The Great Movie Alien Compendium

By SavageBob, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Howdy, all! This will be a spot for me to post up the results of a little obsession of mine: researching and statting up aliens from the Star Wars films. This project very much is inspired by the Unofficial Species Menagerie , to whose creators I owe a great debt of gratitude. With that said, a few notes and caveats before we get rolling:

  • These are my own interpretations. That said, I will include designer notes with each species so you know where I'm coming from. I welcome feedback and suggestions in this thread, and I may continue to tweak the species write-ups based on such ideas.
  • Many of these species may appear someday in an official Fantasy Flight Games product, interpreted differently. If so, that's wonderful! In such cases, I'll edit the posts here to indicate where the official stats can be found.
  • This selection of species will be based very much on my whims and preferences. I make no apology for that. Nevertheless, I will do my best to spread the selections out over the films (and possibly cartoon series), skewing toward the original trilogy.
  • I'll cite my sources in the design notes section of each entry. Key abbreviations include AA ( Alien Anthology ), AE ( Alien Encounters ), AGTTSWU ( A Guide to the Star Wars Universe [followed by edition number]), CSWE ( The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia ), EGAS ( The Essential Guide to Alien Species ), GG4 ( Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races ), GG12 ( Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens—Enemies and Allies ), NEGAS ( The New Essential Guide to Alien Species ), SWE ( The Star Wars Encyclopedia ), and UAA ( Ultimate Alien Anthology ). If you have a question about an abbreviation that doesn't appear here, feel free to ask.
  • Finally, I'm still relatively new to Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars system. I'm not an expert in the rules, so I will no doubt make mistakes. If I do, please let me know. Thanks!





















Ishi Tib



Kowakian monkey-lizard


Mantellian Savrip





Phuii / Bardottan

Polis Massan (Kallidahin)







Rutanian / Senali



Shawda Ubb





Stennes Shifter

Swokes Swokes

Sy Myrthian








Wol Cabasshite

Yam'rii (Huk)




Edited by SavageBob




Our first species comes from A New Hope , where the diminutive smuggler Rycar Ryjerd represents the near-Human Bimm species in the cantina. There’s another potential Bimm in Return of the Jedi : Rayc Ryjerd, Rycar’s son (though he may be adopted for all we know). Here we get two species for the price of one, since The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons used a retcon to explain the more animal-like appearance of the Bimms depicted in the Heir to the Empire comic series when compared to the West End Games and Decipher CCG versions.

Brawn 1 • Agility 2 • Intellect 2 • Cunning 1 • Willpower 3 • Presence 3

• Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 100

Special Abilities: Near-Human Bimms begin the game with one free rank in either Knowledge (Education) or Knowledge (Lore). They still may not train Knowledge (Education) or Knowledge (Lore) above rank 2 at character creation. Furred Bimms begin the game with a free rank in Negotiation. They still may not train Negotiation above rank 2 at character creation. Both species of Bimms start with one rank in the Kill with Kindness talent.

Size: Bimms have a Silhouette of 0.

Designer Notes


As small characters (HTTESB 95; TTSB 140; AE 29) with the build of Human children (AA 60; UAA 23), it seems natural that the Bimms would have some reduction here. The WEG Bimms had very reduced attribute dice in their Strength attribute, adding support for this interpretation (HTTESB 96; TTSB 140; AE 30). The D20 Bimms also suffer from reduced Str (AA 60–61; UAA 23). We dock them a point here accordingly.


There’s an argument made to reduce Agility based on the stats in HTTESB 96. However, their stats also indicate that they’re faster than average species (TTSB 140; AE 30), and we know that Bimms have musicians and bards among their ranks (H&R 65), so we keep them at an Agility of 2.


There’s some support for raising this attribute, since the Bimms value collecting stories and engaging in “scholarly pursuits” (AA 60). The D20 near-Human Bimms get a buff in this department (AA 60); in Ultimate Alien Anthology, this was universalized for both species (UAA 23). Nevertheless, Intellect covers much more than mere scholastics in FFG’s system, so we decide instead to represent the species’ intellectual side via other abilities.


The Bimms deplore dishonesty and stealing (HTTESB 95; TTSB 140; AE 30; AA 60), so a reduction here seems appropriate. On the other hand, the D20 materials claim that Bimm adventurers tend to be Scoundrels who attach themselves to the wealthy (AA 60; UAA 23). Further, both Bimms who appear in the Star Wars films—Rycard Ryjerd (The Rycar Run 2) and Rayc Ryjerd (CCG)—are members of the criminal underworld. Ultimately, though, we decide to reduce Cunning by a point to reflect the majority of the species rather than its exceptional members.


The two species’ abstinence from breaking the law, their veneration of the Jedi, and their love for collecting knowledge (AA 60; UAA 23) suggest that they are perhaps above-average in this department. Further, the furry Bimms get a bump to Wisdom in the D20 system, giving us some justification for a buff here (AA 61). We raise Willpower by one.


The Bimms are renowned storytellers, have mellifluous voices, and are famous for their friendliness (HTTESB 95; TTSB 140; AE 29; AA 60; UAA 23; Head Trip 2), so a buff here sounds right. The D20 Bimms get a bump to Charisma, further support for this idea (AA 60; UAA 23). We raise Presence by a point.

Wound Threshold

The Toydarians’ reduced Wounds are here used as a precedent for reducing Bimm wounds as well, as both are small in stature.

Strain Threshold

Nothing in the source material suggests anything out of the ordinary here.


The Bimms engage in haggling and shopping on a daily basis and consider it an important part of their culture. A free rank in Negotiation may be in order (HTTESB 95; TTSB 140; AE 30; AA 60).

A free rank in some sort of performance or influence skill (say, Charm) might be in order due to their musical language and storytelling culture (HTTESB 95; TTSB 140; AE 29). Alternatively, we could specify that Charm is always a career skill.

Because Bimms value collecting stories and engaging in “scholarly pursuits” (AA 60), a free rank in Knowledge (Education) or Knowledge (Lore) may be called for.

Finally, Alien Anthology (60) and Ultimate Alien Anthology (23) separate these traits by the species of Bimm in question. That is, the near-Human Bimms are more likely to be scholarly, while the furry ones are more likely to be hagglers. Thus, we give the near-Humans a choice between the two Knowledge skills, while we give the furry Bimms a free rank in Negotiation.


A rank in Kill with Kindness would further emphasize the Bimms’ naturally kind and hospitable demeanor. A rank in Smooth Talker would accomplish much the same task, but we avoid it, since it also helps Coercion and Deception, which don’t fit the Bimms’ cultural inclinations.

A rank in Wheel and Deal might be appropriate to furry Bimms, to let them sell for 10% more on legal sales.

A rank in Researcher might be appropriate to near-Human Bimms to represent “scholarly pursuits.”

Ultimately, we go with Kill with Kindness. The other inclinations are already supported by the free skills we chose earlier.

Other Abilities

The more Human-like BImms range from 1.0 to 1.5 meters tall (TTSB 140; AE 30; AA 60; UAA 23), and average 1.1 meters (HTTESB 95), while their long-eared peers range from 1 meter to 1.6 meters in height (AA 60; UAA 23). This makes both species of Bimms Size 0, per the precedent of the Toydarians.

Edited by SavageBob

So ya don't double up...

Also FYI, Donovan did a lot of really hard work tracking down artists and rights holders to get permission to use the art and related assets in this product. So should you want to make an expansion to this, it would be bad form for you not to do the same...

Edited by Ghostofman

So ya don't double up...

Also FYI, Donovan did a lot of really hard work tracking down artists and rights holders to get permission to use the art and related assets in this product. So should you want to make an expansion to this, it would be bad form for you not to do the same...

