The Great Movie Alien Compendium

By SavageBob, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Phuii / Bardottan


The Phuii (or is it Bardottans?) present an interesting conundrum. The gooselike aliens first appeared in the Episode I podracer sequence. Since, sources have given very little information on them aside from some background on the podracer Mars Guo and the introduction of a few other characters of his species. That is, until last year, when two episodes of The Clone Wars featured the world Bardotta and its native species, the Bardottans—who look exactly like what had until then been known as the Phuii. Is this a case of new Disney canon overriding the old EU? Or are the Bardottans simply a cultural subset of the broader Phuii species? We can only guess for now. I've tried to account for all depictions of the species, as wildly divergent as they may be. So, a caveat: All of these write-ups are simply my interpretation, but this entry is more tentative than most.

Brawn 1 • Agility 3 • Intellect 2 • Cunning 2 • Willpower 2 • Presence 2

• Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 100

Special Abilities: Phuii start with one rank in the Enduring talent. They also begin with a free rank in Cool. They still may not train Cool above rank 2 at character creation.

Designer Notes


The Phuii we've seen have all been relatively small and thin, built like oversized geese (EIIG; SWCP 93). Mars Guo was able to shake the effects of a hangover during the Boonta Eve Classic (EIWW 77), which possibly points to some Resilience. But then Guo fell prey to Sebulba's tricks and crashed out of the race (TPM), possibly due to the hangover. Nevertheless, Guo survived the crash (NEGC 135). On Bardotta, the Phuii seem to prefer melee weapons to ranged ones, again pointing to some Brawn. But we can't get over that slim physique. We decide that they are not bruisers by nature and reduce Brawn a point.


We know that Mars Guo is a capable pilot, able to hold his own in the very dangerous sport of podracing (NEGC 135). Likewise, Chros-filik is also a Phuii podracer (CSWE I 126), and a third is known as well (SJ 73). Phuii Vigo Nep Chung employs a Phii bodyguard, who fights Darth Maul—unsuccessfully—with a blaster pistol (DM4). Due to the high number of podracers in our sample of Phuii careers, we boost their Agility a point.


With known examples being podracer pilots (TPM; SJ 73; CSWE I 126) and a Jedi General (CWS), we assume the Phuii are familiar with most standards of galactic education and technology. Indeed, the Bardottans have their own unique spacecraft (TDI). We make them average in this department.


The species' homeworld, Phu, is a world of gaming (NEGC 135)—if that means Phuii are skilled at cheating, that could indicate some Cunning. One of the few Phuii we've met, Nep Chung, makes his career as a Black Sun Vigo (CSWE II 24; CSWE I 126). And The Clone Wars episodes don't give us much to go on regarding to this ability. This information isn't much to base a decision on, so we leave Cunning alone.


Mars Guo seems to have a weakness to strong drink and pretty women (SWCP 93; DB:MG; POD2; EIIG). He also gets into a fight with one of his slaves after the Boonta Eve Classic, beating the poor guy (DB:PB). Yet we also know that Phuii Jedi have existed (CWP), and the Bardottan Phuii are highly spiritual, with their own Force-using tradition (and dating Jar Jar Binks has to take quite a lot of Willpower...) (TDI; TDII). We leave Willpower at an average level.


There's little to go on. Mars Guo is a notoriously egomaniacal braggart, offensive to others for his blowhard attitude (SWCP 93; EIWW 77; CSWE I 377; NEGC 135; DB:PB; DB:MG). He owns a couple of slaves and works them very hard (DB:PB). On the other hand, Ares Nune is a Jedi General in charge of a star destroyer (CWP), indicating some talent for command. Likewise, Queen Julia of Bardotta seems to be a properly queenly sort, and she's quite friendly with Jar Jar Binks (TDI; TDII). If Phu's gaming industry translates to skill at cards (NEGC 135)—Cool, according to Under a Black Sun —we might consider that Presence, as well. Ultimately, we leave the ability average.

Wound Threshold

They seem pretty scrawny, so there's no reason to increase this.

Strain Threshold

Judging by Mars Guo's character faults, Strain may not be the species' strong suit, either. We leave this at average.

Skills and Talents

Phuii we've met have skin that looks thick and wrinkly (SW:TSC; SWCP 93). This may give them some natural defense, so, why not? We grant the Phuii one rank in the Enduring talent.

We've noted a few skills Phuii demonstrate in various stories (Melee, Resilience, Piloting, Ranged Light), but there's no reason to generalize any of these. We want to give them something extra to match other species, though (most species get two abilities of some kind). We decide that the Cool skill makes the most sense, as it's useful to gamblers, podracers, queens, bodyguards, and Jedi generals alike. A free rank it is.

Other Abilities

Mars Guo stands 1.5 meters tall (DB:MG), and the Phuii Jedi Ares Nune is only slightly shorter than a Clone Trooper (CWS). We make Phuii Silhouette 1.


Could you do up the stats for one of these guys?

Edited by Tirisilex

Sure thing! I've been wanting to do them, but I needed to get my copy of The New Essential Guide to Alien Species out of storage. I'll get to the Amanin soon.

The holidays are keeping me from posting new species as often as I'd like, but here's one to tide you over for a few days.



In the nightclub scene of Attack of the Clones , we meet our first Balosar, a species of near-Human ne’er-do-wells. A Star Wars Insider retcon places a Balosar among the Bespin Wing Guard in The Empire Strikes Back , making them a cross-trilogy species—at least in Legends.

Brawn 1 • Agility 2 • Intellect 2 • Cunning 4 • Willpower 1 • Presence 2

• Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 80

Special Abilities: Life on the polluted world of Balosar means that Balosars are unaffected by toxins and poisons .

Antennapalps: With antennapalps extended, Balosars can hear into the subsonic range and gain a sense of the intentions of those around them. A Balosar can remove up to three setback dice from penalties to hearing when making Perception checks, and may add a boost die on all checks made to resist social influence rolls.

Designer Notes


The Balosars suffer from a reduced constitution due to a tough life on their polluted homeworld (CSWE I 57; UAA 17; NEGAS), a factor that leads the D20 system to dock them some Constitution (UAA 18; S&V 154). We agree and give them a reduction here.


There’s nothing to prompt a bump here aside from a boost to Dexterity in the D20 system (UAA 18; S&V 154).


The Balosars have an underdeveloped education system on their homeworld (NEGAS). Nevertheless, they are no slouches in smarts, with some becoming gifted medical professionals (CSWE III 168). And with a home in the Core Worlds (UAA 18), the species has been exposed to galactic society and knowledge for millennia. We leave this attribute alone.


Crime, cons, and canards are a way of life for the Balosars (CSWE I 57; S&V 154; NEGAS), meaning they need to be able to outplay both their marks and the law. We follow the precedent of the Drall and bump them up to a 4 here; much as the Drall’s entire culture leans toward learning, that of the Balosars is geared towards guile. We’ll pay for this unusual boost with reductions elsewhere.


As a corollary to their tendency to prey on the weak-willed, Balosars themselves are weak-willed (NEGAS) and prone to any number of vices (UAA 17). In fact, D20 gives them a penalty to resist influence rolls when wealth or power is offered (UAA 18; S&V 154), and Saga further reduces their Wisdom (S&V 154). We dock them a point here to represent this aspect of their psyche.


Balosar con artists represent the norm for their species (UAA 17), and to pull their schemes off, they need to have some deftness in this domain. Indeed, the D20 system gives them a boost to Charisma (UAA 18; S&V 154). Nevertheless, Balosars often strike outsiders as being sickly victims at best, desperate street urchins at worst (NEGAS). We leave Presence alone to reflect this dichotomy.

Wound Threshold

We’re already reducing the Balosars’ wounds by bringing down their Brawn. There’s no need to reduce them further, as only small species like Drall and Toydarians seem to dip that low.

Strain Threshold

We want to emphasize the weak will of the species further with a reduction in strain. This puts them on par with Wookiees and helps offset that high Cunning score.


We could justify free ranks in Deception, Skullduggery, or Streetwise, but we’ll let the high Cunning attribute handle that aspect of the species’ culture.


Several talents from the Scoundrel and Thief trees look tempting, but we’ll assume these are folded into the species’ high Cunning.

Other Abilities

The Balosar’s antennapalps extend the species’ hearing into the subsonic range (NEGAS; Millennium Falcon ), granting them highly adept auditory perception (UAA 18; S&V 154). We follow the precedent of the Chiss’ infravision to represent this.

Sources also give the Balosars some emotion-sensing abilities due to these appendages, which gives them a sort of danger sense when dealing with others (NEGAS). We follow the precedent of the Gotals in the Unofficial Species Menagerie and the Sense Emotions talent.

Despite their overall reduced health, the Balosars’ noxious environment has also built up their resistance to toxins (UAA 18; S&V 154), making them virtually immune to them (NEGAS). We model this after the same immunity enjoyed by droids.

Averaging 1.6 meters in height, Balosars are squarely Silhouette 1.

EDIT: Adjusted starting XP down a bit.

Edited by SavageBob

Now we’re starting to see some species that I find interesting.

Thanks for all your hard work, SavageBob !



Two species today, both from Return of the Jedi. That film introduced the Askajian dancer Yarna d'al' Gargan, a large, six-breasted dancer at Jabba's court. The EU filled out the details on Gargan's species, the Askajians, making them a peaceful desert people whose bulk is a form of water storage.

Brawn 1 • Agility 2 • Intellect 1 • Cunning 3 • Willpower 3 • Presence 2

• Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 95

Special Abilities: Askajians begin the game with one rank in Survival. They still may not train Survival above rank 2 during character creation. When making skill checks, Askajians may remove 1 Setback Die imposed due to arid or hot environmental conditions.

