Eviscerate my Rebel Deck (I'm really not good at this right now)

By KnightErrantJR, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Strategy

All of my decks seem to look good for a couple of turns, and then fall apart right after it looks like they are going to do what they are suppose to do.

I know I'm losing Edge battles left and right, and I'm not sure how to tweak that. I know this isn't a great deck, but I'm interested in figuring out what needs to be tweaked.

I want it to have a theme (can't help it), but I don't want it to be crippled because of that. I'm trying to put together something that doesn't use the main characters, that is essentially Alliance military.

Anyway, tweaks and commentary are more than welcome. "Get better at playing the game is valid," but I would totally appreciate more specifics. Thanks all!


Total Cards: (50)


Rebel Alliance

Objective: (10)

Unit: (28)

Enhancement: (10)

Event: (4)

Fate: (8)

Personally, I think I'd drop Draw Their Fire in favor of The Defense of Yavin 4. You have a lot of really good Vehicles in this deck, and with the objective out, The Defense of Yavin 4 can really accelerate your board position by flooding the board with units. The other 5 cards are also pretty good. Red Two is a really good card and the Y-Wing can get in some good blast damage. I love getting the Astromech Droid Upgrade on Home One. A resource is always nice, and you get one in Hidden Outpost. Finally, you get Rebel Assault which is a really good card. With Rebel Assault, you can either finish off a damaged objective, or you can destroy an opposing enemy, possibly letting you win edge (if you use it against a sole defender before the edge battle starts) or getting the unopposed bonus at the end of the engagement.

That sounds like a good modification. Hopefully I can try it some time before the next game day to see how it plays. Thank you for your time, I really appreciate the advice.

Yeah, I might also add that Blue Squadron support is also pretty good.

Smuggler Affiliation

1x Renegade Squadron Mobilization

1x Preparation for Evacuation

1x Blue Squadron Support

1x Attack Pattern Delta

2x Green Squadron Deployment

2x Rebel Fleet

2x Defense of Yavin 4

Gives you 12 targets for APD, 2x Protect units, 3 Hoth Obj for Fate cards and bouncing units, Echo Caverns, 4 Mon Calamari Cruisers, 2x Rebel Assault, Red 2, and Renegade Squadron. It does slightly mix the factions but might play well.