OL timing + feat card question

By DaveHorn, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

My 9 year old son who is doing a bang up job playing OL in our current campaign vs myself and the good wife successfully attacked one of my heros this weekend. At the time I proceeded to play a counter attack feat card (can't remember the name of card, but essentially let me counterattacked after a successful melee atack). At the same time, my son played the card to destroy an equipped item (also can't remember the name, its the card restricted to one per OL deck). So who's card goes off first? Is the counter attack with it without weapon?

swear I once saw a good blurb in a rule book or FAQ about timing, but can't find it to save my life.

Thanks all! Lots of extremely helpful folks here!

not sure about your case but the rules about timeing at least for the core game are on the last few pages of the manual ... i think before the cards and skill inventory of that manual. it states :

Timing and “Start of Turn”
Whenever there is a question of timing, such as whether
an event card can be triggered before a hero can take an
action, etc., the event card always receives precedence
as long as the overlord player declares his intent to play
the event card in a timely fashion.
Many overlord event cards include the phrase “Play at
the start of your turn.” These cards must be played after
the overlord player has discarded down to eight cards
for the turn, but before he begins step 3 of his turn.
Event cards that say “Play immediately before a hero
takes his turn” can be played until the hero player
declares his action. As always, the overlord player
should be given a reasonable chance to play his card
before a hero declares his action.

Good luck fisting m8 :)

also check the trigger conditions of the OL card. i also belive u could change your course of action ... so that you wouldnt loose your card since a fist attak would suck :D

You are talking about Crushing Blow, and I'd have to say that if he played right after the attack was made he got you good because that's going to take precedence (at least to my understanding). Crushing Blow is dependent on the original attack he made, so as long as he played it at the same time as the attack then you are good. If he waited until you played the Feat card I'd be a little more suspect about it, otherwise I'd say it falls under the rule quoted above.

If I recall correctly, he has to make a successful attack and then play the card. So it wasn't played at the same time. Same thing with my feat card, "play after successful melee attack against you..." etc. That was why we had a dilemna.

Sort of on the same tack: How are Unarmed attacks handled? I know the rules say they consist of only a red die without any added abilitites, but are the hero's trait-based power dice still added to the red die?


That is what we do. Used the red die, plus the proper number of power dice for whatever attack type is being done. Its still a very weak attack but at least its something until a hero can make a quick trip to the market! We now carry backup weapon in our backpacks. That one card seems to surface at least once usually about two times per 3 floor dungeon on us!

not sure u can add trait dice. unarmed attak doesnt fall in any kind except melle does it ?

or do you consider that a mage will still atak with mage skills but "unarmed" ? :)

No, I mispoke, unarmed can only be melee attack if I remember correctly. So we attacked melee, using the melee trait dice + red.

DaveHorn said:

No, I mispoke, unarmed can only be melee attack if I remember correctly. So we attacked melee, using the melee trait dice + red.

if you'd add the dice to melle ... that would be a bit unfair to other classes :) wont it ?

Well, I'm not sure about fair.. This is a coop game no a PVP game.

Many characters aren't all one class. Some have one trait dice in each skill, some have 3 (or more) in only one skill, and everything in between. It would make sense to me that some big dude who can swing an axe with lots of power can also swing his fists with lots of power. While at the same time, a frail caster, if forced to go melee, is not going to be as strong as the melee guy. So we consulted the rules, the rules said unarmed attacks are melee attacks with one red die. The rules also state when making an attack type you role the trait dice for that attack.

In this case, the rules didn't seem to conflict to us and make sense to us in a thematic standpoint, so that's what we did.

ok :) i used the word fair instead of balance

But they hero's aren't balanced compared to each other, they aren't suppose to be.

Karnon is going to whoop butt (comparatively) in melee and he should (imo). Just like he is a sitting duck and some range/casters will rip him apart if he can't close if for a kill.

all heroes are ballanced ... consider the way you can create your own character :)

Disagree strongly. I think the proof if right there on the card when some heros are worth 4pts and others are worth 2pts. I'm not talking about custom created heros, I don't play with them, have no idea how they work, I'm just talking about the heros in the game+expansions.

DaveHorn said:

Disagree strongly. I think the proof if right there on the card when some heroes are worth 4pts and others are worth 2pts. I'm not talking about custom created heroes, I don't play with them, have no idea how they work, I'm just talking about the heroes in the game+expansions.

Except that Conquest Value is part of the balance. You don't give us as much conquest with Zyla as you do with Nanok. Her stats might not be as high, but she has to die 4x as much for the same conquest.

The Janitor

The Janitor said:

DaveHorn said:

Disagree strongly. I think the proof if right there on the card when some heroes are worth 4pts and others are worth 2pts. I'm not talking about custom created heroes, I don't play with them, have no idea how they work, I'm just talking about the heroes in the game+expansions.

Except that Conquest Value is part of the balance. You don't give us as much conquest with Zyla as you do with Nanok. Her stats might not be as high, but she has to die 4x as much for the same conquest.

The Janitor

The proof is in the fact that all heroes are not chosen equally by players.

Some heroes are unquestionably above average.
- Nanok, Talia, Silhouette, Astarra, Kirga, Jaes, Landrec... among others.

Some heroes are unquestionably below average.
- Aurim, Lyssa, Red Scorpion... among others

Iminent said:

DaveHorn said:

No, I mispoke, unarmed can only be melee attack if I remember correctly. So we attacked melee, using the melee trait dice + red.

if you'd add the dice to melle ... that would be a bit unfair to other classes :) wont it ?

It is stated that unarmed attacks are Melee attacks so you can add you melee trait dice and even apply any skills that give bonus to Melee attacks. So, yes, a weaponless Karnon is better than a weaponless Landrec.

Life's unfair, even for Heroes. ;)