Yep, I've got a copy and have been using it for inspiration (and to keep track of which species already have been given the fan treatment). I'd love to see a version of The Great Movie Alien Compendium get a nice, PDF release like the Menagerie . One day. :)

Edited by SavageBob



The Yuzzum Wam “Bam” Lufba appears in the background of scenes in Jabba’s palace, and his buddy Joh Yowza was added to Return of the Jedi: Special Edition . Unlike their fellow Endor denizens, the Ewoks, Yuzzums have spread about the galaxy as stowaways and pets. I went back and forth between raising Willpower (and granting Smooth Talker) versus Presence (with the Confidence talent), so opinions are welcome.

Brawn 2 • Agility 2 • Intellect 1 • Cunning 2 • Willpower 3 • Presence 2

• Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 110

Special Abilities: Yuzzums start with one rank in the Outdoorsman talent and one rank in the Smooth Talker talent.

Primitive: Yuzzums upgrade the difficulty of any checks involving advanced technology. This counts as any technology not available on the Yuzzums' home planet, although individual pieces of technology they become familiar with over an extended period of time can become exempt from this at the GM's discretion. Yuzzums can spend 10 XP at character creation to remove this penalty permanently.

Designer Notes


A reduction here might be justified due to the Yuzzum’s slim physique (EGAS 163; SWE 350). West End left their Strength alone, though (MTSB 107), and we need to account for the Yuzzums’ large size and athletic lifestyle (ISWU 131), so we lave Brawn alone.


Wam “Blam” Lufba’s backstory supports an increase in Agility; he survived being thrown to Jabba’s rancor by taking a rifle and shooting his way out, untrained (CSWE II 265). Yet the WEG stats for Yuzzums give them no great increases in this department (MTSB 107). Ultimately, we decide to leave this attribute as is.


We know the Yuzzums are not dummies, but they are primitive in technology (EGAS 163; MTSB 107; SWE 350; CSWE III 362) and possibly less intelligent than Ewoks (ISWU 131). All in all, a reduction here is appropriate, with their intelligence instead reflected in their Cunning score.


Yuzzums seem to be quick thinkers and capable hunters (MTSB 107; EGAS 163; SWE 350; CSWE III 362; ISWU 131), but there’s no evidence they are exceptional in this department. We leave Cunning alone.


The Yuzzums’ large size scares off predators (EGAS 163), and Ewoks fear the species (Adventures of Teebo)—a fact the Tulgah witch Morag used to her advantage by employing Yuzzum bodyguards (Ewoks). They seem to be mostly fearless (ISWU 131; MTSB 107; CSWE II 265), unless faced with a foe of monstrous size (Adventures of Teebo). A bump to Willpower seems warranted (although, we almost decided to represent these factors with a talent instead).


Yuzzums have been sold in the galaxy as pets (ISWU 131), and their musical language leads to many members of the species excelling as performers (MTSB 107; EGAS 163; CSWE III 362). Indeed, Joh Yowza’s singing voice could induce joyful feelings in listeners able to appreciate its full range (EGAS 163). On the other hand, Yuzzums can be a bit shy, and many beings are put off by them at first (ISWU 115; CSWE II 265). With these factors in mind, we leave Presence alone and instead represent the Yuzzums’ charms with a talent.

Wound Threshold

Despite their stature, Yuzzums are scrawny beings with spindly legs (EGAS 163; SWE 350). We reduce Wound Threshold to represent their frailty.

Strain Threshold

We bump this slightly to represent the stamina needed for a life constantly on the move (ISWU 131).


The Yuzzums’ lifestyle would justify free ranks in any of Athletics, Charm, Coercion, Cool, Discipline, Perception, Resilience, Skullduggery, or Survival. But we decide to represent these aspects via attributes and talents.


Outdoorsman and Expert Tracker would both help the Yuzzums hunt their prey. We decide to grant them a free rank in Outdoorsman, since it also lets us represent the extra mobility of long-legged, nomadic creatures (ISWU 131).

We consider a rank in Intimidating to account for the facts that Yuzzums can frighten away predators and enemies (EGAS 163; Ewoks). Alternatively, we might grant the species a rank in the Confidence talent to represent their fearlessness. However, we decide to fold those traits into their increased Willpower.

Instead, we grant them a rank in Smooth Talker, a skill that better represents the way Yuzzums make friends in the galaxy (people seem to dislike Yuzzums at first—until a Yuzzum opens his or her mouth.)

Other Abilities

Some sources say that they have sharp teeth, which might warrant some special ability (SWE 350; CSWE III 362). Nevertheless, other sources indicates a great deal of diversity in the species’ dentition (MTSB 107; EGAS 163). In the end, we make the assumption that their teeth are not really long enough to make much difference in combat.

Yuzzums range from 2.0 to 2.5 meters tall (MTSB 107), with an average height of 2.5 meters (EGAS 163). This seems to put them at the upper range of Silhouette 1, where we decide to keep them. After all, their main pray is the Sihouette 0 rugger (WOSW 145), so we want to make sure they can hunt it with no penalties.

Edited: Changed starting XP from 90 to 100. Most species get a free skill rank and a talent, with 100 XP left over. Two talents and no skills shouldn't cost more, I don't think. Also added the Primitive disadvantage now that my copy of Stay on Target has finally arrived.

Edited by SavageBob

Swokes Swokes


The Swokes Swokes are one of the more interesting-looking species introduced in The Phantom Menace , even if Gragra the gorgmonger is only in the film to create another showcase for Jar Jar’s antics as we meet the bully Sebulba. Still, Wizards of the Coast expanded greatly on the Swokes Swokes’ background, making them into aggressive religious zealots.

Brawn 3 • Agility 1 • Intellect 2 • Cunning 2 • Willpower 3 • Presence 1

• Wound Threshold: 14 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 6 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 90

Special Abilities: Swokes Swokes start with one rank in the Enduring talent.

• Pain Tolerance: Swokes Swokes feel virtually no pain. They may ignore up to three setback dice imposed by pain-causing conditions, including extreme temperatures and pain induced by critical injuries.

Regeneration: When a Swokes Swokes would recover one or more wounds from natural rest or recuperation in a bacta tank, he or she recovers one additional wound. This does not include first aid or stimpacks. Swokes Swokes can also regrow lost limbs, although it takes at least two weeks before the limb is usable.

Designer Notes


The Swokes Swokes’ rubbery skin and blubbery physique help protect them in fights—and they fight a lot (GATORW 94). D20 gives them a bump to both Strength and Constitution (GATORW 95). We decide to give them a bonus here for these reasons. We also consider a bump to Wound Threshold to reinforce their, er, direct approach to conflict resolution.


We consider how ponderous the Gragra costume looked in The Phantom Menace , and the way the novel Scourge describes the species as “lumbering” and “shambling.” Further, the D20 system reduces their Dexterity (GATORW 94). We decide that, yes, a reduction here is justified. This penalty also helps support the idea that Swokes Swokes warriors are likely to rely on melee weapons or their bare hands rather than blasters, since their culture is more primitive than the galactic norm (GATORW 94).


We could justify a reduction here based on their primitive level of technological development (GATORW 94). Yet, we decide that centuries of contact with offworlders have not really left the Swokes Swokes bad off in this department, so we leave the attribute alone.


