to lead others (GG12 76; AA 98; UAA 143), and they have no government to speak of, instead being ruled by the M'shinni colonists on their world (GG12 76). WOTC rules reduce their Charisma, which is similar to Presence (AA 99). We follow suit.

Wound Threshold and Strain Threshold

Both of these are fine at standard levels.

Skills and Talents

Their cast-iron stomach may be enough to quality for a level of Blooded, or we could just treat it as a special ability. Skrillings can't eat unspoiled meat without digestive discomfort, but we leave this up to GM discretion to interpret (GG12 75).

Despite the fact that they annoy others to no end, Skrillings are masters of getting what they want through cajoling and whining (GG12 75; AA 98; UAA 143). WEG rules give them a bonus to that system's equivalent of Charm and Negotiation (GG12 77; SWTSBSE 73). Likewise, WOTC rules give them a buff to the equivalents of Deception, Negotiation, and Cool (UAA 144). We consider some talents that may represent this versus a free rank in Charm or Negotiation. Smooth Talker covers most of the skills in question, but we still have to contend with that justifiably low Presence attribute. What if we give the species a free rank in Charm or Negotiation, but we allow them to tie to it Willpower instead of Presence, to represent their incessant pleading and placating until they get their way? There's precedent for this kind of thing, like talents that let you tie the Lightsaber skill to another characteristic. Skrillings seem like natural candidates for something similar.

Most Skrillings know enough about machines to fix a wrecked speeder or the like (GG12 76). We consider a free rank in Mechanics for this, or a talent like Gearhead or Utinni! This last choice represents their knack for cheap repairs fairly well, so we grant the Skrillings a free rank.

Other Abilities

They have sharp, pointed teeth, but no source suggests they use these in combat (GG12 75; AA 98; UAA 143; NEGAS), so we ignore them.

Skrillings have poor eyesight but advanced olfaction (GG12 75). We can represent this with a reversed version of the Gran's keen eyesight coupled with the Chevin's olfactory advantage.

We need to account for the Skrillings' ability to clamp down with their fingers like a vice (GG12 75; CWCE 130). WEG rules represent this as a bonus to certain tasks, like lifting and pulling (GG12 77; SWTSBSE 73). In FFG's system, that means Athletics. Boost die it is.

They excrete a mild acid from their breather tubes. WEG says it's only a concern if someone gets it in his or her eyes (GG12 75), but the D6 rules allow the vomit to stun someone (GG12 77; SWTSBSE 73). WOTC rules go even further, allowing Skrillings to either paralyze (AA 99) or nauseate opponents with the bile (UAA 144). We look to some venomous and acid-spitting beasts, such as the fefze beetle, flame ibbot, korrak, and bog spitter, for guidance here.

Skrillings are stout at 1.0 to 1.9 meters in height (GG12 77; SWTSBSE 73)—or 1.5 to 1.9 meters tall (AA 98; UAA 143). We keep them at Silhouette 1, since even the short ones are pretty broad (GG12 75; AA 98; UAA 143; NEGAS).

Since you mentioned being interested in the connection between Trandoshans and Saurin, I thought I'd share my old hypothesis I devised after Dr Curtis Saxton declared they were subspecies in the Inside the Worlds book. It has gained a bit of evidence since, which in the spirit of the GMAC I'll share along with my conclusion:

-Despite the citations on the Wookieepedia, Neither the Atlas nor Inside the Worlds specifies which of the species is the descendant of the other or which of their two worlds is the homeworld or the colony.

-Durkteel and its hyperspace route have been with the Republic since around 15,000 - 8,000 BBY (Atlas), whereas Trandosha and the Kashyyyk system only nominally became part of galactic society a thousand years after this time. Unlike Wookiees, Trandoshans are not mentioned before this point.

-Durkteel has a very broad socioeconomic structure and Saurins appear integrated into galactic culture fro mtheir clothes and professions. Trandoshans however are very focused on hunting, slavery, and their worship of the Scorekeeper.

-The Saurins' distinctly humanoid hands surely give them an advantage over Trandoshans' burly claws, which have traditionally been said to make using standard galactic weapons and vehicle controls difficult (EGVV I recall).

-This is likely an artifact of genetic engineering to gain the benefit of integration in galactic society, a subject Dr Saxton brought up on his website when discussing near-humans and the genetic convergence of some aliens' human-like features.

My conclusion? Durkteel is the homeworld of the Saurin and Trandoshan common ancestor, which before 8-15,000BBY more closely resembled the Trandoshan physiology. The Scorekeeper cult is what motivated the Trandoshan's ancestors to leave for a world where they could collect Jagannath points on their own: a habitable planet in the Kashyyyk system with another species to hunt. The Trandoshans continue this tradition in relative isolation. Meanwhile, the Saurins eventually undergo gene modifications for additional fingers to better use human-centric Republic technology and proceed to integrate into galactic society.

Ah, very good points. I've corrected the Wookieepedia article (which I wrote), since you're right: nothing specifies which world was settled first. I also softened the language about Saurin definitely being the genetic offshoots; I think the fact that they are called a subspecies of Trandoshans implies that's the case, but it could be a factor of the Trandosha-based group being the dominant one in the galaxy, so folks consider Saurin the "subspecies" and not the other way around.

I also like your logic about how Durkteel was likely the origin point and your guesses as to how they split off. This just makes me thing FFG should do a Kashyyyk Region sourcebook even more!



The Devlikk are another Phantom Menace podracer species. They've appeared as background characters in several sources, but Fantasy Flight Games were the first to really expand on their history in any significant way, with the adventure Onslaught at Arda I . Unfortunately, that book doesn't include stats for Devlikk PCs. Well, that's what this Compendium is for.

Brawn 1 • Agility 3 • Intellect 2 • Cunning 2 • Willpower 2 • Presence 2

• Wound Threshold: 8 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 110

Special Abilities: Devlikk begin with a free rank in either Coordination or Perception. They still may not train Coordination or Perception above rank 2 at character creation. Devlikk have a Silhouette of 0.

Magnetic Sense: On planets with a magnetic field, Devlikk gain 1 Boost Die on Coordination and Piloting checks and know which way is north at all times.

Designer Notes


The Devlikk's small stature suggests they wouldn't win any contests here (CSWE I 187; SWCTP 92; EIIG; OAAI 85). They are kept in line by the Empire with a few hired thugs, and many of them live in horrid conditions in this era, suggesting most won't be in the best of health. Add to that the fact that Devlikk are avians (OAAI 85), and it's not difficult to envision them having hollow bones or a generally lightweight frame. They're pretty weak in FFG's NPC stats, as well (OAAI 85). We drop Brawn a point.


Devlikk podracers are quite common (NEGC 136), and Wan Sandage was podracing as early as age two (EIWW 62; CSWE III 125; SWCTP 92; WS DB). Devlikk NPCs all get a good score here (OAAI 85). It seems natural for us to raise Agility, too.


Centuries of contact with the outside galaxy have familiarized the Devlikk with galactic-standard technology and lore (OAAI 76, 85). Nevertheless, they aren't exceptional here, especially since the Imperial occupation of their homeworld has knocked many Devlikk into poverty and squalor (OAAI 85). Hence, an average score should suffice.


The species seems at home in nature, trying to preserve Ord Radama's natural wetlands in spite of urban sprawl exacerbated by outsiders. They resist the Imperial occupation of their world secretly, by gathering intelligence and sharing it with the Rebels (OAAI 76, 85–86). Wan Sandage isn't adverse to dirty tricks on the podracing track, either (EIRNSG 9; WS DB). The evidence thus points to a 2 or 3 in Cunning. We go with a 2 for balance.


On the one hand, the Devlikk have been largely powerless to prevent outsiders from essentially taking control of their homeworld for several millennia. Nevertheless, the avians have been careful to maintain the remaining wetlands on the world (OAAI 76), and Wan Sandage has proved that Devlikk are capable of greatness with the right discipline and hard work (NEGC 136)—suggesting that their spirits haven't been crushed. Things on Ord Radama have gotten grimmer since the Empire came to power (OAAI 85), with many Devlikk forced into subservience (OAAI 76). The Devlikk oppose the Imperial occupation secretly, but they haven't been able to pull the trigger on open rebellion, even though they're sympathetic to the Rebel Alliance (OAAI 76), and there are certain Devlikk who advocate joining up (OAAI 86). All of this points to at least an average score in Willpower.


Devlikk were known for having gobs of children and living in enormous families (NEGC 136; CSWE II 421; CSWE I 187: Devlikk), suggesting that they have plenty of chances to develop interpersonal skills. And they've had no lack of experience interacting with other species, thanks to Ord Radama's millennia-long status as a galactic crossroads (OAAI 76). Wan Sandage is something of a lady's man in his own right (EIWW 62; CSWE III 125; SWCTP 92). We should be good with a 2 here.

Wound Threshold

None of the Devlikk FFG has shown us is very hardy (OAAI 85). This makes sense for such a small species, so we dock them some Wounds.