Primitive: Askajians upgrade the difficulty of any checks involving advanced technology. This counts as any technology not available on the Askajians' home planet, although individual pieces of technology they become familiar with over an extended period of time can become exempt from this at the GM's discretion. Askajians can spend 10 XP at character creation to remove this penalty permanently.

Water Storage: Askajians can store water under their skin, allowing them to go up to three standard weeks without needing to drink. For each week's supply of water an Askajian is storing, the character receives an additional Soak of 1 (to a maximum of 3 bonus Soak), but suffers 1 Setback Die on social influence checks (to a maximum of 3 additional Setback Dice). An Askajian may imbibe a week's worth of water in a standard day; however, shedding a week's worth of water must be done naturally over a standard week.

Designer Notes


The species is no stranger to war, with tribes battling each other for access to scarce oases (EGAS 8; AE 27; NEGAS). Similarly, life in the harsh desert likely gives the Askajians some natural hardiness. Still, WEG stats make them fairly weak (SWTSBSE 81; AE 27), and their culture is largely peaceful (NEGAS). We drop Brawn a point.


WEG stats lower their dexterity (AE 27), and that heft may give the species a deficit here (NEGAS). Yet, at least some Askajians excel at dancing (SWE 15; CSWE I 45; SWTSBSE 81; NEGAS), and the species is renowned for its weavers, a skill that requires great coordination (SWTSBSE 81; AE 27). We leave Agility alone.


Askajians are recent additions to the galactic community, so they lag behind technologically (EGAS 8; NEGAS)—their native tech is still in the stone age (AE 27). Indeed, WEG slightly lowers their know-how—but it simultaneously raises their technical aptitude (perhaps to represent their weaving) (SWTSBSE 81; AE 27). We lower Intellect a point to represent the species' simple nature.


The species' lack of experience on the galactic stage (EGAS 8) may translate to a reduction in Cunning. Nevertheless, hunting and gathering are essential to the Askajians' survival on their homeworld, and WEG stats raise their perception (SWTSBSE 81; AE 27). At least one Askajian crimelord was active in the galaxy (MF). We decide to raise Cunning a point to emphasize the species' ability to navigate harsh environments.


A tribal culture led by chieftains, a harsh life in the desert, a religion of shamanism, and a veneration for holy dancers and lorekeepers (EGAS 8; AE 27; NEGAS) all point to a boost to Willpower. In addition, some Askajians are quite brave and fearless; indeed, there is evidence that some let their bravery cloud their judgment (EGAS 8). A boost seems warranted here.


When storing water, Askajians are often considered unattractive (EGAS 8; SWTSBSE 82). However, Yarna d'al' Gargan proves that some of them had Presence, as she was both a dancer for Jabba and the leader of his cleaning crew, before later becoming a merchant (SWE 112–13; CSWE I 323; SWTSBSE 81). We decide to leave Presence at average levels.

Wound Threshold

While they slim down when in a wet climate, Askajians tend to be bulkier than Humans (AE 27). Wound Threshold might be a way to compensate the species for a lowered Brawn characteristic, as well. We give them a decent score here.

Strain Threshold

There's nothing to justify either a bonus or a penalty here.

Skills and Talents

The Askajians are famed for their proprietary weaving techniques (SWE 15; CSWE I 45; AE 27; NEGAS), but, alas, there's no Weaving skill. However, we can represent the fact that the Askajians live by hunting and gathering (NEGAS) with a free rank in either the Survival skill or the Forager talent. We opt for the skill, as it is likely part of the upbringing of every Askajian cub.

Other Abilities

Askajians can store up water in their bodies (bulking up in the process) and go for several weeks without needing to drink (SWE 15; CSWE I 45; AE 27; EGAS 8; SWTSBSE 81; NEGAS). WEG stats quantify their water needs at one tenth of a liter per day (SWTSBSE 81; AE 27). Nevertheless, when storing water, most non-Askajians find the species unattractive (EGAS 8; SWTSBSE 82). To represent the water bulk, we provide a version of the Lutrillian species' blubber (JOY 14). It's tempting to count water stored this way against encumbrance, but we decide that the Askajians' biology likely prepares them to move about without problems in the engorged state. For the appearance reduction, we give a penalty to social checks while carrying excess water.

The Askajians' adaptation to arid environments (NEGAS) indicates an ability like that of the Twi'leks and Arcona.

Averaging 1.6 meters tall (EGAS 8; NEGAS), Askajians are Silhouette 1.

EDIT: Added the Primitive disadvantage, per Stay on Target . Adjusted starting XP.

Edited by SavageBob



Next up, another Jedi alien (this one by request!). The Amanin character known as Amanaman is one of the stranger-looking aliens created by ILM for the Jabba's palace sequences. The species presents some unique challenges to convert to game statistics due to their unique physiology.

Brawn 3 • Agility 2 • Intellect 1 • Cunning 2 • Willpower 3 • Presence 1

• Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 70

Special Abilities: Amanin start with one rank in the Durable talent.

Arboreal: Amanin move quickly through forest canopies; they can climb trees and swing through the treetops in heavily wooded areas without needing to make Athletics checks or spend additional maneuvers. Amanin gain 2 Boost Dice to Stealth checks when moving through heavily forested areas. Likewise, any Perception checks made to detect an Amani in such an environment suffer 2 Setback Dice unless the seeker has infravision or some other form of advanced perception.

• Keen Senses: An Amani's keen sense of smell can be valuable in many situations. Add 1 Boost Die to Perception checks involving the sense of smell. Similarly, the structure of an Amani's eyes allows her to see in dim conditions. She may remove 1 Setback Die added to checks due to darkness, although she still cannot see in absolute darkness.

Primitive: Amanin upgrade the difficulty of any checks involving advanced technology. This counts as any technology not available on the Amanin's home planet, although individual pieces of technology they become familiar with over an extended period of time can become exempt from this at the GM's discretion. Amanin can spend 10 XP at character creation to remove this penalty permanently.

Regeneration: Whenever an Amani would recover one or more wounds from natural rest or recuperation in a Bacta tank, she recovers one additional wound. She does not recover one additional wound when receiving first aid or medical treatment from a character, or when using a stimpack. Amanin can regrow lost limbs, as well, although it usually takes at least a month before the limb is usable. These abilities do not function when an Amani is in an arid environment.

• Rolling: Amanin can roll themselves into a ball and move at high speeds. Once per encounter, an Amani can use her free maneuver to move from medium range to engaged, attacking a target if desired. Along with allowing the Amani to close quickly with the foe, a charge also adds 2 damage to the attack. However, the Amani's perception is impaired while rolling, so this attack suffers 2 Setback Dice.

• Venom Secretion: Amanin secrete a mild venom from their skin to deter predators. If a character or creature makes a successful Brawl attack to bite an Amani, the attacker must make a Hard Resilience check on its next turn or else be staggered until the end of the attacker's next turn, plus 1 additional round per Threat generated. This ability does not function when an Amani is in an arid environment.

Designer Notes


The Amanin are a strong people, lending them toward work as laborers and toughs when they leave their homeworld (GG12 12). They can be fierce close-quarters combatants, as when rival tribal groups face off over territory (GG12 13; CSWE I 26). They are good climbers, as well (GG12 12; UAA 10). WEG (GG12 14) and D20 rules (UAA 10) both give them bonuses to raw muscle power. We do so as well.


Amanin are slow and plodding creatures on foot, but they can really move when rolling or swinging through the trees. Their warriors are adept at throwing spears (Empire16; ADOU; ISOTC) and rocks (Neighbors), and some Amanin are able to use blasters with no trouble (NEGAS). At least a few are quite stealthy (Empire16). WEG stats make them average in basic agility, but severely limited with regard to piloting vehicles (GG12 14). They seem to prefer close-up melee combat to ranged attacks; even with blasters, they tend to attack at point-blank range (Empire17–18). These battle tactics suggest that their Brawn is higher than their Agility, so we decide to leave Agility at 2.


While many Amanin now live in their homeworld's spaceport towns, the majority still follow a simple lifestyle of nomadic hunters, with no great notion of life beyond their homeworld (GG12 13–14; UAA 9–10; NEGAS). Those on Utapau are considerably less developed than their Pau'an and Utai counterparts (ADOU). WEG stats reduce their Knowledge and Technical attributes (GG12 14), and D20 stats follow suit (UAA 10). We decide to lower Intellect a point accordingly.


The species relies on hunting for its general subsistence. Maridun, the Amanin homeworld, is home to much organized crime in the Rebellion era, suggesting some need for Cunning among at least a few Amanin. Still, Amanin can be duped into following unscrupulous individuals if those leaders are able to prey upon the species' respect for religious leaders (UAA 9; NEGAS), and those Amanin who have adapted to galactic-standard technology have begun to conquer their more primitive counterparts (GG12 13). One final point to consider is that WEG stats dock them some perceptiveness (GG12 14). Ultimately, we leave Cunning at average levels.


Most Amanin are spiritual and follow a shaman who doubles as a tribal lorekeeper. Protecting the honor of his or her tribe is often a primary motivation for Amanin. They are highly protective of their friends (NEGAS), and they are proud, even-keeled, and difficult to anger (GG12 12). Fearlessness in battle is another Amanin trademark (UAA 9), and the species highly values unflappable valor in battle (Empire19). We decide to raise their Willpower to represent these factors.


Amanin tend to be reserved and introverted, eschewing the spotlight. Likewise, their appearance and predilection for carrying the skulls of enemies is off-putting to members of other species (GG12 12, 14; UAA 9–10; NEGAS). Finally, they are not interested in politicking and gladhanding to get their way (GG12 13). We reduce their Presence by a point.