Swokes Swokes criminals and nobles alike are known for their devious power plays (GATORW 94), and getting ahead in society is a big part of what makes Swokes Swokes tick (GATORW 91). We want to make sure we don’t prevent the Swokes Swokes from riding their schinga serpent-mounts, either (GATORW 90). Nevertheless, the people are very traditional, not prone to creative thinking (GATORW 90). And those sausage fingers don’t look very helpful at permitting the sleight of hand that Cunning partially represents. Ultimately, we decide to call it a wash: Swokes Swokes are probably average in Cunning.


Most Swokes Swokes are religious zealots (GATORW 94)—seven percent of their planet’s surface is given over to a massive graveyard constructed by slave labor (GATORW 90)—which might justify a bump here. Indeed, after the considerations listed below, under “Presence,” we give them a boost to Willpower to represent their religious fanaticism and sheer stubbornness. It’s only a one-point boost, though, as we need to account for their short tempers (GATORW 94).


Members of other species tend to find Swokes Swokes’s appearance “nightmarish” (GATORW 91), and hygiene and manners are not priorities for them (Scourge), factors that might warrant a reduction here. Nevertheless, others find them more humorous than scary (Scourge).

Still, Swokes Swokes personalities are considered unappealing: They’re power-hungry bullies (GATORW 94). That doesn’t sound like a lack of force of personality necessarily, especially considering the wide spread of religious cults on their world, whose leaders presumably need to woo converts (GATORW 91). We also know there are successful Swokes Swokes merchants (GATORW 93).

Nevertheless, the Swokes Swokes are not very friendly, and some are downright xenophobic (GATORW 93). In the end, we decide that the Swokes Swokes’ particular brand of fanaticism is better represented by Willpower, so we reduce Presence slightly.

Wound Threshold

The Swokes Swokes have an incredibly high pain threshold, tough skin, and blubbery bodies (GATORW 94). These features lead us to grant a significant bump here.

Strain Threshold

It’s also possible their high pain threshold (GATORW 94) could be better reflected as additional strain, but we have already boosted Willpower, which helps with this. Indeed, Swokes Swokes are prone to react with violence to even the smallest social slight (GATORW 93–94), so we actually go with a reduction here, per the precedent of Wookiees. We choose a lower cap than that of most species to compensate somewhat for their boost to Willpower; the net effect is to put them on par with Wookiees in this department.


Nothing in particular stands out as universal among the Swokes Swokes (their belligerent lifestyle is already covered by a bump to Brawn).


We consider talents that might represent the Swokes Swokes’ fearsome visage (GATORW 94), such as a rank in Fearsome or Intimidating, but we decide that this is already covered in a high Willpower (and hence Coercion). Plus, we know that some find them more comical than horrifying (Scourge).

We know they also have sharp fangs (GATORW 91), but we rule that their doughlike bodies and irregular dentition don’t really amount to enough to justify a bonus to bite attacks.

Their resistance to pain (GATORW 94) is already partially represented in high wounds, but it’s probably worth a special ability to allow Swokes Swokes to shrug off the effects of pain.

We know they can regenerate lost limbs after ten days of rest (GATORW 95), so we give them a modified version of the Trandoshans’ regeneration ability.

Finally, a rank in Enduring seems justified to bump their Soak up a bit for that rubbery hide (GATORW 95).

Other Abilities

At 1.4 to 2.0 meters in height (GATORW 94), Swokes Swokes are Silhouette 1.

Edited by SavageBob

Polis Massan (Kallidahin)


With an pregnant and ailing Padmé on their hands at the end of Revenge of the Sith , Bail, Obi-Wan, and Yoda must call upon the Polis Massans, also known as the Kallidahin, to ensure the healthy birth of twins Leia and Luke.

Brawn 1 • Agility 2 • Intellect 3 • Cunning 2 • Willpower 3 • Presence 1

• Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 12 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 80

Special Abilities: Polis Massans begin with a free rank in Knowledge (Xenology). They still may not train Knowledge (Xenology) above rank 2 at character creation. Knowledge (Xenology) always counts as a career skill for Polis Massan characters. Polis Massans also begin with a free rank in the Plausible Deniability talent.

• Infravision: Polis Massans can see into the infrared range. They can remove up to three Setback dice due to poor lighting.

Telepathy: The Massan language is a combination of sign language and telepathy. Polis Massans can transmit simple impressions and emotions telepathically to willing recipients within Engaged range. This communication is completely silent and undetectable to others except through the use of Force powers (although Polis Massan telepathy is not itself a Force ability). Polis Massans are mute and cannot speak other languages, although they can understand them without difficulty.

Designer Notes


Polis Massans are skinny little things (ROTSVD 59; CSWE III 35), and D20 rules give them a reduction to both Str and speed (CWWE1). They’re quite peaceful, with few warriors. Most of their society is instead devoted to sedentary professions, such as the sciences (CWWE1; S&VC31 23). We decide that a reduction to Brawn is called for.


The Polis Massans enjoy good manual dexterity (CWWE1), which might indicate a bump here. Nevertheless, they eschew violence, so a lot of the gunplay that Agility covers may not be appropriate (DB PM). In the end, we go with an average score.


A bonus here is certainly justified: The Polis Massans are known for an introspective, research-focused culture that emphasizes the research sciences, especially xenobiology (DB PM; CWWE1; CSWE III 35; S&VC31 23), archaeology, and medicine (CWCG 112; S&VC31 23). They’re a tech-savvy people with access to sophisticated medical and excavation equipment (NEGAS; CWWE1) and the capacity to engineer and manufacture droids (NEGD 17). And the clone-master Kaminoans respect the Polis Massans for their technical prowess (DB PM; CWCG 112). We decide to give them a boost here.


There’s not much to go on here aside from some notion that the Polis Massans have to be on their guard against pirates and robbers at their dig sites (CWWE1; DB PM; NEGAS). The Polis Massans seem to have no compunctions about being discrete when their friends do shady things (ROTSVD 58; NEGAS; NEGD 17). They also are good enough to cover their tracks and keep secrets from snoopers (LOTJ:DON). Still, few members of the species take up less-than-legal employment (CWWE1). We leave Cunning alone and consider a talent to represent their discretion.


Polis Massans value hard work and honest toil (NEGAS). As a people, they've pursued a centuries-long archaeological dig simply to learn more about their evolutionary history (DB PM; NEGD 17; CSWE III 35). Further, D20 rules give them a bonus to Wisdom (CWWE1). We decide to grant a higher score here.


The Polis Massans have no visible features aside from a pair of beady eyes. This static visage prevents them from expressing emotions via their faces, which is off-putting to some (NEGD 17; NEGAS; DB PM; I90) and makes them subpar diplomats (DB PM; S&VC31 23). Further, they are somewhat anti-social and shy among other species; they’re fascinated by alien species, but they prefer those species to keep their distance (CWWE1; NEGAS; CSWE III 35; S&VC31 23). On the other hand, the species is known for a kind, gentle demeanor (CWWE1; NEGAS). In the end, the weight of evidence suggests that a reduction to Presence is warranted.

Wound Threshold

As thin folks with little muscle mass, we put the Polis Massans on par with a similar species, the Toydarians.

Strain Threshold

We follow the Drall’s precedent in giving a decent score here. This represents the species predilection for research and hard labor.


Polis Massan are renowned for their archaeologists, xenobiologists (DB PM; CSWE III 35; S&VC31 23), and doctors (CWWE1; CWCG 112; S&VC31 23), but the sources indicate that no one Polis Massan is necessarily skilled at all of these (ROTSVD 59). We decide that these skills are already folded into their high Intellect.

Still, the desire to know more about their ancient origins and to resurrect their extinct forebears has been a centuries-long species motivation (CWWE1; NEGAS). To represent this, we grant a free rank in Xenology, and we make Xenology a career skill for all Polis Massans.


