aura, undieing and large monster questions

By Iminent, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hello everyone ,

i have a small issue with interpreting 3 things

1. holy aura definition states: Each time an enemy figure moves into a space adjacent
to a figure with the Aura ability, it immediately suffers 1 wound that cannot be reduced by armor.

does this mean that a figure passing by another figure with aure gets more than 1 wound ? for example

i have a corridor of 2x4 size. if a figure with aura is placed on either side of this corridor... a figure passing it would pass thrue 3 adjacent spaces. would this figure get 3 wound or 1 ? does it have to stop in an adjacent space to get wounded ?

and the second question:

2 undieing ability states: When an Undying figure is killed, roll one power die. If
a power surge is rolled, the figure is instantly restored to
full health (although any leftover damage from the
killing blow is then applied to it).

does the leftover damage ignore armor ? i think i read it ignores armor someplace but i cant seem to find it anymore.

3 large monsters moment rules say that a large monster is affected only once by an obstacle. so .. a monster 4x4 does it have to have his front in a 2x1 pit to be affected ? or does he only have to step with 1 space into the pit to be affected and take 1 wound? also do large monsters "fall" into pits even if they dont fit the pits ? i know this has been changed from the initial rule where a large monster would have to totaly be insite a pit to "fall" into it and now he is "affected" by obstacles even if he is not totaly steping on them .... but do they still fall in 1 pit spaces and have to use movement points to get out ?

Thanks in advance for any clarification on this.

1. The figure takes a wound for every space he moves into that's adjacent to the character with Aura, so yes, he'd take 3 wounds.

2. The extra damage ignores armor; it's still from the same attack that has already connected. This can lead to having to roll for the undying revival twice in a row! I've managed to pull that off before, it really pisses the heroes off. :)

3. Monsters are only affected by pits if they completely fall in the pit. Same goes for mud and pretty much anything else I believe as long as it's not an obstacle that blocks movement (rubble still blocks them if they can't get past). I believe only one square of a monster has to enter lava to take damage but someone might be able to correct me on that one.

ok so large monsters still get wounds for the pit but can just walk over them without spending 2 points to climb out . :D

I believe wounds only apply if you fall into the pit. If a large monster can't fall into the pit because he doesn't "fit" then he never falls in and never takes wounds.

i'm sure they take wounds. i read it in the FAQ i think .. .but they dont say if it has to climb out or not. in the core game manual it sais that they are only "Affected" when they full drop in a pit. but the FAQ states they take dmg if they step on it

Iminent said:

i'm sure they take wounds. i read it in the FAQ i think .. .but they dont say if it has to climb out or not. in the core game manual it sais that they are only "Affected" when they full drop in a pit. but the FAQ states they take dmg if they step on it

A large monster does not take wounds from a pit unless it falls in, just like any monster. A large monster would have to walk over a 4x4 square pit to fall in, which is really unlikely.

The FAQ entry for large monsters and terrain is very confusing and poorly written. If the base of a large creature moves from 2/4/6 clear spaces such that even one space occupies a terrain/obstacles that causes it to spend extra movement/grants a bonus then it is affected that time, and that time only by that space . You only pay penalties once per square per monster.

That FAQ entry is even a rule really, its a set of guidelines for "arbitrating" such situations. However it gets treated like a rule, so now we have dragons whose base is occupying one tree square getting Shadowcloak.

ok... so actually the pits are the exception where they actually have to "fall" into it :D

i only know of slime (not sure what that one does .. since there are refrences in the manual but i havent seen any "slime" ingame yet) pits water and rocks at the moment since i just bought the core game :D planning on buying all addons soon. :)

Big Remy said:

The FAQ entry for large monsters and terrain is very confusing and poorly written. If the base of a large creature moves from 2/4/6 clear spaces such that even one space occupies a terrain/obstacles that causes it to spend extra movement/grants a bonus then it is affected that time, and that time only by that space . You only pay penalties once per square per monster.

That FAQ entry is even a rule really, its a set of guidelines for "arbitrating" such situations. However it gets treated like a rule, so now we have dragons whose base is occupying one tree square getting Shadowcloak.

Actually, that FAQ entry directly contradicts established rules, without explicitly changing them. Their examples of terrain that large monsters (without the ruling) would suffer more than small monsters include mud and lava, which large monsters actually suffer less from, because they follow the same rule as pits (large figures are unaffected unless every space they occupy is a pit space). And they give no explicit criteria for deciding which obstacles are affected by the ruling and which aren't.

So if you're going to take it as given, you have to assume it applies to pits, which makes no sense. And that it often has the exact opposite effect of its stated intent.

On top of that, the rules for ice were published after that FAQ, but they also follow the same rules as pits, and neither references the other. If ice was supposed to be affected by this ruling, then the people publishing ToI screwed up big-time. If it's not supposed to be affected, but pits are , then the designers need to be strung up by their thumbs for deliberately and unclearly re-instating a deprecated mechanic. So someone made a major screw-up here no matter what theory you go with.

I strongly advise that you ignore that rule entirely. Large figures suffer no effects from pits, mud, lava, or ice unless every space they occupy contains that obstacle.

Slime doesn't exist, by the way. It's referenced only in the online PDF of the rules, which is older than dirt. Probably an editing mistake left over from an internally-tested version of the game.

ok thanks for the reply :) and the correction on slime.

it makes sense the way you put it but then you would have to do the same for elevated effects.

hmm maybe i should just go for : " affect the monster if it touches any obstacle... and in the case of pits :D i dont know .. maybe he just stumbles upon it and recieves 1 wound but quikly recovers and doesnt fall in it unless it is a "big" pit " :D

thanks anyway ... just wanted to confirm i wasnt the only one confused