Wound Threshold

As large creatures with a damage-resistant biology (GG12 12, 14; UAA 10; NEGAS), we want the Amanin to be on par with species such as Trandoshans and Wookiees in this department. We give them a value to match the Trandoshans.

Strain Threshold

We don't have much to go on here, so we keep the Amanin at average values.

Skills and Talents

We might consider some skills or talents to help the Amanin with survival in the wilds and with climbing (GG12 12; UAA 10).

Other Abilities

Amanin are skilled at brachiation, traveling through the trees by swinging (GG12 12; NEGAS; CSWE I 26). We model this ability after the Toydarians' hovering ability.

An Amani is able to roll into a ball and roll very fast—45 to 50 kilometers per hour—and is able to launch directly into an attack from this position (GG12 12; NEGAS; CSWE I 26). However, they can only go straight, and their ability to tell where they are going is impaired when moving this way (UAA 10; NEGAS). We give them a variant of the Lightning Charge ability used by the carrion spats in Suns of Fortune . Similarly, their coloring provides some camouflage in forest and grassland (NEGAS). We model this after the Sludge Panthers' camouflage from Suns of Fortune .

Amanin biology also makes them virtually immune to critical injuries that target vital organs, as these are dispersed throughout the body and are present in multiple copies (GG12 12, 14; UAA 10; NEGAS). We represent this with a couple levels of the Durable talent. Related to this hardiness, Amanin can regenerate lost limbs and damaged tissues or organs (NEGAS). This gives them an ability similar to that of the Trandoshans. Nevertheless, they suffer some ill effects in dry atmospheres (NEGAS), so we put a restriction on their regeneration to represent this.

A venomous mucus oozes from the Amanin's skin, keeping it moist and deterring predators (NEGAS). There are several venomous creatures to base this ability on; we decide on something that incorporates elements of venom from the Korrak from Suns of Fortune and the Bog Spitter from Onslaught at Arda I .

They are able to see in low light but not complete darkness, and their olfaction is so well developed that they can sense intruders from 10 kilometers (NEGAS). We give them a combination of the Chevin's olfaction and the Selonians' vision, tempering the latter a bit.

The Empire comic shows them with sharp teeth, but they don't seem to use these in combat (Empire16), so we leave these alone.

Standing 2.0 to 3.0 meters tall (GG12 12; NEGAS) and averaging 2.5 meters (UAA 10), Amanin are on the cusp of Silhouette 2. Nevertheless, they seem to get by fine in the Human-sized galaxy, so we leave them at Silhouette 2.

EDIT: Added the Primitive disadvantage, per Stay on Target . Adjusted down starting XP, as I was underestimating the price of the natural attacks. Modified the way their venom works a bit to make it less potent.

Edited by SavageBob



We kick off the New Year with an Attack of the Clones species: the Skakoans. Led by the Emir Wat Tambor, the Skakoans present some interesting game-rules possibilities due to the fact that they can only survive in standard environments in their droid-like suits—suits that have a tendency to explode when damaged.

Brawn 1 • Agility 2 • Intellect 4 • Cunning 2 • Willpower 2 • Presence 1

• Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 100

Special Abilities: Skakoans begin with a free rank in either the Gearhead talent or the Technical Aptitude talent.

• Atmosphere Requirement: Skakoans may survive in methane-rich, high-pressure atmospheres without harm. However, outside such conditions, Skakoans must wear a specialized pressure suit or else treat the atmosphere as if it were vacuum (see Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook , p. 214, or Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook , p. 227). Skakoan characters start the game with a light pressure suit by default (see below), but they may trade this free gear for 1,000 credits, which must be used toward the purchase of a medium or heavy pressure suit at the time of character creation.

Skakoan Pressure Suit (New Gear)

Skakoan pressure suits are a type of environment suit that provides the wearer with a personal, pressurized, methane-rich atmosphere. The suits have self-repair capabilities that allow them to continue to function even if the wearer takes Wounds in combat. However, if a Skakoan suffers an injury from a weapon with the Sunder quality, the suit takes damage—moving progressively from undamaged to minor damage, moderate damage, major damage, and finally to a compromised state. Applying an Emergency Repair Patch can repair the suit one level; up to five Emergency Repair Patches can be used in a single day. Outside combat, an Easy Mechanics check can repair the pressure suit completely. Upgrade the difficulty of this check once for each level of damage the suit suffered before repairs were attempted.

The pressurized methane stored in the suit may cause it to explode if severely damaged. The blast from an exploding suit hits anyone within Short Range with Damage 8 and Blast 6. This effect can be triggered by either Triumph or Despair on a roll that kills the suit's wearer or moves the suit to compromised status, depending on whether the explosion would be beneficial or detrimental to the attacker.

Skakoan pressure suits come in light, medium, and heavy models—identical to Heavy Clothing, Armored Clothing, and Heavy Battle Armor, respectively (see Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook , p. 170, or Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook , p. 183), except for price and rarity. The light pressure suit costs 1,000 credits, the medium pressure suit costs 4,500 credits, and the heavy pressure suit costs 11,000 credits; all three models have a Rarity of 8.

Designer Notes


Sources don't indicate that raw muscle power is the species' strong suit: Not only does Skakoan society emphasize intellectual pursuits over physical ones (UAA 141–42), the Skakoan physique is quite puny by default (UAA 142). We reduce Brawn to account for these factors.


The species' emphasis on mental aptitude (UAA 141–42) might indicate a reduction here. Indeed, D20 rules remove some Dexterity, perhaps to represent the bulkiness of their pressure suits (UAA 142; PH:S). Nevertheless, we opt to leave this attribute as is, since other areas seem more reduced in the species.


The Skakoans are no slouches in this department, what with their renown for technical prowess, engineering excellence (UAA 141–42), and cutting-edge technology (PH:S). They have highly logical minds, and logic rules their decision making and problem solving (UAA 142; NEGAS; PH:S). Indeed, D20 rules give them a boost to Intelligence (UAA 142). We match their Intellect to that of the Drall species. It's a big bump, but we'll pay for it in other areas.


The Skakoans' intelligence is laced with low cunning (UAA 142), as their primary motivations are to keep themselves alive (NEGAS). We give them a decent (but not exceptional) score here.


Skakoans are quite cowardly, and few leave their homeworld for fear of dying of a pressure suit malfunction (UAA 142; NEGAS; PH:S). Even if those offworld tend to be those with the most commitment to some cause or another, their most common beliefs are vitriol toward enemies and revulsion toward non-Skakoans (NEGAS). The only indication that we might leave Willpower alone is the fact that the Skakoans practice a complex religion (PH:S). We reduce Willpower for these reasons. It's a tough call, but we leave Willpower alone since we only need to reduce two abilities to compensate for the 4 Intellect, and Presence and Brawn are more likely candidates.


Although the Skakoans were known for their megacorporations and politicking during the Republic period (UAA 141–42; PH:S), the species dislikes Humans, and its members have retreated to their homeworld since the rise of the Empire. Their isolation and xenophobia have lent the species a reputation as secluded, shady opportunists (UAA 142; PH:S). They are sober creatures with little interest in the lighter side of life (UAA 142). Likewise, the pressure suits they require away from Skako hide their demeanor and feelings, mask their voices, and make their wearers come off as little more than droids. Those who see the ghastly-looking Skakoan beneath the suit rarely have a batter opinion of the species (UAA 142; NEGAS; PH:S). All told, we are more than justified in docking the species a point of Presence.

Wound Threshold

There's no need to penalize them further, since we've already lowered Brawn.

Strain Threshold

We leave this attribute as is for lack of evidence one way or the other.

Skills and Talents

Skakoans are naturally gifted at mechanical tinkering (UAA 142) and computers. Indeed, D20 rules allow them to use machines or computers more quickly than other species (PH:S). We take a look at the Mechanic, Outlaw Tech, Slicer, and Scientist specializations and consider the talents Gearhead, Speaks Binary, Technical Aptitude, and Tinkerer. We decide to offer a choice between two of these.

Other Abilities

A Skakoan has to wear a pressure suit in atmospheres with less pressure than that of Skako; this provides necessary methane, protects from oxygen poisoning (drowning), and matches the pressures of their native planet (UAA 142; NEGAS; PH:S). We provide an ability that draws from similar restrictions on Gand and Kel Dors. The suits have self-repairing capabilities, but damage to the suit is potentially fatal to the wearer if it ruptures (UAA 143). Some Skakoans wear heavier-duty pressure suits (UAA 143; NEGAS), so we offer these as upgrades for credits. Finally, we need to account for the fact that these suits may explode if ruptured (NEGAS; CSWE III 157). To do this, we give an exploding pressure suit statistics similar to a frag grenade. Conversely, Skakoans are immune to high pressures and methane poisoning (GPB 46).

Ranging from 1.4 to 2.1 meters tall—and averaging 1.75 meters—Skakoans are Silhouette 1 (UAA 142; NEGAS).

EDITED: Fixed stats to give them a higher Willpower, since they should only have two 1's to compensate for the 4 in Intellect.

Edited by SavageBob

Wow. I might not care as much for some of the species listed in this thread (although Skakoans are quite interesting), but I really do love the way these write ups are done. After reading one of these, I feel like someone has treated me like I am an intelligent person, and if they hadn’t already done their research and made appropriate references, that I might be inclined to go double-check them — which I would, if I had copies of all the appropriate references and infinite spare time.

I know FFG can’t do write ups like this, because they can’t make references to other games by other companies, or references to other materials from other publishers. So, we now have an example of how fan-made material can actually be better than the officially written and published material, because it can be more complete and authoritative across all known resources. And well-written, too!