Some talents from the Scholar, Archaeologist, and Scientist trees look tempting: Knowledge Specialization, Researcher, and Respected Scholar. We decide that the free rank of Xenology takes the place of Knowledge Specialization. As for Researcher, it doesn’t seem right for the many Polis Massans who work as miners and diggers. Finally, the species is not known widely enough in the galaxy to universally have the Respected Scholar talent. We ultimately decide to leave these talents alone.

We look at the Ambassador and Politico trees to see if there’s some way to mitigate their reduced Presence to account for their hospitality and discretion. Indeed, both Kill with Kindness and Plausible Deniability look good. We decide that the latter fits their particular brand of hospitality more, since it also reflects their own concern for secrecy.

Other Abilities

Members of the species naturally lack vocal cords, but they communicate via sign language (NEGAS) and minor telepathy (ROTSVD 59; NEGAS). ( The New Essential Guide to Droids , p. 17, actually notes the “pure form” of their language falls outside the Human aural range, but we opt to interpret this as a reference to the aforementioned telepathy). WOTC gives them a telepathic reach of 15 meters, and specifies that they can send basic messages and feelings (CWWE1). We decide to call this Engaged range and allow them to send simple images and affects to their companions.

Polis Massans can see in the dark (CWWE1), so we grant them a version of the Chiss’ infravision.

Polis Massans stand 1.4 meters tall on average (NEGAS). In WOTC rules, this put them in the “Small” category (CWWE1). But this isn’t quite enough to make them Silhouette 0, so we leave them at Silhouette 1. In fact, Obi-Wan Kenobi once managed to disguise himself as a Polis Massan (LOTJ:DW)!

EDIT: Lowered starting XP a tad to compensate for special abilities.

Edited by SavageBob

If you could put this on a PDF for download when you are finished.. that would be great!

I hope to do so!

Shawda Ubb


In 1997, George Lucas decided the Max Rebo Band needed a little something. No, not more cowbell—more frogs playing harmonicas. Voilà : Rappertunie was added as a practical effect to Return of the Jedi: Special Edition . The EU makes his species similar to the venom-spitting dilophosaurus in Jurassic Park .

Brawn 1 • Agility 2 • Intellect 2 • Cunning 3 • Willpower 2 • Presence 2

• Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 100

Special Abilities: Shawda Ubb may breathe under water without penalty and never suffer movement penalties for traveling through water. However, Shawda Ubb suffer two setback dice to all actions performed in dry environments. This penalty can be avoided if the character drinks copious amounts of water every hour. The Shawda Ubb's size makes them Silhouette 0.

• Venom: You gain the following natural weapon: Venom [Ranged (Light); Damage 8; Critical 4; Range (Short); Disorient 3, Limited Ammo 3; Stun Damage]. A Shawda Ubb’s venom supply is restored after a full night’s rest.

Designer Notes


There’s not a lot to go on here. WEG reduces their raw muscle-power (SWTSBSE 98; AE 139), and their physique resembles that of the Toydarians, who get a reduction here. Still, the Toydarians’ body is filled with gas (UAA 164), while the squat Shawda Ubb are solid as far as we know. We’ll account for that difference in Wound Threshold, so we reduce Brawn a bit.


There’s support for leaving this alone, raising it, or lowering it. On the one hand, the Shawda Ubb need to be able to hit with their venomous spit (SWTSBSE 99). On the other, they’re slower than larger species (SWTSBSE 98; AE 139), and WEG makes them fairly inept at piloting vehicles (SWTSBSE 98; AE 139)—a large part of what this ability represents in FFG’s system. We decide to leave Agility at 2, allowing the Shawda Ubb some proficiency with their venom but not making them too good at piloting in the bargain.


The Shawda Ubb prefer more primitive digs than their wealth would allow them; indeed, the oil refining that dominates their economy is done on an artisanal scale (AE 138–139). All this suggests that maybe they’re not so great at the range of skills Intellect covers. Indeed, the D6 rules dock them some ability with technical skills (SWTSBSE 98; AE 139). Still, we know Rappertunie later became a droid engineer (WWITMRB 46), so maybe they’re no slouches either. Further, the Toydarians don’t get a reduction to Intellect even though they, too, prefer to eschew much galactic technology on their homeworld (UAA 165). We decide that the Shawda Ubb’s slow-paced lifestyle is a choice, not a defect of intelligence or technological development, so we leave this ability alone.


Shawda Ubb used to rely on hunting to survive, using their venom to stop prey and avoid predators. Nowadays, they just buy their food (SWTSBSE 98–99). Still, WEG stats make them observant and perceptive (SWTSBSE 98; AE 139). All things considered, a bump here is in order to account for their predatory instincts.


The sources don’t have much to say about the stuff this ability covers, so we leave it alone.


Shawda Ubb society is divided into small, marsh villages on their homeworld, Manpha, and their planet has only a single spaceport (SWTSBSE 98; AE 138). Further, the Shawda Ubb are homebodies (FF MAX10; SWTSBSE 98) who prefer to live in small groups, away from strangers (AE 138). Indeed, the sources emphasize that Rappertunie is unusual in his gregariousness and desire to see the rest of the galaxy (SWTSBSE 98; DB; CSWE III 79). On the other hand, the capital city, Shanpan, is home to bars and casinos that cater to offworlders with all forms of entertainment (SWTSBSE 98). On balance, we leave Presence alone to account for both the Shawda Ubb hermits and the performers.

Wound Threshold

Again, Toydarians seem to be the operative comparison for physical build, but, again, the Toydarians’ body is mostly filled with gas (UAA 164). We instead grant the Shawda Ubb a decent Wound Threshold to account for their thick physique.

Strain Threshold

There’s no reason to deviate from the standard here.


Nothing seems indicated.


Nothing stands out here.

Other Abilities

We need to account for the Shawda Ubb’ aversion to dry environments. If they’re away from moisture, they become lethargic and have to drink tons and tons of water (SWTSBSE 98; DB; FF MAX10). Their skin also gets dry and cracks (NEGAS 208).

To counteract that disadvantage, Shawda Ubb can spit a powerful venom at people, paralyzing a Human-sized target for fifteen minutes (SWTSBSE 98–99; DB; NEGAS). WEG gives the ability a range of 3 meters and has it do stun damage (SWTSBSE 98). We’ll try to price this by using the Ithorians’ bellow and other hand weapons as models.

Shawda Ubb are really short, only 0.3 to 0.5 meters tall according to some sources (SWTSBSE 98; AE 139), a meter according to another (NEGAS 208). The latter seems more likely, since the 0.3–0.5 figures appears to account for the head and torso only. Either way, Shawda Ubb are easily Sillhouette 0.

Shawda Ubb are amphibians (AE 138; WWITMRB 46; NEGAS 208; CSWE III 145; SWS), so we give them the Mon Calamari’s deftness in the water.

Their back legs have claws (SWS), but no sources indicate these are useful in combat, so we ignore them.

EDIT: Bumped starting XP up a bit, as 90 was a tad low. Added Silhouette 0 to Special Abilities.

Edited by SavageBob

I've posted this before in another thread. There are 2 scenes that show alot of species. First is in a New Hope.. The Bar scene in Mos Eisley. The second one is in Jabbas Palace in Return of the Jedi. There are species in these scenes that I havent seen as characters for the RPG.

Yep. Those two are where I'm drawing most of these from, but I'll pepper in some Episode I podracers, Episode II senators, etc. There are also a few random aliens that are not in the cantina or Jabba's palace, seen wandering around Mos Eisley, for instance.

