3 player skirmish?

By Trialus, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

To anyone who has already tried the game...Do you the think the skirmish rules could be adapted to accomodate 3 players? Was kind of thinking scum v imperials v rebels...after a very cursory skim of the skirmish rules, it doesn't seem like it would be impossible. Maybe a lot of figs on the map and some chaos, but possible.

I think at some point they will have 3+ rules and missions.

It's interesting to think about it.

At the end of the day, it's all about the player with the most VP points.

The only issue that I see right now is that the skirmish missions/deployment zones were created with two armies in mind, so deploying the third faction will require some play testing.

There's also the issue of two players teaming up together and easily wiping out the third player in one round, but that will always be a risk and I'm sure it will make for some great negotiating across the table :lol:

I find games like these don't work for more than 2 very often.

In a skirmish mode, the players would be tempted to turtle. If the other two forces engaged each other, you'd be able to come in and wipe them out easier if you had waited a few rounds.

Once that meta starts, everyone turtles and nothing happens.

I agree that 3-player games don't generally work very well. And 4-player games won't work well either, as long as it's every-man-for-himself.

However, I've done lots of 2v2 or team battles in other miniatures games, and it's a LOT of fun. For some reason, it's more memorable and rewarding to work together with someone else to achieve victory, rather than doing it alone.

3 player skirmishes can be done really well, if the missions are done correctly.

For instance, if there are 3 players, A,B,C, and player A's mission is to assassinate a certain figure of player B, or take something from player B, or take over player B's base, but player B has to do the same to player C, and player C has to do the same to player A, then that can work extremely well. Everyone is attacking one person while defending against the other. Ganging up tends to not work so well (if A and B gang up on C, then B is just going to win, so A is not going to want to do that.)