Strain Threshold

We compensate for low Wound Threshold with a good score here. They need it for all the podracing they do (NEGC 136) and the horrid conditions they have to live in during the Rebellion (OAAI 76).

Skills and Talents

The common skills among FFG's Devlikk are Coordination and Perception (OAAI 85). Both of these make sense for a species evolved in a marshland environment, so we offer a choice between the two.

Other Abilities

Devlikk have woefully short lifespans; they're mature at age two (CSWE III 125; SWCTP 92; EIRNSG 9; EIIG), middle-aged at six, and at death's door at 10 (NEGC 136; SWCTP 92; CSWE I 187; EIRPOSG 64; EIRNSG 13; EIIG; WS DB; OAAI 85). This doesn't have any immediate ramifications for Devlikk PCs, though, as aging isn't really something this system has worried with.

Devlikk are attuned to magnetic poles, an ability that keeps them from getting lost on their homeworld (NEGC 136; OAAI 85–86). Onslaught at Arda I has this ability spelled out for Devlikk NPCs, so we port it over, adding a slight caveat to account for other sources that indicate the ability doesn't work away from Ord Radama (NEGC 136).

While those stubby little feet don't make Devlikk very fast when they walk upright (SWRR), the avians also seem to scurry on all fours when necessary (OAAI 80). We decide not to penalize their movement with Ponderous or the like.

They've got long claws on their fingers and toes (SWCTP 92; EIIG; OAAI 85), but nothing indicates these are useful in a fight, so we ignore them. Likewise, some Devlikks seem to have sharp teeth (SWR 15), but not all (PRT; EIIG). We don't need to mention those either, then.

Devlikk are tiny little things, both short and thin (CSWE I 187; SWCTP 92; EIIG; OAAI 85)—Wan Sandage stood only 1.37 meters tall (WS DB). We make them Silhouette 0.

Edited by SavageBob



She's hard to spot, but the Qiraash named Leesub Sirln is hanging out by the cantina bar in A New Hope , chatting with a portly Lutrillian. With her pink skin, enormous cranium, and nearly bald pate, Sirln and her species seem like a nod to the sci-fi B-movies of the '50s and '60s. Unfortunately, there's next to nothing known about the Qiraash, so this is another highly speculative entry.

Brawn 1 • Agility 1 • Intellect 3 • Cunning 2 • Willpower 2 • Presence 3

• Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 90

Special Abilities: Qiraash start the game with one rank in two different non-career skills of their choice. They still may not train these skills above rank 2 at character creation.

Designer Notes


There's little to go on, but all the Qiraash we've met so far have been in fairly intellectual or service-oriented occupations (VSV1; CWSM3). We lower Brawn a point, reasoning that Qiraash are probably more adept in other areas.


As with Brawn, we don't have much to go on other than the fact that we only know of Qiraash in jobs that require a decent IQ and people skills (VSV1; CWSM3). For the sake of a balanced build, let's lower Agility a point to make room for a raise elsewhere.


That big noggin (TLC; ANH) hints at a large brain and, hence, some natural smarts. A 3 here helps us establish Qiraash as good long-term planners, as evidenced by the administrator Doffen Gaitag and his attorney granddaughter (VSV1).


Leesub Sirln, at least, was able to hide out on Tatooine for years, evading the Empire's Inquisitors despite hanging out in the planet's busiest bar (DB LS; ANH). And Doffen Gaitag's openness to gambling on the space station he oversaw construction on and administered (VSV1) suggests that, if nothing else, he wasn't adverse to the stuff Cunning represents. We could go as high as a 3 here, but we'll stick with a 2, as the Qiraash seem to be slightly more savvy in other areas.


Leesub Sirln was enslaved as a child, but she escaped and went into hiding (DB LS). This suggests at least a decent score for her. Likewise, being the administrator of a gambling casino in space or being a top-flight lawyer (VSV1) likely call for some Willpower. This is another area where we could go as high as a 3, but we give the Qiraash a 2 for balance.


The Qiraash Doffen Gaitag, at least, needed some ability here to go through all the negotiations and headaches of constructing the Wheel space station and then serving as its first administrator before selling the place. Likewise, his granddaughter, Qimberly Gaitag-Delio, was a famous hard-nosed lawyer (VSV1). The only other Qiraash we know about is an unnamed bartender on Vaced (CWSM3), but that's a job that requires interfacing with customers, too. We raise Presence to 3.

Wound Threshold and Strain Threshold

With nothing to go on, we leave these at basic levels.

Skills and Talents

The evidence doesn't suggest any universal skills or talents. We give the Qiraash two free ranks in non-career skills, citing their near-Human status as our justification (LS CCG).

Other Abilities

Leesub Sirln had some aptitude for precognition, enough to bring her to the attention of Imperial Inquisitors (DB LS; TLC). Nevertheless, there's nothing to indicate this is a species-wide trait, so we leave this alone.

(Deleted double post.)

Edited by SavageBob



One of these giant arachnids may be present in Jabba's court in Return of the Jedi —it's unclear if the Sic-Six made the final cut of the film. Despite their dubious status as a movie alien, the Sic-Six offer a unique roleplaying challenge due to their alien anatomy and lack of fine manipulators. A Sic-Six Scholar or Scientist who makes extra money by "fanging" rich socialites addicted to her venom might be an interesting addition to a campaign.

Brawn 2 • Agility 2 • Intellect 3 • Cunning 3 • Willpower 1 • Presence 1

• Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 70

Special Abilities: Six-Six begin with a free rank in Skulduggery or Stealth. They still may not raise Skulduggery or Stealth above rank 2 at character creation.

Heightened Senses: A Sic-Six's eyes allow her to see from the ultraviolet to the infrared ends of the spectrum, and her tympanic carapace grants her acute hearing. Sic-Six may remove all Setback Dice imposed due to darkness from skill checks, and they add 2 Boost Dice to Perception and Vigilance checks involving the senses of sight or hearing. However, Sic-Six are vulnerable to loud noises, so a Sic-Six in a noisy environment must pass a Hard Discipline check or be disoriented until she leaves the area or the noise subsides. Further, Sic-Six are vulnerable to weapons with the Concussive quality, so they take wounds equal to the weapon's Concussive rating in addition to the weapon's normal damage and Concussive effects.

Arachnids: Sic-Six have sharp fangs that can be used as a Brawl weapon. The fangs always count as equipped, and they have the following weapon profile (Brawl; Damage +2; Critical 5; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 2, Venomous: For unwilling targets, spend 2 Advantage to inflict; the target must immediately make an Average Resilience check, being staggered and immobilized—but euphoric—on his next turn if he fails, plus 1 additional round per Threat generated; on a Despair, or if the Sic-Six spends Triumph on the attack, the target is staggered and immobilized until the end of the encounter instead). A Sic-Six's thick carapace grants her one rank in the Enduring talent. Her eight legs make her especially stable, granting a free rank in the Brace talent; however, the limbs have no fine manipulators, so the Sic-Six upgrades the difficulty of any checks involving the use of items designed for beings with fingers. Finally, a Sic-Six can spin a web with a diameter of short range over several hours; anyone who comes near the web must make a Perception check resisted by the Sic-Six's Skulduggery skill or be ensnared until passing an Easy Athletics or Coordination check.

Designer Notes


There's very little to go on here. WEG rules reduce their Strength quite a bit (GG4b 82), but it's unclear why. With lore reasons to reduce other attributes (see below), we leave Brawn at 2.


WEG rules make Sic-Six average in Dexterity and a bit deficient in piloting aptitude (GG4b 82). We'll handle their inability to pilot via a special ability, so we leave Agility at 2.


Despite their strange appearance, Sic-Six are an intelligent species, able to manufacture industrial technology (GG4b 82) and acclimated to galactic-standard goods (EGD 100; NEGD 63). Their engineers are well regarded, and the Sic-Six think themselves superior to other species in technological development (SS CCG). The arachnids' quiet, contemplative nature makes them natural scholars (GG4b 82)—and perhaps even cooks (DAD)—as evinced by Sic-Six polyglots (GG2 93). Nevertheless, WEG rules dock them both in Knowledge and Technical attributes (GG4b 82). We disagree, as other lore points to them being exceptional in Intellect. We raise it to 3.


The species are skilled in this area, since the cold climate of their homeworld has forced the Sic-Six to actively stalk and trap prey (GG4b 82; SWE 267; CSWE III 150; AGTTSWU2). Some Sic-Six even use their ability to knock folks out in the service of theft. WEG rules raise their Perception significantly (GG4b 82), and we agree. Cunning 3 seems to suit the species well.


Once upon a time, the arachnids were a patient lot, capable of waiting long periods for prey to stumble into their webs (GG4b 82). However, the cooling of their world has turned the Sic-Six into anxious cowards, afraid of anything outside their direct control (GG4b 81). Likewise, some Sic-Six fall prey to slavers, who force them to produce venom to be sold as an intoxicant (GG4b 82). We reduce their Willpower to represent their lack of a spine (literally).