I've posted this before in another thread. There are 2 scenes that show alot of species. First is in a New Hope.. The Bar scene in Mos Eisley. The second one is in Jabbas Palace in Return of the Jedi. There are species in these scenes that I havent seen as characters for the RPG.

Have you checked the Unofficial Species Menagerie or other sources? Odds are WEG statted most of them up back in the day.

Have you checked the Unofficial Species Menagerie or other sources? Odds are WEG statted most of them up back in the day.

If you check further up in the thread (post #4), you will note that SavageBob has specifically mentioned that he’s got a copy of the USM PDF and that he’s avoiding duplicates.

Ghostofman also mentioned this issue in post #3.

As for the West End stuff, I've got almost all the books they published, so I've got that base covered. Used them for the Shawda Ubb and Yuzzums, and currently using them for the Stennes Shifter writeup that's almost finished.

Stennes Shifter


Perhaps intended to be a very sickly Human, the erstwhile EU spun this cantina patron into a species hunted and persecuted for their ability to cloak themselves with the Force.

Brawn 1 • Agility 2 • Intellect 2 • Cunning 3 • Willpower 3 • Presence 1

• Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 90

• Cloud Minds: Stennes Shifters can cloud the minds of those around them and keep from being noticed. In crowds of 20 or more beings, add a Boost die to all Stealth checks made by the Stennes Shifter unless the opposition is immune to Force powers. For each subsequent doubling of the crowd’s size, add another Boost die. Individuals who know or suspect a Stennes Shifter is hiding in a crowd may make a Perception or Vigilance check to spot him or her, suffering Setback dice based on the size of the crowd. This ability is Force-based, but Stennes Shifters receive no Force Rating or other Force abilities unless they purchase a Force-using specialization.

• Force Vampire: Once per encounter, take a Force Vampire action; make an Average Willpower check. One enemy for each Success, in short range, suffers 1 strain, unless the opposition is immune to Force powers. Spend 1 Advantage for 1 affected enemy to suffer 1 additional strain. Heal your own strain equal to the total amount inflicted.

Designer Notes


Shifters appear frail and weak (SS 179), possibly indicating a reduction here. Nevertheless, their WEG stats don’t make them particularly frail (SS 180). However, we decide the flavor of the species is that the Shifters are sneaky, not bruisers. We bring them in line with the Bothans, a similar species.


Again, there’s nothing to go on here but WEG stats, which leave them average in this department (SS 180).


The Shifters (and baseline Stennes) are at home with all aspects of galactic technology, and they don’t seem to be dummies otherwise (SS 179). We leave this ability alone.


Stennes Shifters live by deception and subterfuge (SS 176), adaptations to allow them to avoid predators (SS 178) and persecution. Those who make their way in the galaxy gravitate toward occupations that make use of sneakiness (SS 179). A bump here is justified.


The Shifters are persecuted galaxy-wide and come under constant stress (SS 179). It would make sense for them to be adept at discipline and self-control. We bump them up a bit here.


There’s support for a reduction here. For one, Stennes Shifters seem ghastly and unattractive to other species (SS 178). Further, people fear them as “Force-eaters” and “vampires” (SS 178).

Wound Threshold

We already reduced Brawn, so we leave this as average.

Strain Threshold

Similarly, we bump them up a bit here. For a species under so much stress (perpetually hunted), the Stennes Shifters need all the help they can get.


There’s nothing in particular that the source material would suggest.


We don’t see anything that looks like a must-buy.

Other Abilities

We need to account for the Shifters’ Force-based (SS 178) ability to melt into crowds without being seen (SWC 79; Hasbro; CCG; SWE 83; SWE 285; CSWE III 191). The power affects the minds of passersby (SS 178) by channeling Force energy (SS 178). The power doesn’t work on droids or Hutts. It is also more potent with more people around (SS 179–80), and targets can resist it if they know they’re being targeted (SS 180). All in all, this sounds like the Force talent Sleight of Mind, so we grant the Shifters a specialized form of that talent.

There’s also some notion in the WEG rules that Shifters can steal Force Points and Character Points from others, which the rules there call “feeding on the Force” and “tapping the Force” (SS 180), sustaining the Shifter (SS 179). But the mechanics of West End’s Force and Character Points don’t really match with FFG’s; Destiny Points aren’t a finite resource. We could give the species a small ability to nourish themselves from other’s energies, or we could chalk the vampirism up to rumor. But maybe we could use Strain somehow? Indeed, the Scathing Tirade and Second Wind talents inflict and heal strain respectively, so we give the Shifters a Force-based mash-up of the two.

Shifters stand between 1.3 and 1.7 meters tall (SS 180), so we leave them as Silhouette 1.

Edit: Forgot to reduce the Strain Threshold in the final build. Went from 12 + Willpower to 11 + Willpower.

Edited by SavageBob



From their cartoony beginnings as one of the Episode I podracers, Wizards of the Coast showed the Nosaurians to be a species oppressed by none other than the Corellians—an idea developed further in the comic series Republic and Dark Times . They’re easily the best-developed background species from The Phantom Menace ; it’s a shame they couldn’t have been included in Suns of Fortune .

Brawn 2 • Agility 3 • Intellect 2 • Cunning 2 • Willpower 1 • Presence 2

• Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 100

Special Abilities: Nosaurians begin with a free rank in the Forager talent.

Natural Weapons: Nosaurians have sharp horns, teeth, and claws. These natural attacks use the Brawl skill and add their weapon damage to the character's Brawn for total damage. These weapons always count as equipped, and they have the following weapon profile (Brawl, Damage +1; Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; spend 2 Advantage to gore with horns, adding Pierce 2, Vicious 2 to attack). Nosaurian claws grant one Boost die on Athletics checks to climb soft surfaces, such as trees.

• Sing Down the Sun: On his homeworld, a Nosaurian feels the intense compulsion to bray at the setting sun, incapacitating the character for two rounds. Resisting the instinct requires a Hard Discipline check; on a success, the Nosaurian loses 2 Strain, but failure incapacitates the Nosaurian for one round for each uncanceled Failure. Away from their homeworld, a Nosaurian may feel this compulsion at any time once per day, so when a Nosaurian character rolls Despair, the GM may call for a Hard Discipline check; the results play out as above.

• Size: Nosaurians have a Silhouette of 0.

Designer Notes


Some Nosaurians’ are a bit scrawny (CATCW 114), but others are quite muscular (Dart Times 9). Athletics seem to be a normal part of their culture (Gamer9 85), and the main economic activity on their homeworld requires fighting off angry rikknits (CATCW 115). Indeed, their size belies their strength and toughness, and they seem to prefer fighting with melee weapons (Rep79). They're known for their soldiers and mercenaries in the Rebellion period (Gamer9 86). It’s tempting to give them a bonus to Brawn, but as small creatures, it’s probably sufficient to leave them at Brawn 2.


Sources note that Nosaurians are highly dextrous (Gamer9 84; NEGAS 202; CSWE II 391), and a large part of their economy relies on sneaking up and stealing eggs from rikknits (Gamer9 85). The males are known for daredevil antics to impress the families of prospective mates (CATCW 115). With soldiers and mercenaries common among them in the Imperial period, they need to be good in this department (Gamer9 86). They also have fast reflexes (NEGAS 202). The D20 system grants them a boost to Dexterity to represent this (Gamer9 86; UAA 115; FUCG 16). We follow suit here.


The Nosaurians live in the Core Worlds (CATCW 114), and there’s nothing to indicate they are anything but average in this ability.


A large part of the Nosaurian economy relies on stalking rikknits, sneaking into their nests, and taking their eggs (Gamer9 85). We want to leave them at least average in this ability.


