Magnets: How They Work (for X-Wing Miniatures)

By NotBatman, in X-Wing


My fellow Imperialists,

I used two of the small ship magnets in the Tie Punisher and have good results, I inset them into the model itself.


Tie Punisher and baby brother.


I'm very interested in doing this , but I'm nervous that I'll mess up my expensive ships.

Edited by Rineake

I'm very interested in doing this , but I'm nervous that I'll mess up my expensive ships.

They arent that expensive! You cant do anything that a bit of Superglue Gel cant fix!

Alright, so I've been wanting to do this for awhile now, but I don't like how they can rotate left/right as well as up/down and tilt. So I'm trying to figure out to do it such that they can only tilt. It seems to me that two magnets in a vertical orientation instead of a horizontal orientation should probably do it, but I'm struggling to figure out a good way to do that. Thoughts?

Here's a thought if you can find the right bits. Maybe a longer cylinder shaped piece of metal. Glue that to the top of a peg with the flat sides facing front and rear. Put a magnet on the bottom of the ship. You would probably have to fashion a curve onto the top of the peg to get the cylinder to glue, and you would probably want a square or rectangle magnet on the ship.

How do you remove the connectors from the ships themselves? I bought the magnets and ball bearings but I don't want to jump into the actual project until without an idea of how to remove the pegs.

I await the posts of people who magnetize the Gonzati...

How do you remove the connectors from the ships themselves? I bought the magnets and ball bearings but I don't want to jump into the actual project until without an idea of how to remove the pegs.

I use a pair of needle-nose pliers. Grab the peg and gently rock it back and forth until it comes off.

Easy squeezy.

Yeah needle nose pliers work great. I absolutely love this magnet solution by the way, I've done it to pretty much all my ships (including one epic one which turned out.. poorly) Using 3D asteroids nets you neat little situations like this though:


My fellow Imperialists,

I used two of the small ship magnets in the Tie Punisher and have good results, I inset them into the model itself.


Tie Punisher and baby brother.


Looks like that works well. I used the large magnet on the punisher and that also works very well.

I absolutely love this magnet solution by the way, I've done it to pretty much all my ships (including one epic one which turned out.. poorly)

I've been thinking about doing my epics as well.

Mind sharing what you tried and what went wrong?

I absolutely love this magnet solution by the way, I've done it to pretty much all my ships (including one epic one which turned out.. poorly)

I've been thinking about doing my epics as well.

Mind sharing what you tried and what went wrong?

I had a CR90 with a broken peg attachment from the factory - this was before I knew about FFG's amazing customer service so I figured I'd try and magnetize it. I used the large size ball bearing and magnet from the link at the top but the CR90 is just too heavy, even if you rough up the ball with sand paper or whatever - anything more than 10 degrees of tilt means the ship just flops over. Also since there are two pegs it can't really do pitch or yaw which are a big reason to bother magnetizing anyway, in my opinion.

Stronger/larger magnets might work but you'd still only have roll unless you can figure a whole new way to mount the thing.

I absolutely love this magnet solution by the way, I've done it to pretty much all my ships (including one epic one which turned out.. poorly)

I've been thinking about doing my epics as well.

Mind sharing what you tried and what went wrong?

I had a CR90 with a broken peg attachment from the factory - this was before I knew about FFG's amazing customer service so I figured I'd try and magnetize it. I used the large size ball bearing and magnet from the link at the top but the CR90 is just too heavy, even if you rough up the ball with sand paper or whatever - anything more than 10 degrees of tilt means the ship just flops over. Also since there are two pegs it can't really do pitch or yaw which are a big reason to bother magnetizing anyway, in my opinion.

Stronger/larger magnets might work but you'd still only have roll unless you can figure a whole new way to mount the thing.

Both pegs on my CR90 cracked the first time I removed the stands, so I decided to try and magnetize it like my small ships.

On most of my ships, I glue a ball bearing to the ship and a cylinder magnet to the stand, so making this work for the huge ship was pretty easy. I just glued a second cylinder magnet to the ship that is mated to the magnet on the stand. This makes the bond twice as strong and prevents the ship from tipping (the CR90 is pretty topheavy).

This is such a great idea!

Another added benefit would be to avoid ship collisions when they get too close to each other.

This is such a great idea!

Another added benefit would be to avoid ship collisions when they get too close to each other.

The single best reason to do it, right here.