The arachnids prefer to go about their lives alone, especially from other Sic-Six. The species thus has no politicians and no real government, as the only time two Sic-Six interact is to mate (GG4b 81–82; SWE 268; CSWE III 154). Sic-Six are often patrons of the arts, but even so, they prefer to enjoy high culture in solitude (GG4b 81). All of this points to a reduction to Presence.

Wound Threshold and Strain Threshold

Nothing suggests the Sic-Six are exceptional in either of these domains, so we leave them at standard levels.

Skills and Talents

Most of the talents Sic-Six are suited for are related to their arachnid physiology, about which see below. As for skills, the Sic-Six are hunters and trappers, so Skulduggery and Stealth see natural. We offer a choice between the two.

Other Abilities

The Sic-Six's six eyes allow them to see from ultraviolet to infrared (GG4b 82). We give them a combination of the Chiss's and Chadra-Fan's visual acuity to represent this. Sic-Six have great hearing, too, thanks to their bodies being huge tympanic membranes. This also makes them overwhelmed in a noisy environment, and it leaves them vulnerable to physical harm from even louder sounds, like explosions, within 20 meters (GG4b 82). We give them an advantage similar to the Southern Nikto's, with a caveat to allow for their vulnerability to loud noises.

Those mandibles are sharp, intended to inject venom, which can paralyze a Human-sized target for several minutes, putting them in a state of euphoria (GG4b 81–82; SWE 268; CSWE III 154). We can model this effect on several critters, including the dalydrake, styanax, and green bug swarm.

Those eight legs (GG4b 81) likely give the Sic-Six some added stability over a two-legged creature. We represent this with a level of the Brace talent. However, Sic-Six have no fingers or other appendages capable of manipulating standard technology (GG4b 81). In our Lamproid entry, we addressed a similar situation with a special ability that raises the difficulty of attempts to use such technology. As noted in the Lamproid entry, this mimics both the Crippled Critical Injury and the Dressellians' Primitive disadvantage. We do the same for our Sic-Six.

Sic-Six spin hard-to-see webs to trap prey and to know when strangers are around (GG4b 82; SWE 267; CSWE III 150; AGTTSWU2). There's no precedent for this, so we will have to wing an ability to represent this.

That exoskeleton is made from hard chitin (GG4b 81; SWE 267; CSWE III 150). This is probably enough to grant a defensive talent, such as Enduring or Durable. We go with the former, since the similarly buggy Geonosians get two ranks of it (LAOTH 37).

The Sic-Six are generally a wealthy society thanks to their ability to export their highly sought-after venom for use as a recreational drug (GG4b 82; SWE 267; CSWE III 150). Still, with no government to speak of (GG4b 81–82), it seems that this is very much done on an individual basis, so there's no need to grant extra starting wealth or a level of Sound Investments to represent this.

Sic-Six have a horizontal posture, but with a range of 1.2 to 2.1 meters in length (GG4b 81–82; AGTTSWU2; SWE 267; CSWE III 150), they are best kept at Silhouette 1.

Sy Myrthian


The Sy Myrthians appear in all three Prequel films, represented in the Senate and later in the Confederacy by Senator Toonbuck Toora. They're one of the more, er, alien designs created for the Prequels, even if they hearken somewhat to the Hutts in that they move about on their bellies like giant, hairy slugs. Despite appearing in a good number of sources, very little information is available on the species' culture, biology, or homeworld. This entry is thus another highly speculative one.

Brawn 2 • Agility 1 • Intellect 2 • Cunning 2 • Willpower 2 • Presence 3

• Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 100

Special Abilities: Sy Myrthians begin with a free rank in Charm or Negotiation. They still may not train Charm or Negotiation above rank 2 at character creation. Sy Myrthians also begin the game with one rank in the Enduring talent and the Smooth Talker talent.

Ponderous: A Sy Myrthian can never spend more than one maneuver moving per turn.

Designer Notes


Sy Myrthians are bulky and large (TT DB; WOSW 166), with no appreciable neck (AOTCN). Vader causes one a heart attack by interrogating him (T), but who wouldn't have cardiac arrest in such a situation? We could go with a 3 here, putting Sy Myrthians on par with Hutts, or we could go with a 2 to make them a bit less hardy. Over all, they seem smaller than their fellow belly-crawlers, so we go with a 2 in Brawn.


With their large bodies and awkward form of movement (WOSW 166), the Sy Myrthians look like a good candidate for a reduction to Agility. A 1 it is.


The species has access to standard technology, and they seem well integrated into the galaxy, with several million members on Coruscant (HNN45), their own spacecraft (HNN46), and even an army and navy until defeated by the Empire (EGW 113). With those walrus-like bodies, it's no surprise that Sy Myrthians find employment in more cerebral pursuits, such as a starship navigation (T). Sy Myrthian commentator Brookish Boon is savvy enough to see through Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's schemes, even if his public pronouncements are ignored by the public at large (HNN51). Finally, those heads are very long in proportion to the rest of the body (WOSW 166), which might indicate a big brain. All of this points to a good Intellect, if not an exceptional one. In the end, we'll stick with a 2, since the species seems a bit more savvy in other areas.


If Senator Toonbuck Toora is any indication, the species has a natural capacity for wiliness: Toora begins as a staunch opponent of corruption in the Republic, only to learn that she is quite good at it. She uses that guile to skirt the law, make secret deals, and fill her coffers doing it (CSWE III 254; EIVD 63; COD; TT DB). On the other hand, the Sy Myrthians we've met have all been urbanites, perhaps not comfortable with some aspects of Cunning, like wildlife survival (G10 12; AOTC; ROTS; HNN51). We could justify a 3 here based on Toora, but let's be conservative and go with a 2, since no other Sy Myrthian we've met seems particularly devious.


Toora's fall from idealism to corruption (CSWE III 254; CCG TT; EIVD 63) may be evidence of a lack of political will. Nevertheless, she later laughs in the face of defeat after the end of the Clone Wars, standing firm against the Empire's offensive in the Mid Rim (EGW 111–13). All this considered, a score of 2 should suffice here.


Sy Myrthians seem to be a species that gravitates toward jobs that require public speaking and persuasion. For instance, Brookish Boon isn't very friendly (CSWE I 85), but the com-host makes headlines and sways opinions with his political commentary (HNN45; HNN53). Likewise, the species is not adverse to litigation when they feel wronged, even suing the Republic after they secede from it (HNN46). Another Sy Myrthian works in acquisitions as a quartermaster (LOTF5). Of course, our most prominent example of the species's apparent talent for making friends and influencing people is Toonbuck Toora, a shrewd negotiator who uses that gift to grow quite wealthy and win friends in the Senate and corporations (CSWE III 254). Toora is a staunch supporter of business and free trade, as well (TT DB; HNN45; COD). A bump to Presence seems a natural fit for the Sy Myrthians.

Wound Threshold

That bulky body (TT DB; WOSW 166) probably indicates a decent score here, so we raise Wound Threshold a bit—not to Hutt levels, but not average, either.

Strain Threshold

There's no strong evidence one way or the other for Strain Threshold, so we leave it alone.

Skills and Talents

While we know of only a few Sy Myrthians, all of them seem adept at persuading others. We offer a free rank in either Charm or Negotiation to represent this. We top it off with a free rank in Smooth Talker.

Other Abilities

Sy Myrth is a wealthy planet (CSWE III 203), and Toonbuck Toora is filthy rich (COD). This could translate into extra starting wealth or a free rank in the Sound Investments talent, but we'll leave it be for now.

With a body plan very similar to that of Hutts, it's easy to imagine that a species that slithers about on its bellies (WOSW 166) would be a bit slow and cumbersome. We give the Sy Myrthians the Ponderous disadvantage. However, that blubber (WOSW 166) also likely gives them a defensive advantage, so we go with Enduring.

Those fingers are clawed, but they don't really look like they'd be particularly useful in a scrap (WOSW 166; G10 12), so we don't give any special Brawl bonuses.

No source has given an average height for a Sy Myrthian, but they seem to be about on par with Humans. That said, they are very stocky and long (WOSW 166). The similarly proportioned Hutts are Silhouette 1, so the Sy Myrthians are, as well.

No source has let us know about the Sy Myrthians' homeworld and evolutionary history, but with nostrils near the top of their heads and a body like a sea lion or walrus, it's quite possible that the species is semi-aquatic. If that's the case, a Sy Myrthian character should get an ability similar to that of the Pale Nikto, losing Ponderous in the water, not having any movement penalties when swimming, and being able to hold his breath for a number of rounds equal to twice Brawn rating (or some other multiplier). Since this is pure speculation, we'll leave this out of our final species writeup, but GMs should take note of it if they want to make their Sy Myrthians more mobile. Such an ability is situational enough that it probably shouldn't affect their starting XP much.

Yam'rii (Huk)


There's a giant mantis at the cantina bar in A New Hope , although she's a bit hard to spot. EU writers have tied the species into the background of General Grievous, turning them into marauding, insectoid warriors also known as the Huk, who nonetheless possess some smarts and political acumen. With two options to choose from—fingers or natural weapons—Yam'rii can serve in many different capacities.

