Hi there, I'm new to playing this game and card games in general. I'm a little confused about the cards that have Limited written on them. The rules state you can only have one in play. I was playing with the Targaryen deck and one of the cards with Limited on it said to discard after playing it but another card didn't state that.
So what I don't understand is if I have a Limited card in play and it doesn't state to discard it, how do I put another Limited card into play? Or is it as simple as once you play a Limited card it is then automatically discarded? Or do I discard it when I want to put another Limited card into play to replace it?
What about duplicates of the same Limited card? Can you put them underneath the other one in play as a duplicate like you can do for Characters?
Another question, is there a limit to how many cards you can have in your hand? The rules state at start up to have 7. Do you need to stay at 7 and discard any extras? Or is that just for start up?
Thank you!!!