Nosaurians are known for various character flaws, such as hubris (CH DB), hatred toward Humans (Gamer9 84–5; UAA 114; NEGAS 202) and even species-wide pessimism in the later EU (Gamer9 85; UAA 114). Sources say they had a “bad attitude” that others disliked (Gamer9 86; UAA 115; FUCG 16). Rather than docking them Presence to represent these attitudes, we decide that Willpower fits better, especially to represent the species’ general nihilism.


This is a proud (FUCG 15), gregarious species, known for their even keel (Gamer9 85; CATCW 118; UAA 114; FUCG 16). Nevertheless, they’re considered surly, moody, and troublesome by outsiders (Gamer9 85–86). The D20 rules dock them some Charisma for these reasons (Gamer9 86; UAA 115; FUCG 16). Nevertheless, we choose to represent their bad attitude and lack of hope as a low Willpower, leaving Presence alone.

Wound Threshold

Nosaurian warriors are tough buggers, able to take a beating (Rep79; DT9). And they need some toughness for the literal butting of heads with one another (CATCW 115). We give the Nosaurians sufficient wounds to put them on par with other tough species, like the Trandoshans and Wookiees.

Strain Threshold

Nosaurians often manifest a bad attitude (CH DB; Gamer9 84–85; UAA 114; NEGAS 202), and we want to make sure their “Sing Down the Sun” ability comes into play (as described below). We reduce the species’ strain a bit.

Skills and Talents

The sources give Nosaurians rapid reaction times (Gamer9 84; NEGAS 202; CSWE II 391), which might indicate a species talent for Coordination or Vigilance. We decide that this perk is already folded into their high Agility score, though.

They get bonuses to climbing in the D20 material (Gamer9 86), which would translate to Athletics here. We decide to fold this bonus into their claws, described below.

Sources also give them a bonus to Survival, saying that the species has had to learn to live off the land due to devastating events on their homeworld (Gamer9 86). We grant them the a rank in the Forager talent to represent this.

Sources note that they have thick skin and bony frills of horns (CSWE II 390; Gamer9 84; UAA 114; FUCG 16; NEGAS 202). These might be enough to grant them some natural armor, but we’ve already increased Wound Threshold, so we leave this alone.

Other Abilities

They also can fight with those horns and impale their enemies (Gamer9 84; UAA 114). Other natural weapons include claws (CATCW 115) and sharp teeth (Rep 79). We note these natural weapons in their description, modeling them on the Trandoshans’ similar natural weapons.

Members of the species are unable to see color (only shades of gray) (Gamer9 84; UAA 114; FUCG 15; NEGAS 202; CSWE II 391). They learn to guess between different shades—though this is far from perfect (Gamer9 84; CSWE II 391). This color blindness should be remembered when thinking up explanations for any Threat or Despair a Nosaurian rolls, but we don't need to note it in their official stats.

The insides of their mouths can light up (Gamer9 84; UAA 114; FUCG 15; NEGAS 202; CSWE II 391). This makes a bright flash, but it cannot be sustained for long (FUCG 15). In Republic, we see that this actually blinds someone temporarily (Rep79), and it’s also handy to see what’s around you in the dark (Dark Times 1). Nevertheless, we leave these effects to the discretion of players and GMs, as they are largely narrative in character.

The Nosaurians suffer a compulsion to “sing the sun down” — braying at full voice at the setting sun. When offworld, this can manifest at inopportune times, which we should account for somehow (Gamer9 84; CATCW 114; UAA 114; CSWE II 391; FUCG 15). We add an ability that calls this compulsion out as a possible result of a Despair that a Nosaurian rolls.

Nosaurians range from 1.20 to 1.55 meters tall (Gamer9 84; CATCW 114; UAA 114), with 1.35 meters the average (NEGAS 203). This puts them in the Silhouette 0 range.

EDIT: Brought natural attack in line with the Selonians style-wise and made goring cost Advantage rather than Critical.

Edited by SavageBob



Introduced in Episode I , Koorivar are present in all three prequel films. The species is similar to the Toydarians in that much of their culture revolves around shady business practices.

Brawn 1 • Agility 1 • Intellect 2 • Cunning 3 • Willpower 2 • Presence 3

• Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 12 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 90

Special Abilities: Koorivar begin with a free rank in Discipline. They still may not train Discipline above rank 2 at character creation. They also begin with a free rank in the Plausible Deniability talent.

Designer Notes


The Koorivar generally eschew violence (UAA 90; Dark Lord), and the D20 rules dock them some Constitution (UAA 91). Nevertheless, during the Clone Wars, they did field the competent Koorivar Fusiliers (NEGAS; CSWE II 225). We decide that the overall flavor of the species is that they avoid violence, so we lower Brawn.


Because they avoid violence and employ multi-species gangs to crew their vessels (UAA 91), there's no reason to raise Agility, and we'd even be justified in lowering it. On the other hand, the species was known for its militarism during the Clone Wars, when it put together the Fusiliers (CSWE II 225). But as with Brawn, the species seems to favor talents in other areas, so we subtract a point of Agility.


The Koorivar are at least average here, as they are savvy businesspeople, galactic travelers (UAA 90), and users of top-notch technology (Dark Lord). D20 rules grant them a boon to Intelligence (UAA 91). However, we leave Intellect alone, choosing to interpret their acumen another way.


There's evidence they excel in this department, as Koorivar have been known to play both sides against each other in business deals (UAA 90). When they were found out for corruption in the ancient Republic, they took it as a challenge to be even more careful to hide their illicit dealings (NEGAS). Koorivar are known to use trickery to get their way and to avoid confrontation (UAA 90), and they won an entire planet through subterfuge and bargaining (NEGAS). A boost to Cunning represents these factors.


The Koorivar are known for their determination and focus (UAA 91). This may indicate a bonus to Willpower. They are also highly status-conscious and prone to discriminate against have-nots (NEGAS). Yet we opt to represent their business savvy via boosts in other areas, leaving them average in Willpower. This also has the advantage of diversifying the Koorivar's ability spread from that of the similar Toydarians. Instead, we give them a bonus to Discipline to represent their nekdog-eat-nekdog approach to life (FF103 ARG2).


The Koorivar are consummate entrepreneurs and speculative traders. We're told they have "keen minds for business" (UAA 90) or even that they are "business obsessed" (FF103 ARG1). In the past, people distrusted them, as they developed a reputation as shady. By the Rebellion era, they've done their best to hide illicit deals such that the only business anyone knows about is legitimate (UAA 90; NEGAS). They won an entire planet through bargaining, trickery, and negotiation (NEGAS), and they enjoy working in large groups (UAA 91). The D20 rules give them a bonus to Charisma (UAA 91). In FFG's system, all of this translates to a boost to Presence.

Wound Threshold

Their lower Constitution in the D20 system (UAA 91) may indicate a lower Wound Threshold. We lower it to further emphasize their avoidance of combat.

Strain Threshold

There's no reason to dock them here, and we raise Strain to be closer to the similar Toydarians.

Skills and Talents

Koorivar education emphasizes business skills greatly, especially those to run one's own business (NEGAS), which might grant a free rank in Negotiation to everyone. Nevertheless, we decide their high Presence partially covers this, and we'll go with a Talent for the rest.

The Koorivar are adept at reading body language and interpreting behavior, which gives them some skill at determining hidden motives (UAA 91; NEGAS). This may indicate a free rank in Discipline, which we grant them (partially compensating them for leaving Willpower at 2).