Brawn 3 • Agility 2 • Intellect 2 • Cunning 2 • Willpower 2 • Presence 1

• Wound Threshold: 13 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 8 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 90

Special Abilities: Yam'rii begin the game with a free rank in Stealth. They still may not train Stealth above rank 2 at character creation. Their knobby carapace grants them two free levels of the Enduring talent.

Forelimbs: Some Yam'rii have forelimbs shaped like serrated blades, while others have three-fingered hands instead. For Yam'rii who possess them, the serrated forelimbs may be used as Brawl weapons. These forelimbs use the Brawl skill and add their weapon damage to the character’s Brawn for total damage. The serrated forelimbs always count as equipped, and they have the following weapon profile (Brawl; Damage +2, Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; Defensive 1, Linked 1, Pierce 2, Vicious 1). However, the serrated limbs lack the manual dexterity of fingers, so Yam'rii who have them upgrade the difficulty of any checks involving the use of items designed for beings with fingers. In contrast, Yam'rii with fingers do not have access to this natural attack, but they do not suffer penalties when using technology intended for beings with fingers. Yam'rii with fingers gain +10 starting XP.

Designer Notes


Sources describe Yam'rii as powerful critters (KK CCG; SWE 160; SWC 85; CSWE III 349; FF CAN5), and they have a highly martial society (US 45; LOW). We raise Brawn to account for both factors.


The species is known to be stealthy (SWC 85; CSWE III 349), and they have access to starships and blaster weapons (US 45). An average Agility should be enough to allow for all of this.


Yam'rii are no luddites; their warriors use powerful technology more advanced than that of their enemies, the Kaleesh (US 45), and they employ droids on their homeworld (EGD 26; NEGD 67). Other Yam'rii are perfectly at home with standard technology, as well (KK CCG; SWE 160; FF CAN5; CSWE II 205). We leave Intellect at 2, since they don't seem particularly intellectual either.


The Yam'rii's natural greed (US 45) might translate to some ability here. Further, when they use diplomacy to end their war with the Kaleesh, they con the Jedi into declaring that the Kaleesh are at fault (CSWE II 67; LOE 15) and use corrupt tactics to sway factions such as the Trade Federation to support their petition for Republic intervention (CWCG 109; US 46; CSWE II 66). We go with a 2 here, as that should suffice to allow for some raw guile.


Yam'rii are known to lose their cool when provoked (US 45; SWC 85; CSWE III 349; TSC). On the other hand, they are single-minded in their pursuit of empire and territory, enslaving anyone who gets in their way (US 45; CWCG 12; NEGAS 93). Only after the tide of battle turns against them do the Yam'rii retreat (US 46). Years later, though, they are lured into the Swarm War when the Colony instigates a coup d'état on their homeworld (CSWE II 66). An average score here should cover both sides of their temperament.


The Yam'rii are a species of carnivores (US 45) with a host of antisocial habits. First, they unabashedly eat the young of other sentients (KK CCG; CSWE III 349; KK DB)—and possibly even other Yam'rii (US 45). Secondly, they have a tendency to seed colonies with little concern for a world's current occupants (US 45) or their sacred sites (NEGAS 93). On the other hand, the species is savvy enough to go through political channels when their all-out war with the Kaleesh turns sour, although at that point, they get their way through devious means (CSWE II 67; LOE 15). Considering that most other species find the Yam'rii odd if not monstrous (FF CAN5), a 1 in this attribute seems the way to go.

Wound Threshold

Since so much of the lore emphasizes how warlike the Yam'rii are, we want them to be able to go toe-to-toe with other bruiser species, such as Wookiees and Trandoshans.

Strain Threshold

A reduction here helps us balance their Wound Threshold while also representing their short tempers (US 45; SWC 85; CSWE III 349; TSC) and sometime inability to follow through on tasks (US 46).

Skills and Talents

There's precedent to give them a free rank in Stealth, which the species is noted for (SWC 85; CSWE III 349).

Other Abilities

Yam'rii have a rugged, thick carapace (US 45; LoW; TSC). This should be good for a level or two of Enduring, if the Geonosians are any guide (LAOTH 37).

We have two varieties of Yam'rii to account for. The first type is more martial, with what amounts to barbed cutlasses for hands (US 46; TSC). The other is more versatile, with two fingers and a thumb instead (CEII-1 21). With cleavers for hands, the first type likely has trouble using technology designed for beings with fingers, so we give them the same disadvantage we gave Lamproids and Sic-Six (itself a variant of the Dressellian's Primitive disadvantage). For the cutlass-hands themselves, we take inspiration from the Evarrian Hunter and Evarrian Queen creatures in Onslaught at Arda I , with her bladed forelegs. On the contrary, Yam'rii with fingers don't get the natural weapon, but they don't get the extra difficulty when using technology either.

Yam'rii are generally large (SWE 160; CRC 5; Jawa DB; CSWE II 205); Kitik Keed'kak stands two meters tall (KK DB)—or is it 2.8? (WTDWT). That's big, but it's still Silhouette 1.

Edited by SavageBob

Kowakian monkey-lizard


Jabba's court jester in Return of the Jedi , Salacious Crumb, exemplifies his species' tendencies toward mockery and laziness. And on first blush, a Kowakian monkey-lizard PC might seem unlikely (or at least ill advised). But a monkey-lizard could easily fill a niche as a Performer, Scout, Survivalist, or Thief—and, with a sufficiently creative backstory, maybe even as an Agitator, Assassin, Beast Rider, Infiltrator, Marauder, or Scoundrel. Thus, in the interests of completeness, the species earns its spot in the Compendium .

Brawn 1 • Agility 4 • Intellect 1 • Cunning 2 • Willpower 2 • Presence 2

• Wound Threshold: 5 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 7 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 120 XP

Special Abilities: Kowakian monkey-lizards begin with a free rank in Survival. They still may not train Survival above rank 2 at character creation. They also begin with a rank in the Forager talent. Their senses are keen, so monkey-lizards remove one Setback Die from Perception checks involving sight or hearing. Kowakian monkey-lizards never have to make Resilience checks to resist spoiled or rotten food and drink. Monkey-lizards have a silhouette of 0.

Arboreal: Kowakian monkey-lizards move quickly through forest canopies; they can climb trees, leap from branch to branch, and swing through the treetops in heavily wooded areas without needing to make Athletics checks or spend additional move maneuvers. In addition, they may treat Athletics as an Agility skill for purposes of climbing and jumping. Monkey-lizards gain 1 Boost Die to Stealth checks when moving through heavily forested areas. Likewise, any Perception checks made to detect a Kowakian monkey-lizard in such an environment suffer 1 Setback Die unless the seeker has infravision or some other form of advanced perception.

Primitive: Kowakian monkey-lizards upgrade the difficulty of any checks involving advanced technology. This counts as any technology not available on Kowak, although individual pieces of technology they become familiar with over an extended period of time can become exempt from this at the GM’s discretion. Kowakian monkey-lizards can spend 10 XP at character creation to remove this penalty permanently.

Designer Notes


With their diminutive bodies and gangly limbs (ROTJ; EGC 35; AA 36; CSWE II 229; UA 98; NEGAS), it's easy to assign the species a 1 in Brawn. Indeed, WOTC rules lower their Strength and Constitution. However, we also need to account for their preference for spoiled food (AA 36; UA 98; NEGAS; CWUK6.24), but we can do that with a special ability. At least one was an able fighter, but he'd been altered by Sith alchemy (CSWE III 25). Brawn 1 it is.


Monkey-lizards are noted for their finesse and quickness (EGAS 72; NEGAS) and overall sneakiness (CWCE 135). WOTC rules bump up their Dexterity considerably (AA 36; UA 98). We do the same, making the species really shine here.


The species is smart enough to be classified as sentient according to some scientists (MTSB 114; SWTSBSE 75; AA 36; UA 98; EGAS 72; NEGAS; CWUK6.24), and they are at least capable of mechanical repair (NTITG) or even playing musical instruments (AS). Then again, they are no geniuses, and WOTC lowers their Intelligence quite a bit (AA 36; UA 98; CSWE II 229; QOTE). We go down to a 1 for Intellect.


Kowakian monkey-lizards are consummate scavengers, with survival skills to find food on their homeworld (AA 36) and detect predators (NEGAS). Likewise, they can get by as pickpockets (CSWE II 341; CSWE III 26). It's possible their intelligence is better represented by Cunning that Intellect (NEGAS). Nevertheless, WOTC rules lower their Wisdom, which has overlaps here (AA 36; UA 98). We go with an average score.


Monkey-lizards get some ability here in their tendency for in-fighting and intimidation against rivals when scrapping for food in the wild (AA 36; UA 98). And their groups exhibit a recognition of dominant and submissive members (NEGAS). However, they grow incredibly lazy once taken by a "master," so much so that monkey-lizards returned to the jungle usually die for lack of will to scavenge food. That said, WOTC rules lower their Wisdom, which is somewhat akin to Willpower (AA 36; UA 98). A 2 should suffice for our purposes.


