List of models and number of cards for each in starter...

By Stormtrooper721, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

I'm list building while I'm waiting to get this game.

Does anyone have a list of the number of models and number of cards for each model in the starter?

For example, 9 Stormtroopers with two Elite cards and three regular cards, etc.

I'm already planning how to crush the rebellion!

I'm not aware of any place that has the numbers of deployment cards in each Core Set, but the number of each mini in the Core Set has been confirmed:

  • Imperial Officer x3
  • Trandoshan Hunter x4
  • Royal Guard x4
  • Nexu x2
  • Stormtrooper x9
  • E-Web x2
  • Probe Droid x3
  • AT-ST x1
  • Rebel heroes x6 (1 of each)
  • Luke x1
  • Vader x1

So it looks like, at most, you can get 3 deployment groups of Stormtroopers from the Core box. And if you were playing with me, I wouldn't be worried about whether or not you had enough deployment cards...that is, if you only had 2 Elite Stormtrooper cards but wanted to field 3 Elite ST groups, I'd be fine with that.

Maybe someone from Europe or someone with an advance copy could answer the question about the number of each deployment card in the Core Set? Please? Somebody? Hello-o-o....

...if you only had 2 Elite Stormtrooper cards but wanted to field 3 Elite ST groups, I'd be fine with that.

Careful about elite groups.

Campaign: "In a campaign, players are limited to the number of figures included in the game. For example, the Imperial player is limited to six regular and three elite Stormtrooper figures, even if he owns multiple copies of the game " (Page 8, Rules Guide).

Skirmish: " Maximum of 2 of each elite (red) Deployment card , Maximum of 4 of each regular (gray) Deployment card" (Page 6, Skirmish Guide).

Edited by Armandhammer

Right, thanks for pointing that out. So it looks like the game will have all of the deployment cards that you could possibly need.

Right, thanks for pointing that out. So it looks like the game will have all of the deployment cards that you could possibly need.

Yep, you're probably right. I tried snooping around on BGG but I couldn't find anything in regards to deployment cards.

All we know is that there are 39 of them, tough to tell how many elites and regulars you get of each unit type.

I'm assuming this total includes the special hero cards, Balance of the Force/Rebel High Command, all the cards for the expansion characters...

I'm too lazy to figure it out right now because I'm too busy refreshing the upcoming page :lol:

After some snooping I found this list of all the deployment cards:

What's important to note is that the core box does not provide enough cards to exhaust all squad building possibilities.

Of course, this is only a issue if you wanna play at FFG tournaments.