Just hitting the “like” button is not nearly enough.

Wow. I might not care as much for some of the species listed in this thread (although Skakoans are quite interesting), but I really do love the way these write ups are done. After reading one of these, I feel like someone has treated me like I am an intelligent person, and if they hadn’t already done their research and made appropriate references, that I might be inclined to go double-check them — which I would, if I had copies of all the appropriate references and infinite spare time.

I know FFG can’t do write ups like this, because they can’t make references to other games by other companies, or references to other materials from other publishers. So, we now have an example of how fan-made material can actually be better than the officially written and published material, because it can be more complete and authoritative across all known resources. And well-written, too!

Just hitting the “like” button is not nearly enough.

Thanks for the kind words, Brad! I am pleased that at least a few people are finding my efforts worthwhile. I'm a serious Star Wars alien nut, so it's all fun for me. Plus it gives me a creative outlet, however small. The goal with the long explanations is to provide readers with both my rationale as well as other options if they want to go a different direction with a species. By explaining my design process, someone can easily ignore the "final" version of the species I present and decide to stat a species differently. But at least the data are all there in one place to make that selection process easier. On the other hand, if someone's pressed for time, there's a read-to-go version of the species to use.

Yes, bradknowles has a point: thank you for the effort and nice job there!


I'm back after a much-needed holiday break. We return to the cantina for our second alien of the new year, and possibly the most difficult species name to spell in all of Star Wars -dom.


The Advozsec (singular: Advozse) are another cantina species from A New Hope , one of the more difficult ones to spot in the film. The frowning Don Rickles mask created for the movie has been made into a species of grumps who nonetheless make good support characters.

Brawn 2 • Agility 2 • Intellect 2 • Cunning 3 • Willpower 2 • Presence 1

• Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 100

Special Abilities: Advozsec begin the game with a free rank in one of Cool, Discipline, or Vigilance. They still may not train Cool, Discipline, or Vigilance above rank 2 at character creation. Advozsec senses have evolved to accommodate the dim caverns of their homeworld, so they remove up to 2 Setback Dice imposed due to darkness from any skill checks. In addition, they add 1 Boost Die on Perception checks involving the sense of hearing. However, they are adverse to cold, so Advozsec suffer 1 Setback Die when making skill checks in cold environmental conditions.

Natural Skeptics: Advozsec have an knack for spotting flaws in the plans of others. If an Advozse uses an assist maneuver to aid an ally on a skill check, the ally may ignore up to 3 Threat generated from the roll. This effect is in addition to the normal bonuses granted from the aid maneuver.

• Thick Skin: The Advozsec's skin is thick enough to absorb damage, so they start the game with one rank in the Enduring talent.

Designer Notes


There's very little to go on here, and what we do know is contradictory. Namely, Advozsec get a minor reduction to Strength in the WEG system (GG12 12), but they get a bonus to Constitution in the WOTC rules (G4 96; UAA 9). It's a wash, so we leave Brawn alone.


Both WEG (GG12 12) and WOTC (G4 96; UAA 9) penalize the species in this area, but there's really nothing in the lore to indicate anything out of the ordinary. Indeed, Advozsec have access to both blasters and starships (GG12 11), so they likely also have the ability to use them. We leave Agility at 2.


The species' natural predilection for detail and thoroughness (GG12 10) and their access to standard-level galactic technology (GG12 11) suggest at least a middling score here. Indeed, the species is on the cutting edge in the fields of building materials, construction (G4 95; UAA 9; FF ADV2), and search-and-rescue equipment (FF ADV2). We give the species an average rating.


The species' innate skepticism and distrust of others makes them naturally alert and perceptive (GG12 10–11; UAA 9). Meanwhile, their preferred means of getting what they want is spreading backhanded rumors and making under-the-table deals (GG12 11). The planet Riflor's rulers operate more like a mafia than a government (G4 95; FF ADV2), and smuggling has grown increasingly common there since the Empire took the world over (GG12 11; G4 96). Sure, the species values order over chaos, which we could interpret as a lack of creative thinking (GG12 11). Yet, just because Advozsec dislike the unpredictability of their special brand of politicking doesn't mean they aren't good at it. Ultimately, the species' penchant for mudslinging, spying, and subterfuge (GG12 11; G4 95) points to a bonus to Cunning.


Members of the species are detail oriented, and they always want to have some sway over anything that impacts them, no matter how minutely (GG12 10). Similarly, Advozsec are no slouches at leaning on others to get their way (GG12 11). To add to this, WOTC rules grant them a boon to Wisdom (G4 96; UAA 9), which has many affinities with FFG's Willpower. On the other hand, the species' tendency to expect the worst makes them somewhat hedonistic (GG10 11) and prevents the species from pursuing more esoteric vocations, such as serving in the Jedi Order (UAA 9). We leave Willpower at standard levels. (An alternative attribute spread might lower Agility to 1 and raise Willpower to 3, though.)


Advozsec are not known for their people skills. They are irascible, self-centered, suspicious, pessimistic control freaks who constantly question the motives of everyone they meet (GG12 10,12; G4 94–95; UAA 9). In fact, many are flat-out loners (G4 96). Similarly, Advozsec put little stock in material possessions—the unstable geology of their planet makes non-monetary wealth seem ephemeral—so there's little reason to assume members of the species should be good at wheeling and dealing (GG12 10; G4 94; G4 95; UAA 9; FF ADV2). Accordingly, many non-Advozsec find the species all-around unpleasant (GG12 11; UAA 9). Indeed, WOTC stats give them a penalty to Diplomacy skill (G4 96; UAA 9). We lower Presence a point to reflect their irritable personality.

Wound Threshold

The species gets a bump to the corresponding stat in the WOTC material (UAA 9), but there's nothing in the lore to explain why. We leave Wound Threshold alone.

Strain Threshold

Similarly, there's nothing to indicate a significant difference from the norm here.

Skills and Talents

With an eye for detail and bureaucratic minutiae, a cautious demeanor, and a thorough resolve, Advozsec make natural bureaucrats (GG12 10; G4 94; FF ADV1), information brokers, engineers, and spies (G4 96; FF ADV2). Some options from the Diplomat, Engineer, Spy, and Colonist careers look tempting: Coercion, Cool, Deception, Discipline, Perception, and Vigilance. We eliminate the influence skills, since they are more the specific purview of Advozsec politicians. WOTC rules give the species a bonus to Spot and Perception (G4 96; UAA 9) to reflect the species' eye for danger. In FFG terms, Cool seems like a good fit for a species of near-paranoid skeptics. However, Discipline offers many of the same benefits. Finally, Vigilance represents preparedness for unforeseen crises, which is as close as one can get to an Advozsec Golden Rule. Ultimately, we give the player a choice among the three.

Other Abilities

We want to reflect further the Advozsec's skepticism and extreme attention to detail, traits that allow them to second-guess the decisions of their companions, see flaws, and plan for the worst (GG12 11–12; FF ADV1). It would be fun to give the species an ability similar to the various "Natural __" talents, which allow a character to reroll a skill check. Only, for Advozsec, the reroll would be for someone benefitting from the Advozse's assistance. We decide against this, though, as the "Natural ___" talents are always expensive. Instead, we look to the Drall and Togruta species, who have special abilities when offering assistance to others. To emphasize the naysaying Advozsec are notorious for, however, we alter these abilities to allow the species to negate Threat rather than add Boost Dice.

The dim sunlight of their homeworld gives Advozsec keen low-light vision (GG12 10; G4 95; UAA 9; FF ADV1). There's also evidence they have a minor form of echolocation, evolved in the caves of their homeworld (G4 95; UAA 9), or more general keen hearing (FF ADV1). We give them bonuses to reflect these sensory advantages, borrowing from the Selonians and the Kel Dors.

They are adverse to cold, especially cold liquids, which sources describes as almost an allergy for them (G4 95; FF ADV1). We note this factor, reversing the language of the Arcona's and Twi'lek's affinity for desert environments.

The species is unable to consume animal protein, which is like a toxin to them (G4 95; UAA 9; FF ADV2; G4 96; UAA 9). We chalk this up to a special effect for players and GMs to keep in mind, not really worth calling out in game terms.

WOTC sources (G4 96; UAA 9) note that Advozsec have thick skin, and the rules grant the species some natural armor for this. We could translate this defense as Durable (per the Chevin) or Enduring (per Droids), or just call it something else entirely, like the the Geonosian's Carapace (LAOTH 37) and the Lutrillians' Blubber (JOY 14). Granting Soak makes more sense to us, so we go with Enduring.

Standing between 1.3 and 1.9 meters in height (GG12 12) and averaging 1.5 meters (UAA 9)—or is it 1.8 meters (FF ADV1)?—Advozsec are Silhouette 1 creatures.



Since their introduction in the Special Edition of Return of the Jedi , Theelin have appeared in two Prequel films and several Clone Wars episodes. By the Rebellion era, most Theelin are actually Human crossbreeds. Still, they all seem to share similar characteristics regardless of their level of blood purity, so the stats below are for both full-blooded Theelin and hybrids.

Brawn 2 • Agility 2 • Intellect 1 • Cunning 2 • Willpower 2 • Presence 3

• Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 100

Special Abilities: Theelin begin the game with a free rank in either Charm or Coordination. They still may not train Charm or Coordination above rank 2 at character creation. They also begin with a free rank in the Distracting Behavior talent.