Monkey-lizards have a definite mean streak. Add to that their goofy demeanor, fondness for mocking and mimicking those around them, and propensity for laughing at inappropriate times, and they can irritate some beings (AA 36; UA 98; NEGAS; CWNBTVG; CWUK6.24). They also exhibit bad habits like not respecting others' property (NEGAS; CWUK6.24). Nevertheless, the Hutts have a soft spot for the critters (AA 36; UA 98), as do pirate chiefs, such as Hondo Ohnaka (CSWE II 341; CWCE 135), and certain members of the upper crust (NEGAS). The species moves in large packs, as well, suggesting some social graces are not alien to them. WOTC rules lower their Charisma attribute a bit (AA 36). But we give them a 2 to account for the fact that they're not universally reviled.

Wound Threshold

With such tiny bodies, we have every right to reduce their Wound Threshold severely.

Strain Threshold

Likewise, the species' demeanor suggests they don't handle stress well. We give them a Strain Threshold to reflect this.

Skills and Talents

Most of a monkey-lizard's skills have to do with the species' life in the wilds of Kowak, where they scavenge carrion and forage for other foodstuffs (MTSB 114; SWTSBSE 75). There, the species needs to be alert for predators (Perception) and evade detection by them (Stealth), they need to be able to move about the trees by climbing and jumping (Athletics), and they need to be able to find food and water (Survival) (AA 36; NEGAS). At least some are good a stealing, too (CWCE 135). We'll cover much of this with a special abilities (see below). But Survival seems like a good choice for a species-wide skill, so we give them a rank in it. We cap it off with a rank in Forager.

Other Abilities

They have keen hearing and eyesight (EGAS 72; NEGAS). We give them a boost in this area, drawing from the precedent of several other species.

They are able to eat spoiled food without harm (AA 36; UA 98; NEGAS; CWUK6.24), so we borrow an ability we gave the Skrillings.

Monkey-lizard skin actually changes color slightly to mimic their environment (EGAS 72; NEGAS), and their ability to swing through the trees might be better emulated with a talent or special ability than with a skill (EGAS 72; NEGAS). We covered similar ground with the Amani, so we give the monkey-lizards a variation on that ability, letting them move through jungles and heavily forested areas with no penalties. Nevertheless, we also add a wrinkle to let monkey-lizards tie Athletics to Agility for climbing other surfaces.

It might be worth a special ability to account for their being intimidating to predators when in large enough groups (AA 36; UA 98; NEGAS). But, then again, that's probably something any large group of characters could do, so we'll leave it be.

The Kowakian monkey-lizards have no appreciable culture or technology on their homeworld, Kowak (MTSB 114; SWTSBSE 75; AA 36; EGAS 72; NEGAS; CWUK6.24). This suggests that they should get a penalty to using blasters and flying landspeeders, offsetting their high Agility score somewhat. We give them the Primitive disadvantage, per the precedent of Dressellians.

Kowakian monkey-lizards are tiny creatures with lanky bodies (ROTJ; EGC 35; SWE 61; AA 36; CSWE II 229; UA 98); They average 0.7 meters tall (EGAS 72), and Pilf Mukmuk is even smaller, at 0.58 meters (CWCE 135; CWUK6.24). We place them in the Silhouette 0 category.



Yarael Poof is a wise Quermian member of the Jedi High Council in The Phantom Menace . His species is renowned for their wisdom and telepathic powers (as are, apparently, all species represented on the Jedi High Council). The species' shared genetic history with the Xexto gives them four arms, providing another option for players who want an extra maneuver each turn.

Brawn 1 • Agility 2 • Intellect 2 • Cunning 1 • Willpower 3 • Presence 2

• Wound Threshold: 8 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 95

Special Abilities: A Quermian can use telepathy to communicate with other Quermians or with Force users who possess the Sense power. This is completely non-verbal, and undetectable to any other species nearby. Quermians can only communicate like this if they are within short range and are able to make eye contact with each other.

Additional Limbs: Quermians have six limbs: two legs and four arms. As a result, they gain an additional free maneuver per turn, though still may not perform more than two maneuvers per turn.

Designer Notes


Quermians have thin limbs and little muscle mass (AA 92; UAA 125; POTJSB 73; YP DB). Add to that the fact that the never faced war or adversity on their homeworld, and it's no wonder they are generally peaceful and reluctant to engage in physical violence (AA 93; POTJSB 73; UAA 125). WOTC rules reduce their Strength and Constitution (UAA 125; POTJSB 74). We lower Brawn, too.


Yarael Poof was known for high agility (CSWE III 37; YP DB). Quermians get a bump here in WOTC rules (UAA 125; POTJSB 74), as well. However, there's little in the lore to support such an increase, so we go with a conservative score of 2.


The Quermians are on par with other spacefaring species in technology, and their philosphers are galaxy-renowned (AA 93; UAA 124–25; POTJSB 73; NEGAS). They elevate reason and logic above other values (NEGAS), so it's no surprise they count professors among their number (JA:TF). D20 rules give them a bonus to Intelligence (UAA 125; POTJSB 74). It's tempting to go with a 3 here, but a 2 should suffice, so long as we account for their wisdom elsewhere.


Yarael Poof is pretty wily in his tactics (EIVD 10; CSWE III 37; YP DB). Nevertheless, as with Brawn, the Quermians' idyllic homeworld keeps them from having to worry about predators and outfoxing rivals (AA 93; UAA 125; POTJSB 74), so it's unlikely they have ever needed much in the way of Cunning on a species-wide scale. We reduce the attribute a point.


Their long tradition of deep-thinking and philosophy (AA 93; UAA 125; POTJSB 74) suggests some adeptness here. Likewise, Quermians have a long track record of producing Jedi (AA 93; UAA 125; POTJSB 74; NEGAS). They get a bump to the similarly themed Wisdom in D20 rules (UAA 125; POTJSB 74). Murk Lundi's short temper offers a counter example, but he was nuts (JA:TF), and most evidence suggests we raise Willpower a point.


The species enjoys interacting with others (UAA 125; POTJSB 74), and they're generally cool and collected (NEGAS). Both Yarael Poof and Professor Murk Lundi know how to work a room (JA:TF), and Quermian Sith Lord Ayanos Bactra prefers to lead through finance than through fear (KE). We go with a 2 here to make the species on par with most others.

Wound Threshold

Those spindly bodies (AA 92; UAA 125; POTJSB 73) and a lack of physical threats on their homeworld (AA 93; POTJSB 73; UAA 125) suggest a lower-than-average score here is called for.

Strain Threshold

We lower this a tad to put them in line with other species, despite their higher Willpower score.

Skills and Talents

Throughout this build, we've been trying to keep Quermians in line with their genetic cousins, the Xexto; having four limbs and an extra maneuver is expensive! The Xexto get a free talent but no free skills. And there really aren't any skills or talents that stand out to us for the Quermians anyway. We opt not to give them anything here.

Other Abilities

Quermians have four arms and a genetic history shared with the Xexto (AA 92–93; UAA 125; POTJSB 73; CSWE III 62; YP DB). On the other hand (no pun intended), they tend to hide their extra limbs so as to appear more humanoid (EIVD 10; NEGAS). We port over the Xexto's four-arms special ability anyway—Quermians have access to it, even if they don't always use it.

Quermians have access to a limited form or telepathy that lets them communicate simple ideas and feelings in secret with other Quermians and with Force users, provided they can make eye contact (AA 93; UAA 125; POTJSB 74; NEGAS). We adapt the Weequay's silent communication to represent this.

Quermians are prone to develop neuroses, up to and including obsessive–compulsive disorder or dissociative identity disorder, especially after a mental trauma (NEGAS). This sounds like something best left to roleplaying, so we don't need to mention it in our stat block.

The Quermians are Silhouette 1, ranging from 1.6 to 2.3 meters tall (AA 93; POTJSB 73; UAA 125).



A member of this yam-nosed species is present in the Mos Eisley Cantina thanks to Los Angeles reshoots Lucas called for to add more variety to the cantina's clientele. The odd-looking alien is visible in the film cuddling with the Gotal Feltipern Trevagg. The EU has established the H'nemthe as an inexperienced female being courted by the Gotal; the would-be Lothario's efforts pay off, but little does he know that H'nemthe women gut and kill their mates after copulation.

Brawn 2 • Agility 2 • Intellect 2 • Cunning 2 • Willpower 3 • Presence 1

• Wound Threshold: 8 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 80

Special Abilities: H'nemthe begin the game with one free rank in either Coercion or Discipline. They still may not train Coercion or Discipline above rank 2 at character creation.

Energy Sensitivity: Once per encounter as a maneuver, a H'nemthe can sense the presence and emotional state of all living things within short range of themselves.

Natural Weapon: A female H'nemthe has a long, sharp tongue that can be used as a Brawl weapon. The tongue uses the Brawl skill and adds its weapon damage to the character’s Brawn for total damage. The tongue always counts as equipped, and it has the following weapon profile (Brawl; Damage +2, Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 2, Vicious 1). Male H'nemthe do not have sharp tongues, so male H'nemthe characters gain +15 starting XP.

