Look Not Upon the Wytch

By Cogniczar, in Dark Heresy House Rules

I've read some chapters and found some bugs/errors/things I dislike.

You probably want to finish the rest of the chapters before mass removing bugs but I hope a list would be helpfull in the future

chapter 3 (updated)


Psychic Martyr - mindlinked as prerequisite?

monstrous telekinetic - telekine as prerequisite instead of telepath (or some telekinetic power that allow lifting objects)

visions of the abyss - "they reduce the amount taken by –1 " - "reduce the amount taken by 1 " ?

warp conduit - "on Psychic Phenomena when he makes as a result of this talent" - " that he makes"?

warpshield - "The Psyker can sacrifice using his" - "sacrifice usage of his" (also I have some problems with this talent, specifications at the end)

nascent power - what is effective psy rating for powers that need it (e.g. do damage)?

How to handle powers that require opossed tests? Use unmodified Willpower?

Psychic Martyr - Prerequisite has been changed to Mindlinked.

Monstrous Telekinetic - Prerequisite changed to 'Telekinetic Mastery'

Visions of the Abyss - wording was corrected.

Warp Conduit - wording was corrected.

Nascent Psyker - Leaning towards Psy Rating 1 for purposes of Damage calculations. Opposed Rolls would work from that basis as well. Added the following text

The character is treated as possessing Psy Rating 1 for purposes of damage calculation and Opposed Focus Power tests

chapter 9

"Telekinetic Shield" on page 2 (discipline view), "Telekine Shield" on page 8 (powers descriptions)

chapter 10

Is Adeptus Arbites Discipline telepathy for the sake of discipline focus and mastery?

closer than flesh - should it work on any telepathy power (because then Broadcast Thought to all in range can instantly make you insane) or on those where there is clear two-way contact?

warpshield - why is this talent so much better than telekine shield/dome/barrier? A power which can stops any atack, is very cheap and you can start the game with it. I love it but I feel it's very unbalanced and easy to abuse.

Telekinetic Shield - Amended page 8 to read 'Telekinetic Shield'

AAD - It's just the first of a few minor disciplines I intend to add to each chapter.

Closer than Flesh - Only applicable to two-way contact Telepathy.

Warp Shield - I have made a change to this talent. The wording is now:

The Psyker can sacrifice usage of his psychic potential to manifest powers to instead form a barrier of protection around himself. The psyker may spend a Fate Point to make a Willpower-based Focus Power Test: If successful, the Psyker counts as having a Force Field with an effective rating equal to his Willpower Characteristic value. This is counted on all locations. This field lasts until the end of the encounter.

Cognizar, I didn't forget you, I just want to get a long check up up your doc to give you me feelings about the divination, and not speed things up!

By all means, take your time. It's a long road ahead, and I appreciate the thoroughness of everyone's responses. ^^.

Personally, i think Divination, although being present in wh40k, is a counter to most RPing elements. You dont want 1 player to have information just by rolling a dice. You want them to seek it out, work for it. To me, Divination is for some rare NPCs. It must have a mystic feel to it.

Your view is completely understandable. ^^. Nothing says you have to use Divination for pcs though. Hope you enjoy the discipline nonetheless. ^^.

Suggestion for Precognition: You might want to have the time element be equivalent to a single round, with the "exact" duration in parenthesis. I'm pretty sure this varies from rulebook to rulebook, but depending on the source it's between 4 to 6 seconds, with it being 5 in Only War. This way it's clear only actions up to a full action can have their results predicted.

An additional note for the Create Snowball minor manifestation: For purposes of throwing the snowball, it counts as a .5 kg object, and may be thrown using the standard rules for throwing objects.

Alternatively you might want to put a range like SBx3 or something like that on it.

I was doing too many things at once and lost the desire to read your divination guide all the way through, so I'll leave it at this for now.

Edited by LordTeague

Excellent work, looking forward to more of this :)

I am really looking forward to seeing more of these great house rules! Started using them in my campaign, and works pretty amazing. Adds a lot of more depth, and makes it much less brainless to choose your skills.

Thanks for the great work!

Hi, I'm finally reading the divination branch:

-Misfortune: It seems okay, but wouldn't be nicer to have something like "failed rolls on a test by the affected character would provoke something bad for him, more than juste failing, at the GM's discretion" (Something like the critical failures in Donjon and Dragons?)