Designer Notes


A genetic defect has left the Theelin a dying race, with few (if any) full-blooded members still active in the galaxy (DB Shaliqua, Diva; CSWE III 143). Indeed, most Theelin by the Rebellion era are part Human (Insider67 46). Fertility problems don't necessarily translate into game terms, though. Further, the character Latts Razzi shows that at least some Theelin can be total Brawl and Melee badasses (LR Enc; CWUK 6.41). Likewise, performance skills are important to many Theelin we've met (SWTSBSE 100; TPM; DB Shaliqua Diva; HNN), and Far Horizons rightly points out the importance of physical conditioning for such characters. We opt to leave Brawn alone.


Dancing is common among the Theelin (SWTSBSE 100; TPM; DB Shaliqua Diva; HNN). And while there is no Dancing skill, any such skill likely would be linked to Agility. Likewise, Latts Razzi was a crack shot with a blaster (LR ENc; CWUK 6.41). The evidence points to at least an average Agility score.


At least one Theelin hybrid had a knack for machines: Shug Ninx—but he had had to fight for his knowledge, as Imperial discrimination kept him out of the best galactic schools (CSWE II 383). We also know that many Theelin suffer as slaves (they are particularly favored pets for the Hutts) (DB Shaliqua, Diva; FF SLA2; CSWE III 143). It's no surprise that the few surviving Theelin in the galaxy have embraced performance to preserve their culture (SWTSBSE 100; TPM; DB Shaliqua Diva; HNN; LR Enc). We drop Intellect a point to reflect the species' lack of access to education and its slave status in the Rebellion era. It's a tough call, but we have examples of other tech-savvy species with Intellect 1 (Aqualish and Weequay), so there's precedent. It also paves the way for someone to create a vapid diva if they so choose.


Diva Funquita was the majordomo for Gardulla the Hutt (Funquita, Diva DB; CSWE I 298), suggesting she had some ability here. But that's only one example, so we leave Cunning alone.


The species venerates skilled performers, especially the Operatic Order of the Divas, a religious group (DB Shaliqua, Diva; CSWE I 191; CSWE III 143). Even though their genetic incompatibility has largely wiped out their culture, the surviving members of the species embrace their traditions and culture, and many of them have continued to create works of stirring majesty (DB Shaliqua, Diva; CSWE I 191; CSWE III 143). Finally, if the Sith Lord Darth Phobos is any indication (Hasbro; TFU:VG), Theelin can potentially strike fear into millions (TFU:VG). We could justify a boost to Willpower for these reasons, but we keep it at 2 for play balance.


Theelin are known galaxy-wide for their skill in the plastic and performing arts (DB Shaliqua, Diva; CWUK 6.41). Indeed, many critics regard the Operatic Order of the Divas as the most talented singers in the galaxy (DB Shaliqua, Diva). Most Theelin from the films and EU are performers (SWTSBSE 100; TPM; DB Shaliqua Diva; HNN), and Return of the Jedi shows Rystáll Sant charming Boba Fett himself (ROTJ; Hasbro; DB Rystáll). Even the two non-performer Theelin we know have Presence-related characteristics: The lethal Latts Razzi was noted for her beauty and sense of style (LR Enc), and the Sith Lord Darth Phobos developed an entire cult devoted to her (TFU:VG). A bump to Presence is more than justified.

Wound Threshold and Strain Threshold

We leave these at average levels, as there's no evidence they were particularly weak kneed or weak willed.

Skills and Talents

With the species' natural charms and performance talents, we consider our options from the Performer specialization. Coordination looks like a good choice for dancer Theelin, while Charm might match singers better, so we offer a choice. Likewise, Distracting Behavior is a good way to reflect the species' arts-oriented culture.

Other Abilities

Sant stands 1.7 meters tall (DB Rystáll) while Razzi is 1.79 meters in height (LR Enc). Other Theelin and Theelin hybrids are similarly sized (TPM; DE). We leave the Theelin as Silhouette 1 creatures.

I will agree that this is an excellent read and I am following the thread.



The Anx may be the tallest sentients to appear in the Star Wars films—in fact, George Lucas almost rejected the concept from The Phantom Menace out of fears that the Anx characters were too tall. He relented, though, and the EU has given us several Anx characters since, many of them Jedi.

Brawn 3 • Agility 1 • Intellect 2 • Cunning 1 • Willpower 3 • Presence 2

• Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 110

Special Abilities: Anx begin with a free rank in Knowledge (Xenology). They still may not train Knowledge (Xenology) above rank 2 at character creation. Knowledge (Xenology) always counts as a career skill for Anx characters. Anx characters may substitute Knowledge (Xenology) for Medicine and Intellect when using the Pressure Point and Anatomy Lessons talents, respectively.

Mood Pigmentation: An Anx's skin changes color to reflect his mood. Characters add 1 Advantage to any Charm or Negotiation checks they make versus an Anx, and on any opposing skill checks made versus an Anx using Charm, Deception, or Negotiation.

Senses: An Anx's senses work differently from most species. An Anx’s keen sense of smell can be valuable in many situations. Add 1 Boost Die to Perception checks involving the sense of smell. However, their eyesight is poor, so when making ranged combat or Perception checks involving sight, Anx suffer 1 Setback Die. For Perception checks involving both smell and sight, these additional dice cancel and the Anx makes a standard check. Finally, an Anx can hear into the subsonic range. This allows the Anx to communicate with other Anx using sounds inaudible to most beings. This is completely undetectable to anyone without subsonic hearing. Anx can communicate like this from up to five kilometers away.

Size: Anx have a Silhouette of 2.

Designer Notes


The Anx are largely peaceful (NEGAS), so we need to consider that most Anx won't have combat skills. Similarly, by the Rebellion era, the Empire has nearly wiped the species out through weapons testing on their homeworld; the few remaining Anx have to live in squalor (G4 98; NEGAS; CSWE I 37)—a condition that may impact their overall health. On the other hand, we can justify a boost here based on the Anx's size alone (NEGAS). Adding to that argument, D20 rules give them a bonus to Strength (G4 99; UAA 12). And as proof, Jedi Master Vaunk was a battlemaster who specialized in Form VII: Juyo / Vaapad (TJP), a technique notorious for its demanding intense physicality (CSWE I 290). We could opt to leave Brawn at 2 (allowing for a bump to Presence instead), but the weight of the evidence suggests a bonus to Brawn.


As with Brawn, we need to account for the species' aversion to violence here (NEGAS). Indeed, their overall ponderousness may justify a reduction. The species' preference for low-gravity worlds (NEGAS; CSWE I 37) like their own (UAA 11) adds to this view; the Anx presumably prefer low gravity as it is easier to move about in. The Anx's large size also makes them ill-suited to standard starfighters (DW5; CSWE II 274). There's one counter-example to consider, a podracer named (no joke) Dankko Verrimuch (Rep 15). Still, the weight of the evidence points to an Agility score of 1.


The Anx have enjoyed a long exposure to high technology, even innovating their own form of hyperspace cannons (G4 100; UAA 11) and assassin droids (CWCG 189; CSWE III 34). Other Anx are noted scholars (SM4). An average value here seems about right.


Anx are naturally cautious, especially around unknown outsiders (UAA 11). Nevertheless, they wear their emotions on their sleeves—literally, since their skin changes color to reflect their mood (G4 98–99). This pigmentation problem translates into a vulnerability to the machinations of others (UAA 12). In that same vein, many Anx have an aversion to double-dealing and subterfuge; Anx politicians were very active in the fight against corruption in the latter days of the Republic (COD; HNN48). Finally, the species suffers from poor vision (NEGAS; CSWE I 37). The lone exception to the norm the EU provides us is Graxol Kelvyyn, an Anx slaver (G4 100; CSWE II 207). We lower Cunning to 1.


Much evidence points to a bump here. First is the typical Anx temperament. The species is famed for its peaceful nature (G4 99; UAA 11; NEGAS), and members of the species tend to pledge themselves to a favorite cause or organization and then serve it zealously (G4 98–99; UAA 11). This can translate to a forceful personality; Kelvyyn was adept at threatening others to do his bidding (G7 100), and Anx rarely waver after deciding on a course of action (G4 99). Second, many Anx have a knack for the Force (G4 100), and more than one has followed the Jedi path (NEGAS; CSWE I 270; CSWE II 168; CSWE II 274; SM4; AOW1; GeGr1; TCW:SW; TJP). Nevertheless, D20 rules inexplicably give them a reduction to Wisdom, a trait that overlaps FFG's Willpower (G4 99; UAA 12). And not all Anx could resist their vices: Graxol Kelvyyn was addicted to gambling and women (G7 100). Ultimately, there's more support for a higher-than-average Willpower, though, so we raise it a point.


Anx are known as a friendly people who enjoy being around others (UAA 11); in fact, being alone is almost a phobia for them (G4 98; UAA 11). Anx divide up into clans and families (G4 98–99) to whom they are highly devoted. This gregariousness points to a high Presence, even if part of their sociability is actually already reflected in the boost to Willpower we granted them to reflect their all-in attitude toward the groups to which they belong. Anx politicians were influential in the galactic Senate in the last days of the Republic (NEGAS), some were good negotiators (G7 x), and Pipalidi was a starship commander during the Cold War era (TOR:FA). Still, the species wasn't particularly adept at buying and selling (G4 99). It's tempting to grant them a Presence of 3, but if we have to choose between a bump to Brawn or one to Presence, there's more evidence pointing toward a higher score in raw strength. We leave Presence alone.

Wound Threshold

The Anx are large and strong, but they aren't particularly bulky (G4 98–99; UAA 11; NEGAS; CSWE I 37). Nevertheless, we give them a decent score here to reflect their size.

Strain Threshold

There's nothing to indicate a bonus or penalty here.