Designer Notes


At least a few H'nemthe find work in the galaxy as criminal enforcers, thugs (NHO CCG; CSWE III 80), and bounty hunters (TNSMS). Still, we can get by with a Brawn of 2, so we leave the attribute be.


D20 rules give them a bonus to Dexterity (UAA 71), and those thugs we mentioned (NHO CCG; CSWE III 80; TNSMS) need agility for ranged weapons. Still, there's not enough evidence to bump the attribute up. We leave it at 2.


Few H'nemthe leave their homeworld, meaning they are somewhat ignorant of the galaxy. However, they have a vibrant indigenous culture and educational system, so they're no dummies either (NEGAS). We leave Intellect alone.


On the one hand, H'nemthe are excellent hunters with keen powers of perception (UAA 71–72; NEGAS). They are also known for their slyness (H CCG) and ability to read the feelings of others (UAA 72; NEGAS). H'nemthe females, though, are naive and gullible. D20 rules accordingly dock the species' Wisdom score (UAA 71). We'll account for their perception and emotion sense with abilities, but an average Cunning should suffice for the rest.


With an intense devotion to their religion, a tendency to embrace death open-armed, a highly regulated society (EGAS 55; H DB; UAA 71; NEGAS; CSWE II 47), and a track record of holding grudges (H CCG), H'nemthe seem like natural candidates for a boost here. The bounty hunter Dafi's recourse to torture supports this interpretation (SW16), as does the existence of a H'nemthe Jedi (NEGAS). The species' art and literature reflect these interests (NEGAS; CSWE II 47). D20 rules actually reduce their Wisdom (which has overlaps here), but in this case, the stats seem to reflect the more cunning-related aspects of that D20 attribute (UAA 71). We give the species a bonus to Willpower.


Most H'nemthe are wallflowers: The males are ever on the hunt for a date but shy around members of the opposite sex, while the females are often gullible because they are cloistered and guarded at home. What's more, their language irritates other species (EGAS 55; H DB; UAA 71; NEGAS). Even their love for music, art, and literature supports the species' solitary nature, as they keep such interests private (NEGAS). A few, at least, make a go of it as traders (AO CCG), of course. But D20 rules reduce their Charisma for these reasons (UAA 71), and we agree. Presence 1 fits the species.

Wound Threshold and Strain Threshold

There's little to indicate anything positive or negative here, but it's feasible the H'nemthe might have glass jaws, considering how their men are so readily eviscerated (EGAS 55; CCG MO; H DB; MO DB; UAA 71; NEGAS; CSWE II 47; TERC 190; FF RIT4). We lower Wound Threshold a tad to balance out some of their other special abilities, but we leave Strain Threshold as is.

Skills and Talents

We grant a rank in either Coercion or Discipline to represent the species' highly structured society (EGAS 55; H DB; UAA 71; NEGAS).

Other Abilities

The female H'nemthe tongue acts like a bandsaw; they use it to gut the males after they mate (EGAS 55; CCG MO; H DB; MO DB; UAA 71; NEGAS; CSWE II 47; TERC 190; FF RIT4). We give them a unique Brawl attack to represent this.

H'nemthe have four head cones similar to those of Gotals. The cones allow H'nemthe to sense fluctuations of heat in their surroundings and to use this to infer emotions from those around them. They also help H'nemthe forage on their homeworld (EGAS 55; H DB; UAA 71; NEGAS). D20 rules give the species a bonus when seeing through BS and when negotiating (UAA 72). The ability is virtually identical to what Gotals get, so we simply port over their power.

The species stands 1.7 meters tall on average (EGAS 55; UAA 71), placing them in Silhouette 1.



Precious little is known about the Yuvernians, a species represented by smuggler Cane Adiss in Return of the Jedi . Unlike other obscure movie species, we don't even know what their bodies look like, except that they are "snakelike." For that reason, I've had to speculate quite a lot about what the species' appearance from the neck down. Take all of this with a mountain of salt.

Brawn 3 • Agility 2 • Intellect 2 • Cunning 1 • Willpower 2 • Presence 2

• Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 80

Special Abilities: Yuvernians begin the game with one free rank in Survival. They still may not train Survival above rank 2 at character creation. Yuvernians have a silhouette of 2.

Two Heads: A Yuvernian has two heads, each with its own sensory organs and tooth-filled mouth. Yuvernians receive a Boost Die to Perception and Vigilance checks. Their tooth-filled maws use the Brawl skill and add their weapon damage to the character’s Brawn for total damage. The teeth always count as equipped, and they have the following weapon profile (Brawl; Damage +2, Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; Linked 1, Pierce 1). A Yuvernian may attack a different target with each mouth in a single turn; resolve such attacks per standard rules for two-weapon combat, but the second attack is not upgraded in difficulty.

Designer Notes


With such overlarge bodies (CA DB), Yuvernians need some extra Brawn simply to move around. We could justify as much as Brawn 4, but we'll go with a more conservative 3.


Cane Adiss learned to be a good pilot (CA DB), at least. With nothing else to go on, we leave Agility at 2.


On the one hand, the species seems planetbound in its thinking, not valuing knowledge of the rest of the galaxy. On the other, there's a Rebel and Imperial presence on their world, so the Yuvernians can't be totally ignorant of what's out there (CA DB). We leave Intellect at average levels.


Cane Adiss's background suggests the Yuvernians don't value creative thinking (CA DB). And when the Yuvernian smuggler tries to bluff Jabba (CA DB; CA CCG), the Hutt sees right through the ruse (CA DB). We lower Cunning to 1.


There's little to go on, but Cane Adiss does get bullied by an Imperial boarding crew (CA DB; CSWE I 11). That's not enough to justify a reduction, though, so we leave Willpower alone.


There's nothing to go on, so let's leave this at 2.

Wound Threshold

The Yuvernians are likely pretty tough by sheer size alone. We give them a bonus here accordingly.

Strain Threshold

Here, we have little to base a decision on. We leave this at average, then.

Skills and Talents

We have to make some guesses here for lack of information. We know the species is pretty pragmatic and practical, so they probably value skills in this vein. We consider Athletics, Coordination, Discipline, Perception, Survival, and Vigilance. We opt for Survival, since we lowered Cunning and want to compensate for that. (We'll handle Perception with an ability.)

Other Abilities

Yuvernians have two heads, and those heads have two mouths full of sharp teeth (CA DB; CA CCG; CSWE I 11; SWC). We don't have rules yet for how to handle beings like this, so we'll do our best here. On the one hand, two sets of eyes probably amounts to some Perception bonus and possibly a bonus to Vigilance, similar to that we granted the Lamproids. Secondly, the double attack of two sharp-toothed mouths is probably worth a natural attack with the Linked attribute, or possibly two Brawl attacks per turn. For what it's worth, there is no indication in the sources that each head has its own personality, unlike with the similarly dual-headed Troigs. Our ability here may be overpowered; if you think so, charge another 5 or 10 XP for it, or perhaps make the second attack on a separate target cost advantage or strain.

At 4.8 meters long and 2.4 meters tall (CA DB), Yuvernians are like long snakes (CSWE I 11). We give them a well-earned Silhouette 2. Their girth makes it difficult for them to find turbolifts suited to them (SWCL; CA DB), let alone ships (CA DB; CSWE I 11), so we also give them some XP to compensate for this overlarge silhouette. No source mentions whether they have any limbs, so let's imagine that they have at least two humanoid arms and thus won't need any disadvantages to represent lack of manipulators.

EDIT: Changed their special abilities to give Yuvernians a boost die to all Perception and Vigilance checks rather than removing a setback from Perception but adding a boost to Vigilance. The new way is more elegant and better reflects having two sets of sensory organs.

Edited by SavageBob



Revenge of the Sith reveals that the planet Utapau is home to two sentient species, the gaunt and noble Pau'ans, and the squat and hardworking Utai. The Utai are in some ways the Prequel Trilogy's answer to the Ugnaughts: not much to look at but, they've got it where it counts.

Brawn 2 • Agility 2 • Intellect 2 • Cunning 3 • Willpower 2 • Presence 1

• Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 90

Special Abilities: Utai begin the game with one rank in either Athletics or Resilience. They still may not train Athletics or Resilience above rank 2 at character creation. They also begin with a free rank in the Beast Handler talent. Utai have a Silhouette of 0.

Natural Followers: Utai are natural followers, so an Utai adds an additional Boost Die to the dice pool when providing unskilled assistance. In addition, characters add 1 Boost Die to Leadership checks to command Utai, provided their orders do not run counter to the Utai's nature or best interests.

Dark Vision: Utai remove up to 2 Setback Dice imposed due to darkness from any skill checks.

Designer Notes


Utai are tough and strong for their size, and their constitution shows it (Utapauan DB; CSWE III 284). Star Tours employs Utai as luggage handlers (ST:TAC), as they have good stamina. D20 rules give them a bonus to Constitution (TOTG 127). Utai soldiers fought in the Clone Wars (CSWE II 301; CSWE III 284), and some turn these talents toward violence (CN2:SOS). We give them a 2 here, good for little guys but not on par with Wookiees and the like.


