Eviscerate my Imperial Navy Deck (I'm really not good at this right now)

By KnightErrantJR, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Strategy

Similar problems to the Rebel deck that I posted, this seems to do okay and start to do what I want it to do, but then it falls apart after a couple of turns.

Edge battles are hard on me, and I don't want to slow down my blockers committing them to the Force.

I've been playing for a while, with great gaps between playing, and there is just a disconnect for me between flat out rules versus actual good tactics.

Commentary welcome. I would love to know what to tweak and maybe what I'm doing wrong even with the tools I have in place. Thanks all!

Total Cards: (50)
Imperial Navy
Objective: (10)
Unit: (28)
Enhancement: (12)
Event: (6)
Fate: (4)

Victory or Death should probably come out as it's really only useful in a Force-holding deck. I'm hoping that Imperial options for building such a deck without splashing Sith increase in the future, but naturally Sith will always be superior in that arena. I want so badly for this set to become a thing. (Note that the objective itself is deceptively easy enough to use in a non-Vehicle deck; namely by being the first objective to be targeted by an opponent whose deck is affected by it.)

A good support to any Imperial deck, especially one running big units, is Imperial Command. Here you'll find a Duty Officer, Motti, a 2-resource-producing objective, and Orbital Bombardment which makes all your conflict phases far more devastating.

All that said, you say your issue is winning the edge battle, and that's a bit more difficult without actually eviscerating your deck. Just as Sith are about winning the Force struggle, Scum and Villainy are very good in edge battles due to the high number of Force icons that tend to appear on their non-unit cards. The problem with that, though, is you really need to keep your affiliation with the Imperial Navy due to the fact that both The Ultimate Power and Unstoppable Advance are restricted that way. The main reason I mention this is that at last it is very possible to build a mono-Scum deck now should you wish to play a more competent edge battle deck. Between the Shadows will of course only make this more true...though it's hard to see what Jedi needs for further help right now, unless you count "ways to play Jedi that don't involve May the Force Be With You."

Here is a variation that includes all the adjustments I've suggested:

Affiliation: Scum and Villainy

1x Carbonite Transport

2x Death and Despayre

2x Deploy the Fleet

1x Imperial Blockade

2x Imperial Command

2x The Slimiest Scheme

Carbonite Transport may seem an odd fit because it refers to captured cards which this deck can't create, but I find that its non-unit cards synergize well with this type of deck. Including two copies would dilute the setup too much, particularly since you can't depend on facing Sleuths or another type of Vehicle deck with May the Force Be With You in the environment (in case you can't tell by now, I flipping hate this card - and I'm more of a light side player so I can't imagine what players who prefer the dark side think of it). All the same, for a 3-icon event, I love what the Tractor Beams in this deck can do against a field vulnerable to them. And the more Targets of Opportunity and resource cards in an Imperial Navy deck (because that's what this is of course, as much as the affiliation card would seem to suggest otherwise), the better.

Edited by MarthWMaster

I may have to try this out. Really appreciate the response.

You are correct, Victory or Death seemed like it was going to be good for throwing a hydrospanner into the Jedi works, but in practice, it didn't take long for the objective to get damaged.

Thanks again.