Skills and Talents

Anx have an inherent understanding of the anatomy of other species, a fact that they can exploit in a wide variety of contexts, including combat (G4 99–100; UAA 11). This ability has definite affinities with the Doctor specialization's Anatomy Lessons and Pressure Point talents. D20 rules require an Anx to take a specific feat to enjoy this effect (G4 99; UAA 12). And Anatomy Lessons and Pressure Points are not top-row talents of the kind that tend to be given away as species bonuses. We treat this innate ability as a free rank in Xenology (which we also make always a career skill), as well as a bonus to the talents for those Anx who choose to get them.

Other Abilities

The species' stentorian voices can be heard up to five kilometers away by other Anx (G4 99; UAA 12; NEGAS; CSWE I 37), an ability not unlike the Weequays' pheremone communication, which we use for inspiration.

Their eyesight is very bad, but they have a highly developed sense of smell (G4 98; NEGAS; CSWE I 37). This largely evens out to something akin to the senses of other species (G4 98). However, we give them a modified version of the Chevin's and Gran's sensory abilities to represent this.

Anx are tall—they average four meters in height (G4 98–99; UAA 11; NEGAS; CSWE I 37)! This easily qualifies them for Silhouette 2. There don't seem to be any advantages to being this big, since the only real effect is that Anx have a harder time attacking Silhouette 0 characters. We'll account for this in the Anx's starting experience allotment.

Their tails are strong and stout to act as a counterweight to their heads (UAA 11; NEGAS; CSWE I 37). It's tempting to give them an attack similar to that of the Selonians, but none of the sources support this, so we leave it be.

Anx are slow (G4 98; UAA 11), but this is by preference—they can really move when they want to (G4 98). And they seem to make up for their lumbering gait via their larger stride. Indeed, WOTC rules allow them to move a bit farther than Human-sized species (UAA 12). We leave their speed and movement alone.

Anx are terrible at hiding their emotions due to their skin coloration betraying their inner feelings (G4 98–99; UAA 12). WOTC rules penalize them when gambling without cloaks to protect their skin (G4 99). We draw inspiration from both the Arcona's mood-sensing power and the sabacc rules to reflect this specific tick.

Edited: Added a couple more references for Anx Jedi; fixed typos.

Edited by SavageBob

I just realized that the acronym for this thread is GMAC. ;)



For one of the more prominent aliens featured in the cantina sequence of A New Hope , the EU has given us precious little information about the Saurin. By necessity, this writeup extrapolates quite a bit based on the few Saurin characters we've met, and it relies on the fact that the Saurin are a subspecies of the Trandoshans. Here's hoping that FFG includes these guys in a supplement down the road (perhaps a Kashyyyk Region sourcebook?).

Brawn 2 • Agility 3 • Intellect 2 • Cunning 2 • Willpower 1 • Presence 2

• Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 90

Special Abilities: The structure of a Saurin's eyes allows her to see in near total darkness. She may remove all Setback Die added to checks due to darkness, although she still cannot see in absolute darkness.

• Regeneration: Whenever a Saurin would recover one or more wounds from natural rest or recuperation in a Bacta tank, she recovers one additional wound. She does not recover one additional wound when receiving first aid or medical treatment from a character, or when using a stimpack. Saurin can regrow lost limbs, as well, although it usually takes at least a month before the limb is usable.

Designer Notes


The mainline Trandoshans get a 3 here, but most Saurin seem smaller and less brutish, especially considering their reliance on agriculture for their homeworld's economy (EA 153). Sure, the pilot Rus Kal Kin is rather tall, but he is also somewhat scrawny (SW2). Most other Saurin we know are even smaller, with the two in Star Wars being fairly short (ANH; TLC), despite one of them being a combat trainer (SKF CCG). Where we know weapon preferences, combat-oriented Saurin seem to fight with ranged weapons (DMSH; TLC). Gauron Nas Tal might seem an exception to this line of thinking at first blush; he trains Jabba's Gamorrean guards—known for their melee weapons and brute strength. Nevertheless, the Saurin hates the job (CCG GNT). Could it be because he has to train the Gamorreans in agility-based fighting? Since we're speculating anyway, let's go with this idea and bump the Saurin's starting Brawn down to 2.


While the baseline Trandoshans get a 1 here, the evidence suggests that Saurin are more agile than their cousins. For one, they have nimble, five-fingered hands instead of thick claws (ItWoSWT 14)—although some still do have claws (SW11). Saurin certainly seem capable of wielding blasters (TLC; DMSH) and piloting spacecraft—and Rus Kal Kin is a certified ace (SW2). Those Saurin who are handy in a scrap often employ ranged weapons (DMSH; TLC). Again, Gauron Nas Tal and his Gamorreans need to be accounted for (CCG GNT), but we're making more assumptions than usual for this writeup. We raise Agility to 3.


Saurin seem at least on par with other spacefaring species here, as they have access to high technology (HNN) as well as the knowledge of how it works (SW3). Their homeworld is surrounded by several space stations to boot (EA 153). We keep Intellect at 2.


There's very little to go on other than Hrchek Kal Fas's sneaking around to report on R2 and 3PO (CSWE II 195) and his knowledge of the black market (SWE 156; Saurin CCG). We leave this statistic at 2.


Again, there's very little to draw from, but we're speculating anyway, and we need to reduce something to 1 to accommodate that 3 in Agility: Should it be Willpower? Considering that Willpower represents self-control, resistance to stress and fatigue, and composure, we could argue for its presence based on the ace Rus Kal Kin's combat performance (SW2). Yet Rus also underestimates himself, thinking himself unfit for an espionage assignment (SW2). And if we consider the species' economy, we see that they are an agriworld, not nearly as combat-focused as their Trandoshan cousins (EA 153). Farmers who use mechanized droids don't necessarily need to have a high resistance to stress and fatigue, and they probably don't have much need to exert their will on others. With very little information to go on, then, we lower Willpower to 1.


Saurin are known for having a sober demeanor, but they weren't completely taciturn (ANH; SOSR 32). Likewise, their homeworld's wealth comes from its role as a major supplier of foodstuffs, making the Saurin economic competitors for their neighbors, the Wookiees and Bimms (EA 153). One of the two Saurin in A New Hope is a droid trader, which suggests some proficiency in Negotiation. And at least some like to gamble (LL). We leave Presence at 2.

Wound Threshold

Whereas regular Trandoshans get a high score here, we decide to lower Wound Threshold to represent the species' agricultural bent (EA 153).

Strain Threshold

Likewise, we raise Strain Threshold a tad to partially compensate for that lowered Willpower and to represent the fact that Saurin are just as likely to take non-combat careers.

Skills, Talents, and Other Abilities

We don't really have anything to go on, but we do need to decide if the Saurin get the Trandoshan's free rank in Perception. Here we ask why do Saurin eyes look different from those of mainline Trandoshans (ANH; SW2)? Perhaps their blackness could be an adaptation to allow in more light and give them night vision? Just for flavor, then, we remove the free rank in Perception and replace it with night vision, basing the description on the Selonians's power.

The subspecies has claws and sharp teeth (SW11; TLC), which may aid them in combat like those of their cousins. Nevertheless, the fact that the Saurin in the films wear gloves and boots (ANH) suggests that perhaps this isn't the case. We remove the bonus to Brawl.

No source explicitly says Saurin share the Trandoshan's regeneration ability, but here we give it to them as a way to emphasize their biological link to the Trandoshans.

EDIT: Adjusted starting XP down, as I wasn't account for Wound and Strain Thresholds.

Edited by SavageBob

As anyone here knows, I'm not the biggest fan of freakish aliens! :)

However, I'm enjoying this thread, particularly the behind-the-scenes thought-processes that go into your working-out of the statistics. It actually feels similar to the 'design briefs' I wrote before making the sweeping changes to the lore for my game.

It's always nice to see how someone is thinking, the concepts behind the creative process. I'm sometimes baffled why FFG went with certain statistics (Chiss have Presence 1, really?) so it's nice to see 'under the hood' here.

Thanks for your interesting work and the whole project, in fact. I hope some of the FFG guys are reading this!

Edited by Maelora

A lot of aliens coming out of the cantina scene in ANH. I recently watched it again with a friend and we had fun naming all of the species. Thanks to this, we got a few more species. Very good work, keep it up!

Thanks for your interesting work and the whole project, in fact. I hope some of the FFG guys are reading this!

To be honest, I’m kinda hoping that they forcibly draft him and make him come work for them — whether he wants to or not. :D

Thanks for the kind words, everyone! If folks are getting some enjoyment and utility out of this thread, that's all I can ask for. If someone at FFG is paying attention, I hope they find my efforts helpful in some way, too. As for non-freakish aliens, I'll try to sprinkle a few in here and there. They've never been my favorite (too Star Trek ), but I realize some folks prefer them. With that said, here comes perhaps the most freakish guy from Return of the Jedi ...



Far Horizons gave us the Chevin, but perhaps the ugliest aliens created for Return of the Jedi are the Baragwin. Despite their unattractiveness, the EU has established the species as one of the earliest to take to the stars and one of the most diverse in temperament. They may deserve a few more experience points; this depends on how much the Ponderous (dis)ability is priced when Lords of Nal Hutta comes out.

Brawn 2 • Agility 1 • Intellect 3 • Cunning 2 • Willpower 2 • Presence 2

• Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 100

Special Abilities: Baragwin begin with a free rank in Mechanics. They still may not train Mechanics above rank 2 at character creation. Further, a Baragwin's thick skin is tough enough to resist damage, so they begin the game with one rank of the Durable talent.

