I've read some chapters and found some bugs/errors/things I dislike.
You probably want to finish the rest of the chapters before mass removing bugs but I hope a list would be helpfull in the future
chapter 3 (updated)
Psychic Martyr - mindlinked as prerequisite?
monstrous telekinetic - telekine as prerequisite instead of telepath (or some telekinetic power that allow lifting objects)
visions of the abyss - "they reduce the amount taken by –1 " - "reduce the amount taken by 1 " ?
warp conduit - "on Psychic Phenomena when he makes as a result of this talent" - " that he makes"?
warpshield - "The Psyker can sacrifice using his" - "sacrifice usage of his" (also I have some problems with this talent, specifications at the end)
nascent power - what is effective psy rating for powers that need it (e.g. do damage)?
How to handle powers that require opossed tests? Use unmodified Willpower?
Psychic Martyr - Prerequisite has been changed to Mindlinked.
Monstrous Telekinetic - Prerequisite changed to 'Telekinetic Mastery'
Visions of the Abyss - wording was corrected.
Warp Conduit - wording was corrected.
Nascent Psyker - Leaning towards Psy Rating 1 for purposes of Damage calculations. Opposed Rolls would work from that basis as well. Added the following text
The character is treated as possessing Psy Rating 1 for purposes of damage calculation and Opposed Focus Power tests
chapter 9
"Telekinetic Shield" on page 2 (discipline view), "Telekine Shield" on page 8 (powers descriptions)
chapter 10
Is Adeptus Arbites Discipline telepathy for the sake of discipline focus and mastery?
closer than flesh - should it work on any telepathy power (because then Broadcast Thought to all in range can instantly make you insane) or on those where there is clear two-way contact?
warpshield - why is this talent so much better than telekine shield/dome/barrier? A power which can stops any atack, is very cheap and you can start the game with it. I love it but I feel it's very unbalanced and easy to abuse.
Telekinetic Shield - Amended page 8 to read 'Telekinetic Shield'
AAD - It's just the first of a few minor disciplines I intend to add to each chapter.
Closer than Flesh - Only applicable to two-way contact Telepathy.
Warp Shield - I have made a change to this talent. The wording is now:
The Psyker can sacrifice usage of his psychic potential to manifest powers to instead form a barrier of protection around himself. The psyker may spend a Fate Point to make a Willpower-based Focus Power Test: If successful, the Psyker counts as having a Force Field with an effective rating equal to his Willpower Characteristic value. This is counted on all locations. This field lasts until the end of the encounter.