Imperial Assault is at my local distributor

By El_Tonio, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

The place where I have my pre-order placed was a bit more cautious in their response when I asked them about the rumors on a release this week..

They said something along the lines of "We dare not confirm anything, but we've heard the same rumors. So keep your fingers crossed"

Not what I was hoping for, but still not a denial of it...

The first transport is away!

Glad to see that the distributor to my own local store has it now!

My wife and I are looking at the picture trying to guess which one of those boxes has our copy of the game. :-)

That's ... beautiful .

According to Meeplemart:

"They must hold the inventory until the official release date. Which, to my knowledge FFG has not set yet. Honestly though, these things can change hourly... this is why we try to avoid giving firm release dates for anything. It is just WAAAAAAYYYYYY to unpredictable. "

This may be why FFG is showing the game as still "On the Boat". They may be dealing with other issues (like the legal issues some others have mentioned) making it take more time to get the game off to all the required distributors, and that's why they haven't updated it to "Shipping Now" and why most retailers are still in the dark as to when they will have it.

What legal issues ?

According to Meeplemart:

"They must hold the inventory until the official release date. Which, to my knowledge FFG has not set yet. Honestly though, these things can change hourly... this is why we try to avoid giving firm release dates for anything. It is just WAAAAAAYYYYYY to unpredictable. "

This may be why FFG is showing the game as still "On the Boat". They may be dealing with other issues (like the legal issues some others have mentioned) making it take more time to get the game off to all the required distributors, and that's why they haven't updated it to "Shipping Now" and why most retailers are still in the dark as to when they will have it.[/]

Getting staged for a simultaneous Europe/U.S. release date would certainly explain the delay. Hope this is indeed the case.

Edited by Marximus

What legal issues ?

I have read / heard that FFG is for some reason not allowed to distribut the game themselves, which they do for certain stores. Not sure if this is true or not. Marximus's idea of simultaneous Europe / U.S. release is just as likely, but apparently there are European distributors who also have the game in stock already, so this even this may not delay the release too much.

According to Meeplemart:

"They must hold the inventory until the official release date. Which, to my knowledge FFG has not set yet. Honestly though, these things can change hourly... this is why we try to avoid giving firm release dates for anything. It is just WAAAAAAYYYYYY to unpredictable. "

This may be why FFG is showing the game as still "On the Boat". They may be dealing with other issues (like the legal issues some others have mentioned) making it take more time to get the game off to all the required distributors, and that's why they haven't updated it to "Shipping Now" and why most retailers are still in the dark as to when they will have it.[/]

Getting staged for a simultaneous Europe/U.S. release date would certainly explain the delay. Hope this is indeed the case.

I wonder why they would bother with that. It's not music or software that can be pirated. It has been released once in Europe already at a game convention.

Yeah, European and American stores aren't really competing with each other, as far as I know. I can see keeping a release date within the same area though, so businesses that get the game a week later aren't penalized by everyone buying the games at the other stores first.

FFG just posted a link to an unboxing video (from the Star Wars news site "The Comlink") that listed the game as being available December 11th in the video description. Not sure if we can trust that date, but I seriously doubt they pulled it out of thin air.

I'm soooooooo excited!

Yep, here's the link in case anyone is interested:

December 11th in the description... :blink: *faints*

I don't get why you all cant wait. FFG said the game will come out in Q4 and took a lot of time to move it up. They just look really bad if it doesn't come out. They are pushing the Unboxing and game reviews like crazy. Looks like Thursday is the release date and that would be about right since there is not a preview next week and would be a two weeks or so before christmas.

We can't wait because most of us have been waiting our entire lives for a good star wars board game.

I don't get why you all cant wait. FFG said the game will come out in Q4 and took a lot of time to move it up. They just look really bad if it doesn't come out. They are pushing the Unboxing and game reviews like crazy. Looks like Thursday is the release date and that would be about right since there is not a preview next week and would be a two weeks or so before christmas.

I think there are a lot of people that are very excited for this game (at least partially because of all the spoilers/reveals for it) and FFG has a track record for delaying and not communicating the dates regardless of the "expected by" on the upcoming page. In truth the date in the video may not even be accurate, no one has confirmed it from FFG. I hope it is accurate, because I, like many, have extra time off during the holidays and would love to spend some of it (if not most of it) playing this game.

In truth, if it got delayed I'd be very disappointed, but I would still buy it whenever it came out.

I think another big factor is several other games/expansions have been delayed already (see SW LCG) and that's causing a bit of a void of Star Wars lately. This game would easily fill the void.

We "can't wait" because we are excited! Plan and simple. And you have to look at the situation, it's been on the boat since Oct 15 and boat trips are 4-6, we won't it to say it's being distributed with a release date or a "hey sorry folks it's being pushed back."

But neither of those are happening. We are in the window of it being released yet no official yay or nay.

Yeah, I'm just super excited about this game. If I say I "can't wait", it's the excitement talking, it's not that I'm disgruntled or upset about anything.

And it's fun trying to find out where things are at, tracking down photos of boxes at warehouses, checking with retailers to see if they have any news, etc. It's an outlet for all the Star Wars: Imperial Assault energy I have right now!

I don't get why you all cant wait.

It gets frustrating as a consumer when all the local stores start spamming different release dates.

Come on. We literally have pictures of boxes of the game ready to be bought but the current status is "still on the boat" ... Why have such an amazing tool when it's always delayed/doesn't reflect reality? Ugh.

A simple tweet explaining the delay would fix all of this.

Plus, with my limited experience with X-wing, the "shipping now" status is usually slapped on a week or two before the product hits stores.

It'll be amusing if IA goes straight from "on the boat" to "In stores now!" on Thursday haha.

*pictures a boat smashing into a store* :lol:

Edited by Armandhammer

If December 11th is a real date, and all the boxes start shipping to stores on the 11th, that is cutting it dangerously close to Christmas. There is only 10 shipping days before the 25th, and if for instance Coolstuff located in Florida, is shipping to the West Coast, or New England it might not make it. My last order from them took 4 shipping days to go from Florida to Maine. If it takes an additional 4 days for Coolstuff to get and repack everything, with the extended holiday shipping times it's going to be close!!

Hi all,

I've been reading these forums now for the last couple of months, thought I'd finally join. Reason being, thought I'd share the email I got today from the place I ordered my Imperial Assault from:

" just a quick email to update you on Star wars Imperial Assault. The distributors are sending out the game today, so we should have it tomorrow or Thursday and will get it sent out to you as soon as we can so hopefully you have it for the weekend. Thank you for your patience"

I'm in the UK, didn't get any price hike and everything is sounding encouraging. Roll on the 11th!

Hopefully it's a universal date and everyone can shower in their plastic crack soon enough

Edited by finalfantasyflightVII

Thanks for sharing that, FFFVII

Just saw one of my LGS here in WA state post on Facebook they will have by 15th. Waiting on my email from Min Market with my order saying shipped :)

Edited by cclaybern