Imperial Assault is at my local distributor

By El_Tonio, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

They updated it today, to say miniatures :/

It's been under miniatures for a few months

You guys are very lucky, as I found out yesterday. My online store (that was overcharging way too much in the end) have said that FFG lacks the distribution rights for Australia and cannot get them to our stores till late January, early February.. You can imagine, with being overcharged THEN hearing that, I wasn't happy with the store.

I've gotten a refund, going to reorder somewhere cheaper and live with the fact it ain't coming at Xmas.

Wow, sorry man. That's a pain. I'm glad that you were at least able to get your refund, though!

Wow, sorry man. That's a pain. I'm glad that you were at least able to get your refund, though!

Thanks and you can imagine I was happy to get the refund! At least now I have a guideline and I can be surprised if it arrives sooner. The mob I am getting it through now I also have all the Ally/Villains ordered as well :D

They updated it today, to say miniatures :/

It's been under miniatures for a few months

not under coming soon

Just got confirmation from the place where I have my pre-order in Sweden that the game is en route to them for a release today or early next week!

Just got confirmation from the place where I have my pre-order in Sweden that the game is en route to them for a release today or early next week!

And from where did you order your copy? Got an email from webhallen yesterday saying that they world not receive it before christmas..

Received an email this morning saying that my copy has been dispatched here in the UK, by Chaos Cards.

I preordered a few weeks ago (£57...fair price!) and hadn't heard anything since. Suddenly it's on its way!

Looks to me like there is no official release date. It's a case of 'when it turns up, it'll be sent'.

Just got confirmation from the place where I have my pre-order in Sweden that the game is en route to them for a release today or early next week!

And from where did you order your copy? Got an email from webhallen yesterday saying that they world not receive it before christmas..

I've got my order placed at

When I talked to them on the phone earlier this morning they said they got enough copies en route to cover their pre-orders and a few (sounded like 1 or 2) extra copies...

Edited by stu7708

Found this on BGG

"Latest update from my flgs. (Southern California)

I just wanted to give you the latest update about the highly-anticipated release of Star Wars: Imperial Assault by Fantasy Flight Games (Descent meets Star Wars). Basically, the east and midwest warehouses already have their copies of the game, but the west coast houses do not. The game is locked up in the San Francisco and Long Beach docks, and it remains unknown if they will be unloaded before Christmas. Some of the distributors are beginning to send copies of the game from their east and mid-west warehouses to the western ones so they can release it at least partially. But FFG has not given the green light yet. I anticipate that we will get a limited release before Christmas, with the rest coming shortly thereafter. "

Found this on BGG

"Latest update from my flgs. (Southern California)

I just wanted to give you the latest update about the highly-anticipated release of Star Wars: Imperial Assault by Fantasy Flight Games (Descent meets Star Wars). Basically, the east and midwest warehouses already have their copies of the game, but the west coast houses do not. The game is locked up in the San Francisco and Long Beach docks, and it remains unknown if they will be unloaded before Christmas. Some of the distributors are beginning to send copies of the game from their east and mid-west warehouses to the western ones so they can release it at least partially. But FFG has not given the green light yet. I anticipate that we will get a limited release before Christmas, with the rest coming shortly thereafter. "

I'm not sure if that post is entirely credible. While I believe the original poster on BGG was told that story by the owner of his FLGS, I wonder how he could get this specific info given FFG's wall of silence.

A similar post was recently made on BGG claiming with absolutely certainty that the longshoremen slowdown was the cause of a delay in the release of aTerra Mystica expansion by Z-Man. Turns out, as posted by the CEO of Z-MAN just a week later, the delay was the result of a limited print run (underestimated demand) and a distributor error. The delay had nothing to do with the port.

Thus, unless and until FFG actually makes a public statement, I don't think we will know the cause of this interminable delay with any reasonable degree of certainty. We might as well speculate. Personally, I think Asmodee hates America and is dictating the release schedule to get back at us over "French Fries" - which apparently originated in Belgium. UK is getting a break because they took the more neutral route and refer to them as chips.

Of course, actions speak louder than words - FFG could just release the doggone game today and then I wouldn't care one bit about why it took so long.

How long do they need to post a statement?

It takes a few minutes, come on FFG, get your fingers out and give an official statement.

Remember these people are your customers that spend quite a lot on your products.

All the best.


Just recieved a mail from my OLGS (Denmark) saying that it is in stock and will be sent today, which means I can pick it up tomorrow with some luck :D !

I just checked some of the items listed as on the boat at some of the online retailers. It looks like none of the items are in stock, such as the new A Game of Thrones booster, the Star Wars Card Game expansion, and the Star Wars roleplaying game expansion. If none of these other items are at retailers than it may be a distribution issue that needs to be worked through.

I just hope the freight trucks can make .5 past light speed to get the stuff here before the end of the month. :)

This whole situation is getting frustrating. I understand the policy of not releasing news or updates but when things like this happen it gets to people. You should see how poorly the SW LCG community behaves when anything is delayed. One pack almost a year ago came out three days early in Spain, it became all Spain jokes all the time.

Someone on the BGG forums said that their FLGS told them that the west coast distributors still do not have theirs, because of the dockworkers union slowdown. They are trying to redistribute what the various distributors have so that a limited release before Christmas can be made before the rest of the shipment comes in.

Kind of a 3rd-hand rumour at this point, but it sounds quite possible. I have seen some updates of people saying their distributors have it, but none on the west coast.

Well, I ordered mine from Gameslore here in the UK back in October. It moved from their Pre-Order page to the New Releases page at the start of this week, and now it says Out of Stock... this is crazy.

I'm trying to keep this all in perspective.

Originally this game was scheduled for a Q1 2015 release. FFG pulled the release date forward to a Q4 2014 release. Maybe this has happened before, but this move is largely unprecedented. It may seem like there are delays in the final days of getting this game to stores, but its several weeks/months earlier than we were originally told.

In 21 days, I'll be as angry as anyone else, until then, FFG still has a chance at exceeding my expectations.

2 more things just went to shipping at 12/23. not Imperial Assault yet though.

Oh god!!! I want it!!!!!

Just contacted Gameslore to ask about my order, and received a Dispatch Confirmation email. Should have it Monday!

Until now, the shoe was on the other foot... things were released in the U.S., and a little later in Europe and elsewhere. Interesting that things are different this time. I'll bet the merger with the Asmodee Group ( ) has something to do with this.

Happy for those abroad (seems Asmodee is on top of things), but disappointed for those of us in the U.S. (especially since FFG won't tell us what's going on).

Edited by El_Tonio

So the concencesus is Monday now?

So the concencesus is Monday now?

Haven't seen anyone say anything to lead anyone to make this conclusion. There's no information out there at all.