Koorivar as a species are very wealthy, and Koorivar characters in the D20 system get bonuses to starting credits (UAA 91). Nevertheless, it seems that in the Rebellion era, the species has fallen on hard times due to Imperial retribution for their role in the Separatist government (NEGAS). Still, their tendency to put their fingers in different pies (NEGAS) may translate to a talent from the Entrepreneur, Quartermaster, or Trader trees. We consider Greased Palms, Master Merchant, Plausible Deniability, Sound Investments, and Wheel and Deal. Koorivar are notorious for using bribery to get their way (FF103 ARG2), so a level of Greased Palms would capture that used-speeder-salesman feel. Yet, Plausible Deniability also fits this theme while also reflecting the fact that Koorivar are very careful to cover their shady dealings. We go with it in the end.

Other Abilities

They have sharp teeth in the Clone Wars cartoon (the original one), but not in other sources (DOTJ:POTB 3; KOTOR43). We chalk these up to artistic license, not worth game stats.

EDIT: Accidentally posted an earlier build that gave the species Greased Palms instead of Plausible Deniability. It's now fixed.

Edited by SavageBob

Are you working with others to create this material, or is there another reason you're using "we" in your posts?

Are you working with others to create this material, or is there another reason you're using "we" in your posts?

Maybe it's the papal we? The Pope likes Star Wars right?

Are you working with others to create this material, or is there another reason you're using "we" in your posts?

Nah, it's the royal we . It sounded too crass to use I over and over; we softens that up. If it bothers you, feel free to read let's each time I type we . :)

You think using "we" softens it? I recommend using "I" instead.

You think using "we" softens it? I recommend using "I" instead.

Sorry my writing style bothers you! I'll continue to use we , though, as I prefer it. In all seriousness, it's a case of nosism , more specifically, the editorial we ( we used when giving an opinion).

Edit: Now that I think about it, it's probably the "author's we ," often used by scientists and mathematicians. I've been using it without thinking too much about it, but it's common when authors are showing their work, which is what I'm trying to do.

Edited by SavageBob



Troy Denning introduced the Ranats in the venerable Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Species . Decipher then identified a couple of rodent-like extras from the Mos Eisley scenes of A New Hope as Ranats. They lacked the Ranats' trademark incisors, but hey, another movie species was named. Note that Ranats have lots of special abilities, so they get fewer starting experience than most species.

Brawn 2 • Agility 3 • Intellect 1 • Cunning 3 • Willpower 2 • Presence 1

• Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 70

Special Abilities: Ranats start with one rank in the Blooded talent. They can see in very low light, so they can remove up to two Setback dice due to poor lighting. Further, the Ranat sense of smell is highly developed and helps them determine the moods of others. Ranats add a boost die on all Perception, Survival, and Vigilance checks where scent is a factor, and to all checks made to resist social influence rolls. Ranats have a Silhouette of 0.

Cornered Fury: A Ranat may upgrade one skill die when engaged and outnumbered by enemies.

Natural Weapons: A Ranat's teeth and claws may be used as Brawl weapons. This natural attack uses the Brawl skill and adds its weapon damage to the character’s Brawn for total damage. This weapon always counts as equipped and has the following weapon profile (Brawl; Damage +1; Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 2). The Ranat's teeth and claws also allow the character to dig through soil, loose rock and other substances. Digging is an action that requires an Athletics check based on the hardness of the material (see Digging Table ). On a success, the Ranat may dig a tunnel with a diameter roughly equal to his height; the tunnel extends one range band after a number of rounds equal to the difficulty level. Digging beyond the first round is an action, but it requires no further roll unless the hardness of the material increases (although the GM may require additional Athletics checks if digging continues for several rounds). Additional Success, Advantage, and Triumph may shorten the time required at the GM's discretion. Other characters may follow behind the Ranat if the material is solid enough to permit, treating the tunnel as difficult terrain.

Designer Notes


Ranats are small, but they're powerful for their size (GG4a 61; GG4b 72; EGAS 107; ZtHR glossary) with muscular physiques (GG4a 61; GG4b 72). Their jaws are particularly strong (UAA 127; TFAD 6). They love fighting (GG4a 62); the Empire is rumored to be experimenting on them as weapons (TFAD 3), and some private security companies field them (GG4b 74). WEG rules lower their Strength, but D20 rules leave it alone. We decide to leave them at Brawn 2.


Ranats are highly flexible critters (UAA 127; EGAS 107; NJOSB 94) with agile paws (GG4a 61; GG4b 72). Their lifestyle calls for them to constantly dodge in and out of the way of their prey until they kill it (GG4a 62; GG4b 73). We consider lowering Agility, since it allows for blaster wielding and vehicle piloting, skills Ranats are not skilled at due to their primitive lifestyles. But we know that Ranats can learn such skills with exposure (GG4b 74). WEG rules give them average Dexterity but lower their Mechanical aptitude (GG4b 74); D20 rules raise their Dexterity (UAA 127). In the end, we raise Agility, too.


Ranats will never win any competitions in this area, and the question of whether they even count as sentient is a fraught one (GG4a 61; GG4b 72). They have no arts or sciences to speak of (GG4a 61), and they have no real technology, only sometimes using stolen items from other species (GG4b 74). WEG rules lower their Intelligence and Technical aptitude (GG4b 74); D20 rules also dock them Intelligence (UAA 127). It seems indicated to lower their Intellect for our own purposes.


What Ranats lack in smarts, they make up for in sheer cunning (GG4a 61; GG4b 72; AGTTSWU2 363; AGTTSWU3 438–39; SWE 241; CSWE III 77). They live by foraging and hunting prey (GG4a 62; GG4b 73), with the urge to find food their primary motivation (GG4b 72). Indeed, they're such capable hunters that they can easily depress prey populations (GG4a 62; GG4b 73). The Empire even employs a few as spies (SWE 241). We represent this form of intelligence and survival instinct in a high Cunning score.


Ranats think highly of themselves, calling themselves Con Queecon, "the conquerers" (AGTTSWU2 363). They're pushy bullies, even from a very young age (GG4a 62; GG4b 73). They have no fear, always fighting to the death (GG4a 62; GG4b 73). Further, they understand the concepts of honor and revenge (GG4a 62; GG4b 73). All in all, their aggressiveness, selfishness, and stubbornness (UAA 127; NJOSB 94) translates to a poor Presence but a decent Willpower.


Ranats are considered quite ugly by many people (GG4a 61), and they're not big on hygiene (UAA 127). The rodents have been known to eat the infants of sentient species (NOTM 23), and they're considered major pests (GG4a 62; GG4b 74). And they smell bad to boot (EGAS 107). D20 rules lower their Charisma (UAA 127). We agree, deciding that all of these deficits qualify them for a reduction to Presence.

Wound Threshold

We leave Wound Threshold alone. Ranats may be strong, but they shouldn't be as tough as Wookiees or Trandoshans. Nevertheless, they do fight a lot, so we don't want them to be as weak as other small species, such as the Toydarians, either.

Strain Threshold

We lower Strain a bit to accord with other aggressive species, such as the Rodians, Trandoshans, and Wookiees.

Skills and Talents

Ranats are consummate survivalists, gifted at finding food (GG4a 61; GG4b 74). This might translate into a rank in Survival, or in a talent like Forager. In some Ranats, this seems to manifest as a gift for scavenging (Reegesk CCG), which would instead translate to the Utinni! Talent. In the end, though, we leave these Talents out, as the high Cunning partially accounts for the same thing.

Their fearlessness (GG4a 62; GG4b 73) translates into a rank of the Confidence talent.

Other Abilities

Sources give Ranats' ability to squeeze through very small spaces (UAA 127; EGAS 107; NJOSB 94). We rule that this is already covered by a high Agility, which gives them a good default in Coordination.