• Heightened Olfaction: The Baragwin's keen sense of smell can be valuable in many situations. Add 1 Boost Die to Perception checks involving the sense of smell. Further, Baragwin can smell the moods of others, so they add 1 Advantage to any Charm or Negotiation checks they make. They also receive one free rank in the Expert Tracker talent to represent tracking by scent.

Ponderous: Baragwin can never spend more than one maneuver moving per turn.

Designer Notes


Baragwin are bulky and muscular, and they have been known to produce capable fighters (GG12 17) and mercenaries (GG12 19). WEG leaves their Strength at average levels (GG12 19; SWTSBSE 68), but WOTC rules give them a bonus to health (AA 59; UAA 20). We'd be justified to raise Brawn a point to represent overall bulk and constitution, but we keep Brawn at 2 to represent the fact that the Baragwin are more intellectual than physical.


The species is generally fairly slow and lumbering (GG12 17; UAA 19; NEGAS), although some do get by as pilots (GG12 19). WEG rules reduce their Dexterity a tad (GG12 19; SWTSBSE 68), and WOTC rules reduce it even more (AA 59; UAA 20). We do so, too.


Members of the species are smart (AA 59; UAA 19; NEGAS), noted for their weapons designs (GG12 18; NEGAS), especially those tailored to larger beings (GG12 19; AA 59; UAA 19) and species with different types of appendages than the humanoid norm (NEGAS). Indeed, Hermi Odle was Jabba's personal armorer and security system designer (GG12 19; CCG HO; SWTSBSE 68; SWE 216; CSWE II 403–404; S&VC3). Some Baragwin work as doctors (GG12 19). They have access to all standard galactic technology (GG12 18; UAA 19), and they were actually among the earliest species to reach the stars (AA 59; UAA 19; EA 123). WEG rules oddly reduce the species Knowledge quite a bit (GG12 19; SWTSBSE 68), but WOTC rules raise their Intelligence (AA 59; UAA 20). We follow the fluff here and give them a higher-than-average score.


The wide range of Baragwin temperaments means that at least some members of the species exhibit talents in Cunning-related areas (GG12 18; AA 59). They get a reduction to their Perception in WEG rules (GG12 19; SWTSBSE 68), though. We settle on an average value for this ability.


As with Cunning the wide array of Baragwin personalities (GG12 18; AA 59) makes Willpower important for at least some of them. WOTC raises their Wisdom a bit (AA 59), and that attribute has certain overlaps with Willpower. On the other hand, Darth Maul finds the species weak-willed (DMSH). We leave Willpower at normal levels.


Baragwin are malformed creatures with little fashion sense (GG12 17; AA 59; UAA 19). Nevertheless, they are a diverse lot, so some of them have good people skills (GG12 18; AA 59; UAA 19). Indeed, they are generally noted for their openness and acceptance of others (GG12 18; AA 59; UAA 19), and they were often encountered as traders (TBH:SW). Their political system is somewhat chaotic, valuing good speechmakers over competent statespeople (GG12 18). WOTC rules dock them significantly in this department (AA 59). We don't see a compelling reason to follow suit, so we leave Presence at 2.

Wound Threshold

Baragwin can be bruisers (GG12 17; GG12 19), but they don't have to be. Nevertheless, we want to account for their bulk somehow (GG12 17), so we give the species a higher value here.

Strain Threshold

There's no evidence this is particularly low or high, so we leave it alone.

Skills and Talents

Baragwin are skilled at finding things that are lost (CCG Baragwin), which makes them sought-after trackers (GG12 18). We consider some options from the Survivalist and Big-Game Hunter trees, deciding that Expert Tracker fits this theme—and matches the species' advanced sense of smell to boot (GG12 17; AA 59; UAA 19; NEGAS).

WEG rules start them with a repair skill to cover the species' abilities as weapon designers (GG12 19; SWTSBSE 68). WOTC emulates this by giving them bonuses to the player's choice of using computers, or crafting, repairing, or disabling electronics (UAA 20). A free level of Mechanics should account for most of this.

Other Abilities

Their tough, callused skin makes them resilient and hardy (GG12 17; AA 59; CSWE II 403; NEGAS), although WEG rules limit this effect to physical damage only (GG12 19). WOTC rules instead treat it as natural armor (UAA 20). This might be worth a bit of Soak, Defense, or Critical Injury resistance. We compare to other species with similar abilities and grant the species the Durable talent, per the Chevin.

They have a keen sense of smell that helps them determine the moods of people within a few meters (GG12 17; AA 59; UAA 19; NEGAS). WEG rules represent this by giving them bonuses to searching for things and to perceiving moods (GG12 19; SWTSBSE 68), while WOTC rules give them bonuses to detecting the motives of another within 10 meters (UAA 20). We give them a combination of the powers enjoyed by the Arcona and Chevin.

Due to their awkward, plodding demeanor, WEG makes Baragwin quite slow compared to other species (SWTSBSE 68). Likewise, WOTC rules reduces their base speed to almost half that of most other species (UAA 20). The Hutts' Ponderous ability does the same, so we give it to the Baragwin.

Ranging fro 1.4 to 2.2 meters tall (GG12 19; SWTSBSE 68; AA 59; UAA 20) and averaging 2.0 meters (NEGAS), Baragwin are Silhouette 1.



The Umbarans present some challenges to adapt into game statistics due to the varied ways in which they've been presented. Early EU materials used the Prequel character Sly Moore as the species' baseline, making them sly and conniving but charismatic. Wizards of the Coast presented no fewer than three different versions of the species, sometimes emphasizing their powers of persuasion, other times their mastery of behind-the-scenes intrigue. Finally, The Clone Wars cartoon sided with the conniving interpretation, but it added another wrinkle: the species' highly advanced technology.

If we want to account for all these interpretations, we have to break with the FFG mold and give the species three attributes at 1 and three at 3. This raises the question of whether three 3's should cost more or fewer points than a 3/3/2/2/1/1 array; we've erred on the side of caution here and given only 90 more XP to spend. For the early Prequel interpretation of the species, lower Intellect to 2 and raise Presence to 2. For a strictly Clone Wars spec (and presumably Disney's canon version), raise Presence to 2 and lower Willpower to 2. If either of these 3/3/2/2/1/1 specs is used, raise starting experience to 100.

Brawn 1 • Agility 1 • Intellect 3 • Cunning 3 • Willpower 3 • Presence 1

• Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 80

Special Abilities: Umbarans begin the game with one free rank in either Cool or Discipline. They still may not train Cool or Discipline above rank 2 at character creation. They also start with one rank in the Intimidating talent.

Ultraviolet Vision: Umbarans see in the ultraviolet spectrum, which aids them in dimly lit conditions. When making ranged combat or Perception checks in low light (but not complete darkness), Umbarans remove up to 2 Setback Dice imposed due to environmental conditions or concealment (but not defense). However, their eyes are not attuned to the rest of the spectrum, so bright lights cause them intense pain and temporary blindness if viewed without protection. An Umbaran exposed to bright light without protective goggles suffers 2 Setback Dice on all skill checks

Designer Notes


Umbaran talents tend to run to other areas. They prefer to fight through subtler means than fists and blades (NEGAS). D20 rules reduce their health a bit (UAA 175; CWCG 160; GOI 19), and their average weight of 60 kg suggests a slight frame (MSII; GOI 10; GOI 19). The fact that Umbaran soldiers use drugs to amp up their martial capabilities adds further support for a naturally low Brawn (TG Trivia). We drop it a point.


Umbarans seem adept at skulking about (UAA 175). However, they do so because they prefer indirect means of fighting—poisons, nanotech, and sudden strikes with hidden weapons—over blaster bolts (NEGAS). Nevertheless, Saga Edition rules give them a bump to Dexterity to account for their natural stealth (GOI 19). We know that Umbaran sneaks often use an Umbaran shadow cloak to help them blend into their surroundings (E2VD 11; UAA 176), though. Further, their troops fight in pressure suits that supply them with vaporized drugs to increase their reflexes (TG Trivia). Finally, their starfighters are engineered to be highly intuitive to pilot (Umbaran Starfighter DB ), suggesting they probably give a bonus to Piloting skill such that natural Agility for the operator isn't a necessity. We decide to err on the side of more recent views on the species, seeing their natural guile and battle prowess as manifestations of technology more than biology. We lower Agility accordingly.


More recent sources establish the species as having highly advanced technology (Umbara Enc; Umbaran Enc; Umbaran DB; Umbara DB; DOU Trivia), particularly in the area of starfighters (EGTW 52; Umbaran Starfighter DB). This is in spite of greater isolation from the rest of the galaxy (Umbaran Hover Tank DB). To account for their awesome technical prowess, then, we give them a bump to Intellect.


All interpretations agree that the species is highly competent here. Their talents are suited toward perceptiveness, working behind the scenes, duplicity, and sleight-of-hand to confuse opponents (UAA 175; NEGAS; Umbaran DB; Umbaran Crawler Tank DB). Umbarans are experts at skulking around, breaking in, and overhearing juicy conversations, which they then use for ammunition against the parties involved (GOI 19). Even their children learn the art of conniving and manipulating others (NEGAS). We bump Cunning to 3.


For Umbarans, Cunning and Willpower go hand in hand: Cunning gets an Umbaran into position to spy on others, and Willpower lets the Umbaran use that knowledge to further his own ends (UAA 175; NEGAS). Umbarans are known for their single-minded drive to get ahead and gain power (SM; UAA 175; Sly Moore DB), skills they learn from a young age (NEGAS). Unswerving persistence and sheer strength of will are important to several Umbaran characters: The Force-sensitive Sly Moore survives imprisonment in a Sith prison on strength of will alone (CWCG 159), later becoming Palpatine's personal torturer (ROF), while Darth Ruin's unwavering pursuit of his imperial ambitions actually proves his undoing (JVS). Umbarans are also good at hiding their true intentions (UAA 175; NEGAS). D20 rules give the species a high Wisdom score (UAA 176; CWCG 160; GOI 19), which has overlaps here. We decide to bump their Willpower up a point.


