new preview!

By Torresse, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

woot woot, love the reading.

I dont think there was anything new in this post for those of us who troll all things Imperial Assault. Just waiting for the rebel saboteurs to be uploaded to the site

Edited by Torresse

The Royal Guard Champion is quite the card. 6 speed, Brutality, Executor, and one of each defense die. I just want to know his full attack (the link to the full card is coming up 404 for me right now).

And I just love the skirmish version of Fenn Signis.

I believe it is Red Green Yellow, slightly worse then Vaders, higher surge rating though. Bleeding is going to be one of my favorite actions, the more options you give your opponent, the better

* Royal Guard Champion

(Guardian, Brawler)

Cost 15

Surge Pierce 2

Surge +2 damage

Surge Bleed

Special Action> Brutality:Perform 2 attacks. Each attack must have a different target.

Executor: When a friendly figure within 3 spaces is defeated, this figure may interrupt to move up to 2 spaces and then perform an attack. Limit once per round.

Health 13, Speed 6, Defense:Black/White, Attack:Yellow/Red/Green

Go look at the ally/villain packs it shows his attack die

Go look at the ally/villain packs it shows his attack die

Aha! I had missed that. Thanks for pointing it out.

The imperials are pretty melee based or like to stay in a group. So a combo of Stun+Blast shooting at range could really be nice.

Yeah Vader still has choke and IG88 is a big shooter. The probe droids have SD, Troopers need to stay close, and the rest of the Imp are pretty much melee so stunning them so they cant move could be great. Also a big key to the rebels is being able to get Command cards out faster and getting +3 pts.

I do like Fennis with Troopers.

As for vs the rebels

Looks like you need to use the Imp speed to get to missions and stay out of los. When the time is right hit hard. The Imp having the Probe droids with Mobile could be great at working with the missions. The stormtroopers are pretty good blockers and really good shooters for the cost. Vader with choke.

Not sure the Mercs have enough to play on their own yet. They will need to go to IMP I think are there best bet. Maybe throwing in Han or a Chewie in the Mercs could work too.

Edited by Jonnyb815

Have we seen "Rebel High Command" before? You can't see the text of it in the preview, but you can find it easily enough.


Have we seen "Rebel High Command" before? You can't see the text of it in the preview, but you can find it easily enough.

the text had been posted in a couple of different places (non ffg confirmed)

Rebel Saboteur is up

*Rebel Saboteur

(Spy, Heavy Weapon)

Cost 5/3 2 of each

+2 Accuracy

Surge Pierce 2

Surge Stun

Surge Blast 1

Overload: You can trigger the same Surge ability up to twice per attack.

Health 4, Speed 5, Defense white, Attack Red/Yellow

I didnt see Heavy weapon coming thats pretty cool him with the +4 damage command card could be big and he has a red die with surge blast and surge stun. There are two of them you can act in a turn.These guys are by far tier 1.

Edited by Jonnyb815

Rebel Saboteur is up
*Rebel Saboteur
(Spy, Heavy Weapon)
Cost 5/3 2 of each
+2 Accuracy
Surge Pierce 2
Surge Stun
Surge Blast 1
Overload: You can trigger the same Surge ability up to twice per attack.
Health 4, Speed 5, Defense white, Attack Red/Yellow
I didnt see Heavy weapon coming thats pretty cool him with the +4 damage command card could be big and he has a red die with surge blast and surge stun. There are two of them you can act in a turn.These guys are by far tier 1.

Could you please post the card here? For some reason I still get the error.

Could you please post the card here? For some reason I still get the error.

The reason it isn't showing up is because the link was written wrong. The link has an "s" at the end of saboteurs, when the proper link is singular, saboteur.


Could you please post the card here? For some reason I still get the error.

The reason it isn't showing up is because the link was written wrong. The link has an "s" at the end of saboteurs, when the proper link is singular, saboteur.


This guy getting focused by Gideon causes me to squirm a little bit if I have to face them (pretty fast too)

Do you think you'd benefit from having more than two Saboteurs in a squad? Also do these cards have backs with more info or is it just an image?

These guys have 2 things that I very much respect. Stun and a movement of 5. Their short range is certainly a weakness, so I really can't say if taking 20 points of saboteurs is a good idea (32 hp over 8 figures is pretty impressive) -Royal Guard is the best as far as bang for you buck in terms of HP though (64 hp over 8 figures....)

the thing is the maps are pretty small so after turn one really anything is in range less than 8 for the most part or you at least will get an attack from 8.(yeah i know you need +1 from the green die)

They are support pieces thats it. I really do think a support piece that can double blast and or stun is big and using two in a act is where its at too.

I use to play gungans in the star wars minis game and they pretty much could do the something as these guys just at los.

@tint looks like I found my new it piece lol

Edited by Jonnyb815

Lol, Jonnny. Yeah, it seems like these guys are right up your alley!

Can units be double stunned?, doubled bled?

Can units be double stunned?, doubled bled?


From "Conditions" in the Rules Reference:

A figure cannot be affected by multiple instances of the same
condition. For example, if a figure that is already Stunned
would become Stunned again for any reason, nothing happens.

I'm wondering if the Overkload ability is for their Blast 1*(damage)?

So they could cause two blasts that each cause one damage, perhaps?

Or you could pierce 4

I'm wondering if the Overkload ability is for their Blast 1*(damage)?

So they could cause two blasts that each cause one damage, perhaps?

Yes. So it's very possible to decimate a squad of stormtroopers with shots of just two of these guys. However, I imagine that in most cases, your opponent will be aware of this Blast 2 capability and not group his figures together very often. But even then, the Overload-Blast combo is having a big impact on the game, since it's preventing stormtroopers from getting their free rerolls, and it's preventing the Royal Guards from giving an extra Block to adjacent allies, etc. Even the threat of double-Blast will be enough to impact the flow of skirmishes.

Edited by thereisnotry

There are two command cards that let you shoot through characters. Just one one thoses and how small maps are will be hard to not to keep your guys tegether. In the Star Wars minis game I use to play gungans and who pretty much with tarpals could do the same thing overload does. It's not they just have blasts its that they can counter vader with pierce 2 or stun. Then on top of that they have the key word spy on which means they will get command cards that won't let you shoot them or move away from attacks. Also they have speed 5 letting you attack and move or get in postion. I yeah they have a red die which is really rare for non beats.

Edited by Jonnyb815

I I get that they can do only get to 7 squares maybe 8 vs a luke at around 12 with a move or a Han with 10. They both have a range die to help out with. Attacking g from 7-8 away is like a mini charge in this game.

Edited by Jonnyb815