They have the ability to see in the dark (UAA 127), so we grant them an ability modeled after the Chiss's infravision.

Ranats also enjoy keen smell, which helps them determine others' moods (TW:TRT). We add an ability to represent this.

We may want to give the Ranats an ability to represent their clawed limbs (GG4a 61; GG4b 72; LOTE CG 42)—which they use for digging, not fighting (UAA 127; NJOSB 94). Indeed, they can dig very quickly: one meter in five seconds (GG4b 74)! We give them a burrowing ability to represent this.

Likewise, we need to represent their sharp teeth (GG4a 61; GG4b 73; AGTTSWU 2 363; AGTTSWU 3 438–39; SWE 241; CSWE III 77; ZtHR glossary), especially those knife-like bottom incisors (EGAS 107; GG4a 61; GG4b 72). We adapt the Trandoshan's claws to serve our purposes.

They're also omnidextrous (GG4a 61; GG4b 73), which might be worth an ability if the Dugs are any indication in the Unofficial Species Menagerie . Yet we decide that this factor doesn't often come into play with this species, as Ranats are not mechanically inclined, like the Dugs.

They seem to be able to eat virtually anything (ZTHR). We interpret this as a level in the Blooded talent.

With an average height of only a meter (GG4a 61; UAA 127; EGAS 107; SWE 241; CSWE III 77; NJOSB 94), Ranats are Silhouette 0.

EDIT: Replaced the Confidence talent with the Cornered Fury ability given in the Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook . Rewrote the natural attack to bring in line with that of Selonians and made impaling with the teeth a normal part of the attack. Made burrowing more abstract. Adjusted starting XP down. Updated digging rules per those used for Eloms.

Edited by SavageBob



Return of the Jedi introduced the Pa'lowick , and the species got a makeover with the Special Edition . The EU tried to smooth over the differences in appearance by introducing two Pa'lowick subspecies: with and without tusks. The tusked ones are probably out the window now that Disney canon's taken over, but you'll find rules for them below if that's the kind of Pa'lowick you prefer.

Brawn 1 • Agility 2 • Intellect 2 • Cunning 2 • Willpower 3 • Presence 2

• Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 12 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 90 (tusked); 100 (non-tusked)

Special Abilities: Pa'lowick begin with a free rank in the Forager talent.

• Hold Breath: Pa'lowick can hold their breath for a number of rounds equal to 10 times their Brawn rating before they risk suffocating. Pa'lowick never suffer movement penalties for traveling through water.

• Moisture Dependency: Pa'lowick suffer two setback dice to all skill checks performed in dry environments.

• Tusks: Some Pa'lowick have sharp tusks that may be used as a Brawl weapon. This natural attack uses the Brawl skill and adds its weapon damage to the character’s Brawn for total damage. The tusks always count as equipped, and they have the following weapon profile (Brawl; Damage +1; Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 2).

Designer Notes


Pa'lowick are lithe and scrawny (AE 116), and their globular torso is mostly made up of lung space (NEGAS 131). D20 rules reduce their Strength (UAA 120). We lower Brawn a point, as well.


WEG rules make them slightly clumsier than Humans (AE 116), but D20 rules give them a boost to Dexterity (UAA 120). With little to go on in the lore, we leave Agility alone.


There are some grounds for reduction here: the Pa'lowick have a low level of native technology, and they are not well versed in galactic tech (UAA 119; NEGAS 131). WEG rules dock them some Technical prowess to represent this while raising their raw mental prowess (AE 116). Nevertheless, the Pa'lowick relish access to new technology and can learn to use it just as well as anyone else (UAA 119; NEGAS 131). Indeed, the species has mastered the adoption of such technology in service of the preservation of tradition (UAA 120; NEGAS 131). We decide to leave Intellect alone.


Although Pa'lowick are eager to learn more about the greater galaxy, their homeworld's isolation makes them naive, leaving them easy marks for unscrupulous individuals (UAA 120). They are also creatures of habit with little need to innovate or think beyond their farms (NEGAS 130–31). On the other hand, we know they are skilled at survival and foraging (UAA 120), and WEG gave them a bonus to Perception (AE 116). Once away from their homeworld, many acclimate to life among the less-than-legal fringes (UAA 120; DB DD). It's a tough call whether to lower Cunning or leave it be, but we decide to leave it average.


Pa'lowick care much for customs, rituals, and traditions, which they have tried to protect from the encroachment of galactic culture. They value storytellers and singers for these reasons, as such professionals pass down history and fables (UAA 119–20; NEGAS 131). Their society is highly stratified, with royalty at the top (NEGAS 131). Religion is also important to many members of the species (NEGAS 131). Pa'lowick are known for their patience (UAA 120; NEGAS 131). D20 rules boost their Wisdom (UAA 120). In the end, we decide to boost their Willpower a point to represent their faith and concern for tradition.


Pa'lowick tend not to care much about diplomacy (UAA 120; NEGAS 131), and they are shy by nature (EGAS 95; NEGAS 130)—although tusked ones are more aggressive (NEGAS 130). Nevertheless, they eagerly seek out contact with others to allow for trade and the purchase of high-tech goods (UAA 119; NEGAS 131). Likewise, they value storytelling and singers in their society (UAA 120; NEGAS 131), with singing even considered sacred (EGAS 95; NEGAS 131). Many Pa'lowick are drawn to leave their world due to the tales they hear from outsiders (UAA 120). Several of those that do find renown as singers (NEGAS 131). The situation is the reverse of that of their Cunning: leave Presence at 2 or raise it? Ultimately, we leave their Presence alone.

Wound Threshold

Pa'lowick are thin, and their body cavities are mostly lungs (AE 116; NEGAS 131). This makes them akin to the Toydarians, so we match that species' Wounds, giving a slight bump to allow for the Pa'lowick's larger Silhouette.

Strain Threshold

With singing and holding breath so important to them, we decide the Pa'lowick's Strain Threshold should be decent. We give them a level that puts them on par with other strong-willed species, like the Ithorians and Toydarians.

Skills and Talents

The Pa'lowick subsist on foraging and farming (NEGAS 131), which we may want to represent in some form. The D20 rules give them a bonus to survival (UAA 120). The D20 rules also give them a bonus to Hide (UAA 120), which is Stealth in FFG's system.

A free rank in Forager or Stalker would do the trick. We decide that the lore better supports Forager than Stalker, so we go with this ability.

Other Abilities

Pa'lowick are amphibians (AE 116), and some sources say they breathe in air and water (UAA 120). However, more recent sources say they can only hold their breath for a long time due to highly developed lungs (NEGAS 130). We give them a modified version of the Mon Cal's underwater abilities, looking to the Gungans in The Unofficial Species Menagerie for inspiration on the breath-holding.

Similarly, they have a hard time on desert worlds due to their skin's (EGAS 95) and respiratory system's needs for moisture. They can adapt, but it takes at least a few weeks (ATBPO). We give them the same setback as the Shawda Ubb, which we statted out earlier.

Younger Pa'lowick have tusks that they can use in self-defense, but these fall out at middle age (UAA 120). Later sources specify that a subspecies of Pa'lowick keeps the tusks throughout life (NEGAS 130). We decide to offer the tusks as an option (modeled on the Trandoshans' claws but with the Pierce quality), reducing starting experience a bit to compensate for these natural weapons.

Ranging from 0.9 to 1.8 meters tall (AE 116)—and averaging 1.6 meters (UAA 120; EGAS 95; NEGAS 131)—Pa'lowick are Silhouette 1.

EDIT: Brought tusk attack in line with Selonian tail style-wise. Made Pierce regular part of the attack.

Edited by SavageBob