These little guys are agile enough to accomplish the labor and technical tasks they're responsible for (NEGAS), and they have the potential to become real aces in airspeeder combat (ICS). An average score should suffice.


Utai rarely enter intellectual vocations, preferring instead to toil as manual laborers (Utapauan DB; NEGAS). Likewise, they take little interest in the outside galaxy (Utapauan DB; CSWE III 284). Nevertheless, their relationship with the Pau'ans means the Utai get to reap the benefits of high technology as long as they are willing to work (TP 4), and they often serve as technicians (NEGAS; CSWE III 284; ST:TAC; ROTS-n). We leave Intellect at 2 to allow for all these possibilities.


The Utai in eons past tamed both the dactillions (CSWE I 161; CSWE III 284) and varactyls of Utapau, altering their culture forever by opening up new areas for exploration and colonization (Boga DB). Some Utai serve as varactyl handlers on Utapau (COTF; SOF 89; CSWE III 284; ROTS-n), and the species is known for its intuitive way with beasts (CSWE I 161). Further, at least one Utai made his way as a spy (L49). All of these points suggest a boost to Cunning is in order.


Utai are somewhat cautious and cowardly (Utapauan DB), and they prefer taking orders to leading (TP 3, TP 5)—even if they are rebelling against Imperial oppression (TP 4). Obi-Wan is able to mindtrick one (ROTS 2), as well. We could lower Willpower a point, but much of this timidity may better be represented by a low Presence, so we keep Willpower at 2.


The species' inborn humility works against them here (ROTSVD 46), as does their natural shyness (Utapauan DB). They don't care much for leadership positions, either, preferring to be told what to do (TP 3, TP 5; NEGAS; TOTG 127). D20 rules reduce their Charisma (TOTG 127), and we follow suit with a Presence of 1.

Wound Threshold

For many of the reasons listed under Brawn, above, we should probably raise Wound Threshold shomewhat to represent the Utai's natural toughness (Utapauan DB; CSWE III 284; TOTG 127).

Strain Threshold

Their timidity and skittishness (Utapauan DB; ROTSVD 46) both suggest a slight reduction is in order here.

Skills and Talents

Even with Brawn 2 and a higher-than-average Wound Threshold, we want to further emphasize the Utai's natural toughness and stamina. We can do this with a free level of Athletics or Resilience, so we offer a choice between the two.

Utai tend to get along well with beasts, which makes them natural animal handlers (TOTG 127). Indeed, many Utai make a living as varactyl handlers on Utapau (COTF; TOTC 126; CSWE III 296; NEGAS). Beast handling in FFG's system uses the Survival skill, so we could grant a free level of that skill. However, the lore seems to make the species' animal empathy more of a natural inclination. Their varactyl handlers still have to have years of training, but the species as a whole has a knack for taming and wrangling creatures (TOTG 127). D20 rules allow Utai to reroll a bad check to ride a mount, and even to attempt to sway the behavior of an untamed beast (TOTG 127). All of this points to something like the Beast Wrangler or Expert Handler talents from the Beast Rider specialization. Now, both are only available in that tree, so if we give one to the Utai here, we create a situation where the best Beast Handlers in the game must choose to be Utai. In this case the fluff wins out, and we go with a level of Beast Wrangler. An alternative approach would be to give a free rank in Survival.

Utai are born followers, with the Pau'ans their appointed managers (TP 3). We could represent this affinity for following orders with some sort of Leadership- or Discipline-based mechanic. Or we could also follow the lead of D20 rules and give the species a bonus to helping others at their tasks (TOTG 127). We go this latter route, modeling the ability on a similar capacity in the Drall species.

Other Abilities

Their dark, bulbous eyes grant Utai keen dark vision (ROTSVD 46; Utapauan DB; NEGAS; TOTG 127; CSWE III 284), necessary for their subterranean civilization (Utapau DB; NEGAS). We model this after the Kel Dors.

At 1.22 meters (Utapauan DB) or 1.4 meters on average (NEGAS), Utai are nicknamed "shorts" (Utapauan DB; NEGAS; TEA 111; CSWE III 284; ROTS-n). We deem them Silhouette 0.



Blink and you'll miss her, but Wioslea the Vuvrian is the strange character to whom Luke Skywalker sells his landspeeder in Episode IV (for a lousy 2,000 credits!). The species hasn't gotten much play in Star Wars lore, but they offer an interesting option for a face or egghead character's species.

Brawn 1 • Agility 2 • Intellect 3 • Cunning 1 • Willpower 2 • Presence 3

• Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 100

Special Abilities: Vuvrians begin the game with one free rank in either Charm or Negotiation. They still may not train Charm or Negotiation above rank 2 at character creation. They also begin with one rank in the Congenial talent.

Acute Senses: A Vuvrian's twelve eyes and sensitive skin provide her a heightened awareness of her surroundings by permitting her to look in several directions at once and to detect subtle changes in the atmosphere. A Vuvrian removes up to 2 Setback Dice from Perception checks involving sight or touch, and receives 1 Boost Die on Vigilance checks. However, this sensitive touch results in a low pain threshold, so a Vuvrian who suffers a Critical Injury is also disoriented until the end of her next turn, in addition to the normal results of the Critical Injury.

Designer Notes


There's nothing much in the lore to guide us here, although D20 rules reduce their Strength attribute (AA 113; UAA 181). Considering that the Vuvrians we've met are thin and wiry (ANH, Hasbro), so we lower Brawn to 1.


There's nothing to go on here aside from an average score in the D20 rules (AA 113; UAA 181). We leave Agility alone.


Vuvrians have a knack for logic and solving problems, and they are good at picking up new languages. They have a long history of integration into the galactic community, as well (AA 112; UAA 181). Later D20 rules give them a bonus to Intelligence (UAA 181). Likewise, we bump up Intellect.


There's little to go on, but we do know that the Vuvrian homeworld is idyllic and peaceful (AA 112; UAA 181). That might indicate that the species has never needed to learn the kinds of skills Cunning encompasses, from surviving in the wilds to lying one's way out of trouble. We reduce Cunning a point.


Vuvrian Jedi have not been rare (AA 112; UAA 180; US 49), but that's not enough to raise Willpower. We leave the attribute alone.


Vuvrians look strange, frightening, or comical in the eyes of many other species (AA 112; UAA 181; GG7 38), but they use that to disarm others (GG7 38), paving the way for the true Vuvrian personality to shine through. Indeed, they are a gregarious people with a natural sense for bargaining, negotiation, and interfacing with others, no matter how alien they may be (AA 112; UAA 181). D20 rules give them a bonus to Charisma (AA 113; UAA 181), and we agree with that assessment. A bump to Presence is warranted.

Wound Threshold and Strain Threshold

With nothing to really go on, we leave these at average levels.

Skills and Talents

D20 rules give Vuvrians a bonus to persuading others, and we may want to give them a talent to represent their natural cultural adaptability (AA 113; UAA 181). A rank in Smooth Talker might fit the bill, or perhaps Kill with Kindness or Congenial. We might also consider a free rank in Charm or Negotiation. In the end, we opt for a choice between the two skills and a free rank in Congenial.

Other Abilities

With twelve eyes placed oddly around their oval-shaped head (AA 112; UAA 181), we give the Vuvrians some Perception and Vigilance bonuses. Even more notable is the Vuvrians' highly sensitive sense of touch, which enables them to detect fine changes in the local atmosphere and temperature and thus detect the presence and movement of others in the vicinity. The ability fades with age, but that's probably not worth noting in our species writeup (AA 112; UAA 180–81). The ability to detect the presence of others is already covered in the bonus we're giving Vuvrians to Vigilance. However, this sensitive touch also gives Vuvrians a lower-than-average pain threshold (AA 113; UAA 181), which we need to account for. We thus apply the disoriented status effect to Vuvrians for the turn after they suffer a Critical Injury.

Vuvrians have clawed digits (S12), but no sources indicate they use these in combat, so we leave them alone.

Vuvrians are Silhouette 1, as they stand two meters tall on average (AA 112; UAA 181).

Edited by SavageBob

Not sure why the formatting fell out of the Vuvrian entry. Should be fixed now!



Apparently, Holocron Continuity Keeper Leland Chee once speculated that Loje Nella—a puppet seen bobbing up and down in Jabba's palace in Return of the Jedi —might just be a Riorian. However, the cover of the young-adult novel The Shattered Peace features an alien obviously based on Loje Nella to represent a different species entirely, one divided into the Rutanian and Senali cultures. No worries; we've got all bases covered here, with writeups for the Riorians, Rutanians, and Senalis alike.

Brawn 2 • Agility 1 • Intellect 2 • Cunning 3 • Willpower 2 • Presence 2

• Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 8 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 100

Special Abilities: Riorians begin the game with one free rank in Coercion or Negotiation. They still may not train Coercion or Negotiation above rank 2 at character creation. Riorians have acute hearing, so they remove 1 Setback Die from Perception checks involving hearing, and they receive a Boost Die to Vigilance checks.