The EU has been inconsistent in this regard. On the one hand, Umbarans are noted for their way with words (UAA 175; NEGAS), and they train from childhood in the ways of politics (NEGAS). Earlier D20 rules provide them with a high score in Charisma to account for this (UAA 175; CWCG 160). But politics doesn't necessarily mean charismatic negotiation, and the politicking of Umbaran Senator Mee Deechi suggests they worked through more indirect means (SM EG). As further support for a lowered Presence, their pallid appearance and dark humor can be unsettling (UAA 175; Sly Moore DB), and many fear the species for potentially having supernatural powers (NEGAS). Finally, Umbarans seem standoffish and icy to members of other species (GOI 19). We lower Presence to 1, as the balance of the sources points in this direction.

Wound Threshold and Strain Threshold

The Umbarans seem akin to the Twi'leks, a notion reinforced by the fact that the two species were both suppliers of the infamous Shadow Assassins during the New Sith Wars (CSWE III 142). We thus give the Umbarans a Wound and Strain Threshold to match those of the Twi'leks.

Skills and Talents

D20 rules give Umbarans a bonus to detecting the motives of others (UAA 176). In FFG terms, this is covered by Discipline or Cool, depending on the skill being used by the opponent. We offer a choice between the two.

Earlier D20 sources give Umbarans a bonus to influence checks made against others (UAA 176)—reflecting a rumor about them being almost supernatural in this regard (E2VD 11; UAA 175; CSWE III 279; NEGAS; SWI100S). Yet, later sources say that their influence is due more to their adeptness at unearthing dirt and then using it for leverage (GOI 19)—more akin to Coercion than Negotiation, Leadership, or Charm. Since we've already decided to give them a high Willpower and a choice between Cool and Discipline, we check the Agitator specialization for ideas on appropriate talents to further buff this aspect of their cultural toolkit. Plausible Deniability, Nobody's Fool, and Intimidating all look good, but the last of these covers both the bonus to Coercion and the species' spooky reputation. Intimidating it is.

One version of the species in the Saga Edition gives them the ability to reroll Persuasion checks, in addition to a bonus to Persuasion (CWCG 160). A later Saga writeup instead gives them buffs to the skills Stealth and Gather Information (GOI 19). We've already accounted for these factors in our attribute spread, though, so no need for any further abilities or talents.

Other Abilities

Umbarans can see in the dark (UAA 175) due to their ultraviolet vision (MSII; CSWE III 279; E2VD 11; Sly Moore DB). In addition, this makes their vision more acute in low light, allowing them to see twice as far away as they would in sunlight (UAA 175; CSWE III 279). Nevertheless, their ability to see in the normal spectrum is limited (CSWE III 279), making them sensitive to bright lights and requiring them to wear protective eyewear to function normally (UAA 175; CWCG 160; NEGAS)—although The Clone Wars cartoon ignores this aspect in its presentation of Senator Mee Deechi (SM; POP). We decide to give them this advantage/disadvantage anyway, modeling it on the rules for Defel and Gran.

Ranging from 1.5 to 2.0 meters tall, Umbarans fall into the Silhouette 1 range.

EDIT: Adjusted down starting XP a bit.

Edited by SavageBob



Remember that brief scene in A New Hope where a pair of ostrich legs darts past the screen? Yep. That's a Quor'sav. A later EU retcon linked the species to Waywa Fybot, a character from the Land Calrissian novels from the 1980s.

Brawn 3 • Agility 2 • Intellect 2 • Cunning 2 • Willpower 2 • Presence 1

• Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn

• Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower

• Starting Experience: 110

Special Abilities: Quor'sav start with one rank in the Body Guard talent.

• Beak: A Quor'sav's beak and legs may be used as Brawl weapons. Both natural attacks use the Brawl skill and add their weapon damage to the character’s Brawn for total damage. These weapons always count as equipped. The beak has the following weapon profile (Brawl; Damage +1; Critical 4; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 3, Prepare 1, Stun 3). The legs have the following weapon profile (Brawl; Damage +3; Critical 4; Range [Engaged]; Disorient 2). A Quor'sav may trigger Knockdown on a kick with 1 Advantage, but still must spend additional Advantage to knock down targets with a higher silhouette as per the Knockdown quality rules.

Frail Constitution: In spite of their muscular build, Quor'sav have a weak constitution. Quor'sav characters suffer 2 Setback Dice on checks to resist or recover from the effects of poisons, venoms, and other toxins. (A single rank in the Blooded talent cancels out this disadvantage and has its normal effect.)

Size: Quor'sav have a Silhouette of 2. Their long legs allow them to decrease overland travel times by half.

Designer Notes


Quor'sav are large and muscular (CSWE I 300), which is perhaps enough to justify a bonus to Brawn. Indeed, their back legs and sharp beak pack a wallop (SOTSR 32). On the other hand, their natural constitution is frail (LC:FOO 9) and their limbs and neck scrawny (SWE 238; SOTSR 30). For instance, they were one of only a few species susceptible to respiratory ailments brought on by Coruscant's polluted atmosphere (HNN49), and their homeworld was ravaged by a virus within living memory (CGTTC 75; CSWE III 65). We raise Brawn to 3 to represent raw muscle power, but we'll compensate with a disadvantage later to represent the species' weak immune system.


Although they have fingers on their stubby wings, the species is not known for its speed or dexterity (LC:FOO 9). Nevertheless, we know Kal'Falnl C'ndros was a capable pilot (KC CCG; SWE 52). On balance, we leave Agility alone.


The Quor'sav's native technology is fairly low-tech, as characterized by their thatch-and-cement homes (LC:FOO 100). Nevertheless, they have access to standard tech as well (KC CCG). We leave Intellect alone.


There's little to base our decision on here. Waywa Fybot is adverse to Lando Calrissian's anti-authoritarian nature and devil-may-care attitude (LC:FOO 8), suggesting not more than an average score here. We leave Cunning at 2.


There's not much to go on in this department. We know the avians experience vivid, powerful dreams (CSWE I 300), which may suggest a strong faith, one component of Willpower. On the other hand, the Quor'sav are all but slaves to the Empire, forced to serve in capacities their Imperial overlords deem fit (LC:FOO 15), which may indicate a reduction. Their resolve to keep offworlders from their homeworld (CGTTC 75) may instead suggest some stubbornness. We leave Willpower as is.


Most non-Quor'sav find the species bizarre at best, irritating at worst (LC:FOO 8). Some Quor'sav have a tendency to annoy members of other species with their chirping, high-pitched voices, exaggerated features (LC:FOO 8; CSWE I 300), and nervous dispositions (CSWE I 300). For what it's worth, the feeling is mutual: Quor'sav tend to distrust strangers and have a hard time warming up to new people (CGTTC 75; CSWE III 65). Still, at least some of them are likable, coming off as matronly (SOTSR 32). On balance, we lower Presence to 1.

Wound Threshold

We give the species a decent score here, as we'll account for their ticklish health in another way.

Strain Threshold

There's little to suggest either a bonus or reduction here, so we go with an average score.

Skills and Talents

Quor'sav females have natural protective instincts that extend from their own young to any friends who seem in danger (SOTSR 32). We consider the Bodyguard specialization for inspiration and grant the species a free rank in the Body Guard talent.

Other Abilities

The Quor'sav have a natural reflex to sleep when they perch on a narrow beam (LC:FOO 8, 9). This is just a special effect, though, so no need to note it.

The species is birdlike in most ways (LC:FOO 9; SWE 238; KC CCG), which may indicate hollow (and thus fragile) bones, but there's nothing explicit, so we abandon the idea. We do need to account for their frail constitution (LC:FOO 9; HNN49; CGTTC 75; CSWE III 65), so we look to the Blooded talent and give them something that does the opposite.

They have two natural attacks, their sharp beak and their powerful back legs (SOTSR 32). The beak attack can peck through armor, but it leaves them vulnerable to reprisal (SOTSR 32); we give the attack some Pierce and Prepare accordingly, basing it on the beak attacks of the carrion spat and teryx in Suns of Fortune . For the kick, we consider the carrion spat's leg attack, adapting it to our avian friends here. We also keep both attacks in line with the Selonians' tail strike.

Ranging from 2.5 (LC:FOO 8; CSWE I 300) to more than 3.5 meters tall (KC CCG; SWE 52)—with 3.5 meters the average (SWE 238)—the Quor'sav are on the cusp of Silhouette 1 and 2. The fluff makes it clear that they have a hard time finding technology suited to their bulky frame, which requires them to commission expensive modifications (SWE 52; SWE 238; LC:FOO 9; KC CCG). Further, WEG rules make them easier to hit in combat and less able to hide (SOTSR 32). We make them Silhouette 2 to account for these disadvantages. Still, their large size comes with some advantages, as they are very quick runners (KC CCG). We represent this fact with a less-potent form of the Outdoorsman talent.

EDIT: Upped starting XP a bit.

Edited by SavageBob

Nice job with these! As others have said too, reading your explanations of these definitely gives a lot of perspective on how to think about species stat construction.

I don't know if you are into taking recommendations, but I would love to see your breakdown of Yarkora!

Edited by politicfish

I've been a bit under the weather, but expect Yarkora sooner rather than later. :) I've got one other ROTJ species slotted in before them, but stay tuned.