Imperial Assault is at my local distributor

By El_Tonio, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Word from several distributors (today) was they have it and waiting on FFG

I just spoke with a customer service rep from MiniatureMarket, and he said that they don't have IA yet, but that it should be sometime in the next few weeks. I guess that means tomorrow is not THE date.... :(

I was told by Min Market that it is in transit but no official date yet in email.

Word from several distributors (today) was they have it and waiting on FFG

This could be why no one is speaking about a release date. FFG may be waiting on some things before having it release out. For as many stores to say they are going to have it on x date, across the world, you know something is up.

Word from several distributors (today) was they have it and waiting on FFG

This could be why no one is speaking about a release date. FFG may be waiting on some things before having it release out. For as many stores to say they are going to have it on x date, across the world, you know something is up.

FFG is planning on giving away IA to all their fans as a Christmas gift!!!!

(IA= Immense Admiration)

I called my local game store today (in MN, coincidentally where FFG is based) and he said he was going to his distributor tomorrow to see if he could pick up his copies... here is hoping the answer will be YES!

This makes it sounds like there is movement and the game is in fact ready for distribution this week...pending potential legal issues maybe?

You know what would be really cool? Now this is crazy talk but stay with me. Maybe - just maybe - someone from FFG could - oh, I don't a short note on the website (or Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) telling us what's going on? Wouldn't that be totally insane?!?!?!

Wait...what am I thinking? That would ruin all the fun we're having speculating about the cause of the delay.

Thanks, FFG. You guys are the best. a short note on the website (or Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) telling us what's going on? Wouldn't that be totally insane?!?!?!

Haha, ya, I mentioned something like this in my post.

We have dates ranging from December 11th to February :lol:

It's a madhouse!

Edited by Armandhammer

For a proper and realistic game feel, Fantasy Flight is just meticulously making sure all the dice in the game swing in The Empire's favor.


Help me Miniature Market, you are my only hope!

All right, friends in the UK - go out and get your games, and start posting pictures / videos, so the rest of us have something to look at while we continue to wait!

According to a post from Star Wars it will release on New Years eve.

I sincerely hope that this means it will be out today/the next few days in the US. I would probably die if everywhere BUT where I am the game is out.

According to a post from Star Wars it will release on New Years eve.


It wouldn't let me copy the link. Don't know if it's this Site or my phone

Search it on Amazon and it says "this item will be released on December 31st"

Search it on Amazon and it says "this item will be released on December 31st"

On, it's being sold by a Marketplace seller, so the release date is just put on there by that seller - it is not official from FFG. Either way, Amazon (and the marketplace seller) are just retailers who know just as much (or just as little) as all the other retailers.

Well it's not out in WI today and we usually get the force packs 2-3 days before the release date that ends up once they update to shipping on the upcoming page.

Whomp whomp

I'm almost 100% positive that we will see an update by tomorrow.

This "partial release" nonsense is getting frustrating though. :angry:

Had to stay off Twitter because the tweets are pouring in about the game in the UK.

I doubt it will be to long now, FFG wants people to have fun.

All the best.


HA!! I just saw the new Mountains of Madness post on the home page and freaked out. The title is "The Great White Silence", and I thought just for a brief moment it was referring to the lack of news on the Imperial Assault release. I guess I'm a little on edge over this, more than I thought!

HA!! I just saw the new Mountains of Madness post on the home page and freaked out. The title is "The Great White Silence", and I thought just for a brief moment it was referring to the lack of news on the Imperial Assault release. I guess I'm a little on edge over this, more than I thought!

I saw that too, and thought "Wow, how appropriate".

They updated it today, to say miniatures :/

They updated it today, to say miniatures :/

Yeah took me awhile to find this forum this morning lol