-Dowsing: Maybe I would put this power at +0 instead of +10, since it is a very game changing spell (can find the dude their were trying to locate, or that important clue...) I also think that this isn't too bad at +0 since this is possible to get bonuses!

-Divine shot: Isn't the impossibility of evasion a little too strong? Or could the power be a little harder to cast (-10?)

-Psychometry: Is a psyker at psy-rating 10 uncover clues/informations at will, or is the minimum at 1 per round?

-Walking the path/blessed by the Emperor: Aren't they a little redundant?


-Accelerated perception: It speaks about "against any attack made within the radius of this power". The power's range is "self"

-Paradox: Description is incomplete.

It is written in the effect "he may pull one incarnation equal to his wp bonus"; wouldn't you mean "a number of incarnation equal to his wp bonus"?

Even if this power is very hard to conjure, I would have a tendancy to give 1 insanity point per incarnation to represents their minds and souls coming in contact with so many different experiences, which would have terrible mind shattering effect. Because if you get 3 other psykers (of different actions and power levels, I know), this can be very hardcore...but this is an interesting power.

Psychic phenomena table:

-Spinechill: "if a character uses a psychic power in the affected during that time" it lacks a word.

Awesome work, as usual!

Thank you very much Axel!

Hi, I'm finally reading the divination branch:

-Misfortune: It seems okay, but wouldn't be nicer to have something like "failed rolls on a test by the affected character would provoke something bad for him, more than juste failing, at the GM's discretion" (Something like the critical failures in Donjon and Dragons?)

I'd have to think about that one. Perhaps something that makes the affected character suffer something similar to Psychic Phenomena?

-Dowsing: Maybe I would put this power at +0 instead of +10, since it is a very game changing spell (can find the dude their were trying to locate, or that important clue...) I also think that this isn't too bad at +0 since this is possible to get bonuses!

Consider it amended in the next upload!

-Divine shot: Isn't the impossibility of evasion a little too strong? Or could the power be a little harder to cast (-10?)

I'm inclined to make it a little harder to cast (-10) rather than change it. The base range x PB is a good limiter in itself.

-Psychometry: Is a psyker at psy-rating 10 uncover clues/informations at will, or is the minimum at 1 per round?

I psyker at Psi-Rating 10 would get the strongest emotion associated with the area or object as a free action, and the psyker would get the general features of the person who felt those emotions in ten rounds, so on and so on.

-Walking the path/blessed by the Emperor: Aren't they a little redundant?

A little bit, yes.


-Accelerated perception: It speaks about "against any attack made within the radius of this power". The power's range is "self"

Typo! Will amend that. =D

-Paradox: Description is incomplete.

It is written in the effect "he may pull one incarnation equal to his wp bonus"; wouldn't you mean "a number of incarnation equal to his wp bonus"?

Even if this power is very hard to conjure, I would have a tendancy to give 1 insanity point per incarnation to represents their minds and souls coming in contact with so many different experiences, which would have terrible mind shattering effect. Because if you get 3 other psykers (of different actions and power levels, I know), this can be very hardcore...but this is an interesting power.

I like the idea of Insanity per Incarnation. I'm going to clarify that numbering bit, as it was just plain bad English on my part.

The Spinchill typo will be corrected.

Thanks again for taking the time to review the document. It really helps to solidify the concepts strongly.

Hi Cognizar, happy to serve.

As I mentionned before, your work is incredible and of great use to me as a GM! It is in my interest to support you as much as I can! ;)

I can hardly wait for the next part!


EDIT: The psychich phenomena could be a good and simple way to put it, but in the opposite, it would be too "magic" for the effect the spell is supposed to provoke.

Edited by InquisitorAlexel

Realistically, I'm looking to get Cryomancy draft up the 14th. Due to the abnormal amount of snow and callouts we've been getting at work, my 'free' time has either been consumed by filling in other shifts or preping for my campaign. I'm in that hazy spot right now where I need to put alot of focus into the draft to get it up and presentable.

No problem, I'm myself on many projects, so I can understand that! ;)

Hey Cognizar, how is it going? Do you need any kind of help?

I hope to read more about your work, since then, have fun!