Designer Notes


At 2.5 meters tall, the Riorian Stalnus is a bulky bruiser according to his D6 stats. Nevertheless, most Riorians are more peaceful by nature (WBC 95). We leave Brawn at 2.


Stalnus is decent in this department, but not exceptional (WBC 95). With need for a stat reduction somewhere, Agility seems our likeliest target, so we drop it to 1.


Stalnus's stats suggest the Riorians are nothing special here, but they don't indicate a species of dummies, either (WBC 95). Loje Nella is an accountant, so he's (or she's, depending on the source) likely somewhat brainy (LN CCG; CSWE II 369). We leave Intellect at 2.


Stalnus the Riorian shines in this area (WBC 95). And Loje Nella is able to hide his malfeasance as Jabba's accountant (LN CCG; CSWE II 369). We raise Cunning a point.


Stalnus has a weakness for the spice, but he's otherwise fairly strong-willed (WBC 95). A Willpower of 2 should cover both bases.


Riorians tend to solve their problems peacefully such that violence is atypical for them (WBC 95). An average score in Presence is enough to represent this.

Wound Threshold

We didn't increase Brawn to account for the species' large size (WBC 95), so we make up for it by bumping Wound Threshold a bit.

Strain Threshold

Stalnus's short temper (WBC 95) suggests the Riorians are not particularly exceptional and may get a deficit here. We reduce Strain Threshold slightly.

Skills and Talents

Stalnus is a wiz with a vibro-axe, but he's exceptional for his species. His skill set suggests Riorians may get some ability in Athletics, Coercion, Discipline, Cool, or Stealth (WBC 95). The fact that another Riorian operates as a slaver supports the idea of Coercion (GG12 38), so we go with a free rank in that skill. However, we know the species tends to be more peaceful in nature (WBC 95), so we offer Negotiation as an alternative.

Other Abilities

Riorians have keen hearing and are hard to sneak up on (WBC 95). We give them a Perception and Vigilance bonus accordingly.

Loje Nella is only visible from the head up in Jedi (ROTJ; LN CCG), but we know his species has hands and arms (TFU2; WBC 95; GG12 38). No need for any special disadvantages, then.

The Riorian Stalnus stands 2.5 meters tall (WBC 95). That's a lot, but it's still Silhouette 1.

Rutanian / Senali


The young-adult novel Jedi Apprentice 10: The Shattered Peace sends Qui-Jon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi to broker peace between the Rutanians and the Senalis, the inhabitants of the planet Rutan and its moon Senali, respectively. Although they belong to the same species, the rival groups have distinct cultures and a long history of war and distrust. Of interest to us is that the book's cover bases the species' appearance on that of Loje Nella, the wormlike puppet seen bobbing up and down near the band in Return of the Jedi . That makes them a potential movie species, and thus earns them a place in the Compendium .

Brawn 2 • Agility 2 • Intellect 2 • Cunning 3 • Willpower 2 • Presence 1

• Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 8 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 110

Special Abilities: Rutanians begin the game with one free rank in Discipline, while Senalis begin the game with a free rank in Athletics. They still may not train Discipline or Athletics above rank 2 at character creation. Both Rutanians and Senalis start with one rank in the Nobody's Fool talent.

Designer Notes


With a proud hunting and fishing culture and almost three meters of height to go on (JA10 2), the Senalis and Rutanians must be pretty burly. Indeed, the Senalis hold yearly athletics competitions (JA10 3). The Rutanians have a reputation for being aggressive (JA10 10), and the women and men alike are fierce fighters (JA10 16). That said, Prince Leed of Rutan is no beefcake (JA10 3), and Rutanian guards are susceptible to poison darts (JA10 14). A Brawn of 2 should suffice.


Both the Rutanians and Senalis are no strangers to combat; they have a long history of war with one another (JA10 1). The Senalis harbor some good sailors (JA10 5)—but the Rutanian Taroon has a hard time finding his sea legs (JA10 6)—even if the Senalis don't otherwise rely much on speeders for transportation (JA10 6). Senalis and Rutanians both prefer ranged weapons in combat (JA10 15), though. We could justify a bump here, but we'll leave Agility at 2 to allow for an increase elsewhere.


Both Rutanians and Senalis have access to standard galactic technology (JA10 1, 6, 12), and the Rutanians are proud of their educational system and scientific achievements. The Senalis don't have the same institutionalized education, but they trumpet their cultural achievements just the same (JA10 8). Loje Nella is an accountant, so he's (or she's, depending on the source) likely somewhat brainy (LN CCG; CSWE II 369). We could go with a 2 or 3 here, but we'll stick with a conservative 2 for now.


Rutanians are noted animal breeders, and they have a tradition of hunting while riding beasts called huds and aided by nek battle dogs. Animal pelts are a major export for them. Even still, some of them cheat on the hunt by using forbidden technology to help out (JA10 2; CSWE III 115; UA 99). But that just speaks to more Cunning, as trickery is highly prized in Rutanian culture (JA10 16).

The Senalis, on the other hand, are noted herbalists (JA10 3) with a mastery of gardening and botany (JA10 4). They learn to fish from a young age (JA10 9), and they have trackers able to follow a quarry even over water (JA10 11). At least one Senali has a natural knack with calming animals (JA10 14). In addition, the Senalis are able to like through their teeth (JA10 5) and even able to outfox Jedi (JA10 6).

Finally, Loje Nella is able to hide his malfeasance as Jabba's accountant (LN CCG; CSWE II 369). All of this provides strong evidence for a bonus to Cunning.


Both Rutan and Senali have strong traditions or royalty and nobility (JA10 1, 12), suggesting they value tradition and hierarchy. Both cultures are hardheaded and highly chauvinistic, thinking their rivals are the worst of the worst (JA10 8). When the Rutanian prince Leed chooses to live on Senali, his stubborn decision almost causes a war between the two peoples (JA10 1). King Frane of Rutan is quite a blowhard (JA10 2) who seems to rule through coercion and fear (JA10 3, 12), and he's able to hide his own trepidation from others (JA10 12).

Further, Rutan has harsh punishments for lawbreakers (JA10 13), suggesting the average Rutanian needs to be fairly disciplined. On the other hand, the Senali do not care for hierarchy and aristocracy. and instead value peace and tranquility (JA10 4). Still, faith and belief in a cause are also evidence of Willpower, so this is no cause for a reduction in this ability.

All that said, Rutanian guards are susceptible to Jedi mind tricks (JA10 14). And the Yuuzhan Vong later wipe out the Senali and enslave most Rutanians (FH1:R). We thus have evidence to support a bump to Willpower, but we decide to keep the attribute at 2 to keep the species more balanced.


Rutanian and Senali royals are groomed for a leadership role (JA10 1); nevertheless, the Rutanians can be condescending to outsiders (JA10 2) and downright hateful to Senalis (JA10 3). The King of Rutan is out-negotiated by Qui-Gon Jinn (JA10 3).

Contrariwise, the Senalis are personable and welcoming to strangers (JA10 4), and they value their clan-mates greatly. They are a gregarious people (JA10 5). Still, they are also highly disdainful of their Rutanian kin (JA10 11). We can justify a reduction to Presence, which we lower to 1.

Wound Threshold

We kept Brawn at a 2, but the species is really big at almost 3 meters in height (JA10 2; CSWE III 115). Let's bump up Wound Threshold to account for this fact.

Strain Threshold

The Rutanian tendency to react with anger to emotional distress (JA10 15) perhaps speaks to a lower-than-average score here.

Skills and Talents

Senalis are good at swimming and holding their breath (JA10 4), since such skills are valued on their world (JA10 9). Rutanians, on the other hand, eschew swimming as a "primitive" pastime (JA10 7), yet they learn quickly to be quite graceful in the water (JA10 9). Considering the swimming and their yearly athletics competitions (JA10 3), a free rank in Athletics seems appropriate for the Senalis.

The Rutanians seems to be good at hiding their fear (JA10 7; JA10 12), and their highly stratified and regimented society (JA 10 13) suggests Discipline is a good skill to grant them. That the Rutanian leadership leads through Coercion (JA10 2) is also evident, but we also need to account for the milquetoast Rutanian prince (JA10 14), so Discipline seems more appropriate.

The Senali ability to deceive through smiles may warrant a level of Smooth Talker (JA10 5). On the other hand, the two cultures' long history of political brinkmanship may warrant a level of Nobody's Fool. We go with the latter choice.

Other Abilities

Loje Nella is only visible from the head up in Jedi (ROTJ; LN CCG), but Rutanians and Senalis have arms, hands (JA10 2), and feet (JA10 3–4), which answers the question of what the rest of Loje Nella looks like. So, no need for any special disadvantages for not having hands, then. The species has sharp teeth (JA10 3), but they never seem to use them in combat. We ignore them.

Rutanians stand almost a meter taller than a Human on average (JA10 2; CSWE III 115), so that puts them at 2.90 meters or so. They're tall, but they're still Silhouette 1.

Rutanian / Senali


Wait a minute, that alien in the back looks like Pilot from Farscape only green.