What is everyone playing while waiting for the next expansion?

By Ddrumss2112, in Mansions of Madness

My friends & I have been playing a lot of the Call of Cthulhu RPG lately. Has anyone been playing other Lovecraftian themed games while waiting for the next expansion?

Arkham Horror - my first touch to the Lovecraftian themed games, also my personal favorite of all board games. <3

Also Elder Sign has been very pleasant experience if you want a short and fast-paced board/dice game.

Call of cthulhu LCG, arkham and eldrich horror all make appearances on my gaming table.

Arkham and Eldritch Horrors.

I´m playing the custom expansions published in BGG. I asked (I almost begged) FFG about release a new expansion. They told me that nothing will be released soon.

PLEASE FFG, I NEED A NEW EXPANSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I´m playing the custom expansions published in BGG. I asked (I almost begged) FFG about release a new expansion. They told me that nothing will be released soon.

PLEASE FFG, I NEED A NEW EXPANSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Expansions published in BGG... What is BGG???

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