Been very busy with a second job i picked up two weeks ago. Much delay on personal works at the moment, with my focus on trying to get an apartment. Not giving up on this project!

Made an account just to say, this is so good! :)

You always make the best products. Do you by chance have a compilation of these materials in a single file for ease for download and review on our end?


Thought i would read your stuff, the writing is excellent and the presentation amazing, but balance wise its a little on the suspect side. When you are developing a system such as this, you need to work with spheres of influence. At what point can a psyker Detect, affect and destroy. Normally in power systems these will go in this order. if you read throught the DH2 rulebook you get the following

Detect upper limit is in km per psy (psyniscience, scry)

Affect upper limit is 20m per psy (enfeeble, misfortune)

Destroy upper limit is 20m per psy (smite, sunburst)

The implications for breaking these upper limits are pretty gross, you allow the psyker to start doing things to which there is no response and the game becomes exceptionally hard to run. You want the psyker to interact with the rest of the system, not simply avoid it, the reason for this is the untouchable assasin to the face. In the end, if you are able to act without consequence, then the ultimate consequence has to be invoked, char death. The goal when writing a system is to avoid things ever getting that far, and is why everything is limited.

Next up lets look at scope of power. Psykers have a few things they do well, they offer different avenues of investigation. They should not therefore, just get better at all investigation via psychic powers. Powers that buff dicerolls, and allow rerolls should be very sparingly given, because they are terrible for a rpg. likewise, the psyker should steer well away from duplicating the effects of skills that already exist, focussing instead on new affects.

Try to have one power do one very definite thing then no other powers that do anything like that. There are several total duplicate powers running around that just copy one another (Invisibility and See me Not, Puppet Master, Dominate and Mind Exchange as examples) See Me Not is the far cooler power in description and feel for mental control, but it is grossly overpowered would need a massive nerf to be even remotely playable.

Finally the punishments for being a psyker need to remain in place, it is not a blessing to be a psyker it is a curse, they are eradicated on mass because end of the day they are daemon attracting beacons that threaten the safety of everyone. Keep the rules harsh for psychic phenomena or you risk psykers just becoming wizards which you can play in a dozen different games.

Hi cognizar. Yesterday we where preparing a new DH campaign and I decided to use your psychic supplement. My psyker player spoke to me about the tempest psychic power:

First of all, I think the dice damages shouldn't be cumulative (I.E. with a lot of degrees of success, it shouldn't be 4D10 damage but instead 4 attacks of 1D10 damage)... I don,t see hurling stuff of 5kg or less as something stronger than a lascanon.

Otherwise, I think that the -20 to BS roll and vision limited to 1D10 are redundant. Shouldn't it be one or the other?

Still hoping for some news soon!

Yes any news on this would be amazing. I especially want to hear more about Daemonology, Thaumaturgy and Theosophamy.

Been sooo **** busy these last few months. Getting an apartment soon. hopefully then i can cut back on work to get back to writing. hang in there guys, this isn't mothballed yet!

I hope so! We're starting a new campaign and we use this supplement. We'll give you a lot of feedback on telekinesis as we go.

Completely understandable. Good luck with the apartment :)

**** good stuff so far. I'm debating using it for my next campagin.

From the introduction chapter

"Technique Trees: All psychic powers fall under one of the many psychic disciplines, and are organized into technique trees. Each tree consists of a collection of psychic powers linked by paths. When a character wishes to purchase a new talent, he must first check if he has access to that power in its tree. To access a psychic power, the character must be able to trace a line along the paths of the tree from the top-most power down to the desired power without passing through a power he does not possess. Characters automatically have access to the top-most psychic power in every tree. Note that Unbound psykers are not bound by these restrictions."

So does this sentence "Note that Unbound psykers are not bound by these restrictions." mean that any psyker that is not soul-bound to the Emperor or a Chaos God does not have to follow the the tree paths. This seems wrong, as almost no one would have to follow the paths. Is unbound supposed to mean unsanctioned?

Edited by The Burning Princess

Wait I found my answer.

It was contained within Table 1-2: Unbound: Wyrds, renegade psykers and mortal sorcerers

If I can ask - how do you set up experience cost for powers - is it some kind of system or just intuitive values?

Also can I ask you to collect it all in one file with placeholders at unmade parts?